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Priest Unearthed Smelling of Roses

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Sweet smelling body of dead priest unearthed in Romania


A small church in Romania is drawing crowds of Christians after the perfectly preserved body of a 19th century priest was unearthed smelling of roses.


Workers reconstructing a church in Husi in northern Romania found the body of a man dressed in the robes of an Orthodox priest.


Some Christians believe the bodies of blessed people have a strong pleasant perfume around them because their corpses have been visited by Jesus.


Romanian daily Adevarul reports records indicate the body may be that of the priest who consecrated the church in the early 1800s - priest Irimia Hagiu.


Alexandru Vijianu, vicar of the Saint Niculai church, said: "The body looks as if it was buried yesterday and what is even more incredible is that it has a wonderful scent of roses. It is possible that we are standing before the

discovery of a saint."


Story filed: 11:06 Wednesday 9th October 2002


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