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Optical Illusion

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Haribol! I had made a mistake. I reviewed the picture again to make sure I understood what they were saying, and I had made a mistake.


I just checked it in photoshop a second time, and it is true, the colors of the squares are identical. It was hard for me to believe, but it is true.


This is a pretty amazing optical illusion.


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wife response: Were you able to verify by using the eyedropper tool in Photoshop or doing a cut and paste? What I did was cut out the square in the shadow and then move it up to compare side by side with the other square. I was amazed that they were identical. I was even more amazed as I watched myself moving the cut out peice (my eyes were "adjusting" as I watched it).

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Om Shanti...


If interested in learning about

my specifc path, please visit

my heart...




Here is the essence of introductory

Tantra in a simple format that shares

the many treads of our Path's purpose:


The path as the key to the final Truth,

the ultimate Goal.


The goal, not the method is of central

focus. For indeed, Dear Hearts, we

are One, One, Om...




Om Shanti

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