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Interesting Study - Jesus Christ is a clone of Krishna

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The christian god Jesus Christ is almost a carbon copy clone of the

hindu god Krishna which existed 900 to 1200 years before Jesus Christ.


Christ isn't the only god that is a clone of the Krishna god. Many

others exist. For example Buddha is also a clone of the Krishna god

that existed hundred of years before Christ.




Krishna was the eighth Avatar or incarnation of the god Vishnu, one of

the Hindoo Trinity. In this incarnation Vishnu, it is said, "appeared

in all the fullness of his power and glory." His mother was Devaki. He

is believed to be a historical character, but his real history, like

that of Jesus, is almost entirely obscured by myths. He lived from 900

to 1,200 years before the Christian era The story of his life is to be

found in the "Bhagavat," one of the "Puranas," while his religious

teachings are given in the "Bhagavad-Gita," a poem belonging to the



The points of resemblance between Krishna and Christ that have been

printed would fill a volume. Some of these are apocryphal, and not

confirmed by the canonical scriptures of India The limits of this

chapter preclude an extended list even of the undoubtedly genuine. I

shall confine myself chiefly to a presentation of the most important

ones relating to their births. These, according to the Christian

translator of the "Bhagavat Purana," Rev. Thomas Maurice, are as



1. Both were miraculously conceived.


2. Both were divine incarnations.


3. Both were of royal descent.


4. Devatas or angels sang songs of praise at the birth of each.


5. Both were visited by neighboring shepherds.


6. In both cases the reigning monarch, fearing that he would be

supplanted in his kingdom by the divine child, sought to destroy him.


7. Both were saved by friends who fled with them in the night to

distant countries.


8. Foiled in their attempts to discover the babes both kings issued

decrees that all the infants should be put to death.


Writing of Krishna in the eighteenth century, Sir William Jones says:

"In the Sanscrit dictionary, compiled more than two thousand years

ago, we have the whole history of the incarnate deity, born of a

virgin, and miraculously escaping in infancy from the reigning tyrant

of his country" (Asiatic Researches, Vol. I, p. 273).


The subsequent careers of these deities are analogous in many

respects. Their missions were the same - the salvation of mankind.

Both performed miracles - healed the sick and raised the dead. Both

died for man by man. There is a tradition, though not to be found in

the Hindoo scriptures, that Krishna, like Christ, was crucified.


Various incidents recorded in the life of Christ were doubtless

suggested by similar incidents in the life of Krishna He washed the

feet of his disciples because Krishna had washed the feet of the

Brahmins. He taught his disciples the possibility of removing a

mountain, because Krishna, to protect his worshipers from the wrath of

Indra, raised Mount Goverdhen above them. His parents in their flight

with him, as related in the Gospel of the Infancy, stopped at a place

called Matured Krishna was born at Mathura


The earliest followers of each were from the lower classes of society,

those of Krishna being herdsman and milkmaids. Christ's most ardent

worshipers have from the first been women: "Chrishna," to quote the

authority last mentioned, "continues to this hour the darling god of,

the women of India"


McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia notes the following events in the

history of Krishna which correspond with those related of Christ:

"That he was miraculously born at midnight of a human mother and

saluted by a chorus of Devatas [angels]; that he was cradled among

cowherds, during which period of life he was persecuted by the giant

Kansas and saved by his mother's flight; the miracles with which his

life abounds, among which were the raising of the dead and the

cleansing of the leprous" (Art. "Krishna].


The celebrated missionary and traveler, Pere Huc, who made a journey

of several thousand miles through China and Tibet, says. "If we

addressed a Mogul or Tibetan this question, Who is Krishna? the reply

was instantly 'The savior of men.""All that converting the Hin- doos

to Christianity does for them," says Robert Cheyne, "is to change the

object of their worship from Krishna to Christ. Of Krishna's gospel,

the "Bhagavad-Gita," Appleton's Cyclopedia says, "Its correspondence

with the New Testament is indeed striking."


The parallels between Krishna and Christ to be found in the Hindoo

scriptures and the Christian Gospels are too numerous and too exact to

be accidental. The legends of the one were borrowed from the other. It

is admitted by Christian scholars that Krishna lived many centuries

before Christ. To admit the priority of the Krishna legends is to

deny, to this extent, the originality of the Gospels. To break the

force of the logical conclusion to be drawn from this some argue that

while Krishna himself antedated Christ, the legends concerning him are

of later origin and borrowed from the Evangelists. Regarding this

contention Judge Waite, in his History of the Christian Religion,

says: "Here then, we have the older religion and the older god. This,

in the absence of any evidence on the other side, ought to settle the

question. To assume without evidence that the older religion has been

interpolated from the later, and that the legends of the older hero

have been made to conform to the history of a later character, is

worse than illogicalÄit is absurd."

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  • 2 years later...
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"Because swans share common unique characteristics does not mean that they each do not possess those qualities. "


Similarities do not mean one borrowed from the other necessarily. If both were sent by God, or if both were manifestations of God, the similarities could have been intentional for some reason.


Who knows?

As for these stories about Krishna being crucified like Christ, if these aren't recorded in any text, then why do Christians KEEP trying to make this connection with Christ?



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clone designations of unenlightened opinion express the lack of what ever , every one knows we are children of God ..sons and daughters regardless...otherwise simply JIVAS

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