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Homosex increasing in India

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Hooray for Bollywood

If the themes of sexual ambiguity mixed

with rock and roll and cultural war in

Hedwig and the Angry Inch seem a bit

over-the-top, you've clearly been

sheltered from the eccentricities of

India's Bollywood.

By Andy Shah


Bollywood-the B stands for Bombay, the film

capital of India-is brimming with a

head-spinning array of silk saris (sometimes on

the men), overacting, and the most asinine dance

sequences one could ever imagine (picture the

Macarena combined with the jive).


But I grew up on these films, rented from Indian

stores in Los Angeles by my Indian-born parents

and avidly watched by our entire stateside

extended family, and I love them. And so do

millions of others, from New Delhi to Nairobi to

next door of wherever you live, making

Bollywood the largest film industry in the world.


To people reared on Hollywood, it can be

difficult to explain the allure of these Bollywood

films and their soundtracks (at least eight songs

for every film). I guess it's an acquired taste. Of

course, some Indian movies actually have plots

and good acting, and not all the songs ignore the

fine attributes of subtlety and sincerity. Usually,

though, three hours of melodrama and the

tendency of the characters to burst into song and

dance after the significant event of, say, brushing

their teeth, is, for the unacquainted, usually

followed with a convulsive "What the hell are

these people thinking?"


I often ask myself the same question but in a

different context. "What the hell are these people

thinking," I ask, "putting the men in tight faded

jeans and body-hugging tank tops and the women

in the most ostentatious costumes since Christian

Lacroix-and not realizing that their every move

screams gay?"


I've often fantasized about the day an Indian

actor or actress will come out in real life-the day

they'd come out in grand, Ellen DeGeneres,

"Yep, I'm gay"-style so even my relatives who

detest Bollywood films would be talking about it.

Someone with enough stature that they won't be

relegated thereafter to playing the maniac or

having suicidal tendencies. After all, out

celebrities and characters often help closeted or

questioning folks become more comfortable with

their sexualities. I'll even admit that watching Paul

Rudd's gay character in the sappy movie The

Object of My Affection made me realize that

gays can lead normal lives.


Oh, what a difference a gay Bollywood star

would make! Such an effect they could have on

all the questioning youth of South Asia and the

Indian diaspora as well as anyone else who

watches these supposedly flimsy flicks.


It's not just about having someone new to drool

over-it's also about knowing that something that

is so personal and familiar to me can make room

for gays. Though many dismiss Bollywood films, I

believe these movies are one element that help

confused Indian-American kids like myself

solidify their identities. It's something that we

watched to feel at least slightly connected with

our parents' culture. But, as much as I love them,

after watching these films for a while it gets

difficult seeing the same hetero lovefest played

out over and over again.


The main problem, though, is not one of supply

but of demand. God knows there appear to be

candidates aplenty for the job of Queer Role

Model for India (OK, maybe that's asking a bit

too much). The new muscle craze among

Bollywood actors-started by Salman Khan,

who trots around half naked most of the time, and

his successor, Hrithik Roshan-screams "Notice

me, Chelsea boy!" Then there's Madhuri Dixit,

who was rumored among many to be a lesbian

for-God forbid-remaining unmarried in her late

20s. She would have been the perfect person to

co-opt into the queer domain. Alas, she's married



But that's the spoiled American in me speaking.

It's heartwarming to see the relatively large

number of celebrities that come out in America.

Of course, it's never enough, but my demands for

more are quieted when I realize that there are

hardly any out stars in India. I'll spare you the

sermon about how Indian culture (there isn't just

one, by the way) is like this or that-I'm not

qualified, having been born and raised here. What

I do know is that many straight Indians still simply

refuse to accept that gay Indians exist. Ashok

Row Kavi, one of the most influential gay activists

in India, says that India maintains a "convenient

blind eye towards sexuality of any sort." Though

certain aspects of Indian culture are very

homosocial-men often hold hands in the street,

and the folk dance bhangra is chock-full of

near-humping gestures-the actual deed is still



So, Bollywood-I'm just asking for one person.



Seriously, though, it'll take a movement, a

societal shift toward open discussion of queer

issues, to make my dream come true. Thankfully,

there is a growing openly gay presence in India.

Gay organizations and magazines sprout up every

day, and there are even a few films that deal with

the issue, such as Bombay Boys and BOMgAY.


And then maybe one day we'll no longer have

only to wish and wonder about that one star who

loves to wear tight Levi's and muscle shirts while

dancing in flower fields. It'll be clear to everyone.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah just what India(or any country)needs is more fag parades, fag movies etc.,to help the youth "solidify their identities"


I know what America needs;spearate restrooms for homosexuals.


If Bollywood does come out with gay films I hope the populace burns down a couple theaters to stop them from making any more.


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this anger and hatred of gay's is a problem for anyone

who desires to be a vehicle for the distribution

of Mahaprabhus mercy.


why be so antagonistic to people solely on the basis of what they like to do sexually ?


what good can come of it ?


You must relalize some facts,


When Srila Prabhupada first came to America,he was living alone in the bowery in manhattan, his very first encounter with americans was with two homosexuals he met on the street who eventually became his first two disciples,

got his Gita published,typed it up for him, and basically

were his arms and legs when all he had was a typewriter and a room .

They are credited with bringing their friends to meet with Srila Prabhupada and became the nucleus for the original temple on 2nd ave.


Did Srila Prabhupada treat them as pariahs,did he reject them and treat them like 2nd class citizens ?


The truth is that Mahaprabhu saw fit to use them as an example,His mercy goes out to all regardless of

their lifestyle or sexual mores, His mercy is not one of

prejudice and castigation and attack, it is one of



Attacking the gay community can only hurt you, they are rich ,and powerfull and highly educated in general.

As allies they can be your best friend ,ask Srila Prabhupada, as enemies they can only hurt you,

so why be antagonistic to them,it is foolish.



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Anger & hatred?You take your reading into others thoughts a little too seriously Shiva.I do regard them as pests sometimes.I see their promoting of their lifestyles as counter to a spiritualy progressive civilization.


Prabhupada also showed his mercy to meat eatters, drug addicts and promiscuous heterosexuals.He also spoke out against all these habits.I fall under all three headings.



Shiva:"Attacking the gay community can only hurt you, they are rich ,and powerfull and highly educated in general.

As allies they can be your best friend ,ask Srila Prabhupada, as enemies they can only hurt you,

so why be antagonistic to them,it is foolish.



My wellbeing depends on Krsna and My own willingness to surrender to Him.No need to kiss faggot ass.





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