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Tualsi vow

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Hare Krishna


I have a problem, my vice is that I smoke cigs and drink alcohol, and I definitely want to give up, and I made a vow before the Tulasi Plant that I would, and have broke the promise 2 times now, how much sin will I incur for it I do not know, but I do want to become devoted to Lord Krishna and His Devotee, but my addiction is making me fall down, what shall I do? Thank you and Hare Krishna and forgive me for my shameful behaviour, for I cannot control my senses.


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Its too late for my initial advice, but I think it general its best not to make vows in the name of a deity. I think however, just be sincere, and try your best. Associate with devotees. We can't give up everything overnight. In time, with persistence, I think you can conquer it. I have heard that to give up smoking is harder than giving up heroine. I found that hard to believe, but I have heard this to be the case. So understand that your failure is not just your lack of will. Lots of people have the same problems.

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Hare Krishna!


The fact that you want to give up these habits is a sign that you are sincere. It may be hard to give up these habits, but by association with devotees and increased chanting I am sure you will succeed.


The Bhagavatam says, "Just as a small child first falls many times while learning to walk, but then eventually is able to walk without falling; so in the same way the devotee may at first fall from his vows, but eventually will be fixed in his devotional service without falling."


It is natural that a child will fall when trying to learn to walk. We have to just get up and try again, and keep doing it till we have learned to walk without falling.


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Dear Guest,


I don't smoke, drink alcohol,eat meat, steal, take drugs,and I only have sex in my mind these days.


At one time I did all of these and in abundance.Just keep chanting and praying.Perhaps apologize to Krsna in front of Tulasi and stop beating yourself over it.Do your best and move on.These habits will drop off in time.


There are plenty of non-smoking non-drinking demons out there who hate the very idea of God.


We are in the age of grace.Chant and be happy soul.



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Hare Krishna


Thankyou everyone for the uplifting advice, 'There are plenty of non-smoking non-drinking demons out there who hate the very idea of God', when I think about that I should give my bad habits up, but I can’t just yet, but on the positive side I am able to stop now and again i.e. for 1 week etc, so with extra chanting and determination I will with Lord Krishna grace, but I’m still sorry for making a vow before Tulasi Devi, thankyou and Hare Krishna!


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Haribol, good discussion here, reality internet, whatta concept. Srila Prabhupada always emphasized that taking to Krsna Consciousness is a gradual process. In the old days when He first came west, virtually all of his disciples had vices much worse than just fermented hops and tobacco. He did not overexert to make these devotees quit their vices, his entire emphasis was to purify with Harinama.


Ya see, we all have full cups. Prabhupada, and vaisnavism as a whole, is a positive process. Other yoga systems practice rigid renunciation and self-deprivation, but this is not needed. In this age, all that is required is Harinam. The unwanted thing will gradually fall off as the consciousness becomes purified by harinam.


Of course later, if one wanted initiation, a promise is made to guru to follow his program, whatever he decides. He nevertheless has thousands of disciples that never made such a formal promise, but he does not reject them, he encourages always.


The promise to Srimati Tulasi devi is a form of purification, in that your desire to get unaddicted is such that you have the sense to ask for help. But Tulasi Devi, being the toipmost vasinava and fully in madurya rasa, is also merciful and is still helping. Like Srila Prabhupada, She knows that relationship between devotees is a two way street. As Prabhupada commits himself to his ward, even in the event that the reciprocation is flawed by the likes of us rascals, his commitment has no such flaw. So we always get spiritual strength from observation of such a display of unconditional love exhibited by Prabhupada and Srimati Tulasi devi, that we try to improve, not overly discouraged by our setbacks, but with a little improvement in our ultimate determination.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Dear guest, you wrote of your worry about incurring sin due to failing to keep your vow. But as mahak and the others have written, your attempt shows the strength of your desire. Nothign ventured, nothing gained (or as my father used to say, theonly way to avoid making mistakes is to do nothing). Like the turtle of the cliche, we don't get anywhere without sticking our necks out.


The key to success is found in the beginning of Rupa Goswami's Upadeshamrita. Do you have a copy? It's a wonderful book, presented by Srila Prabhupada as The Nectar of Instruction. Narayan Maharaj's followers also have some essays on these few verses. The most important elements of our practice are hearing (or reading) attentively, regular chanting of Krishna's names, good association, especially association of genuinely advanced devotees, and the guidance of a qualified spritual master. When we examine the process of devotional service Lord Chaitanya describes to Sanatan Goswami, the first five steps involve commitment to the service of the spiritual master.

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