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I hate all these people/groups that attack the Boy Scouts which is one of the best organizations out there for building strong values in young men.


Scout’s Dishonor

Atheist Says He’s Been Booted from the Boy Scouts


By Gene Johnson

The Associated Press


S E A T T L E, Nov. 5 — An Eagle Scout says he has been kicked out as an adult leader of the Boy Scouts of America for refusing to declare a belief in a higher power.


Darrell Lambert, 19, of Port Orchard said Monday he'd just been informed of the decision by the Chief Seattle Council, the Scouts' regional governing body.

"They kicked me out today," he told The Associated Press. "They said my registration will be sent back to me.


"Am I bitter? No. Disappointed? Yeah. We're in the 21st century. Our country was founded on religious freedom, and the Boy Scouts of America are still discriminating."


He said he planned to appeal the decision within the Scouts and had 60 days to do so.


The issue arose about a month ago, after Lambert attended a Boy Scout leadership training seminar. There, he argued with a Scout leader of a different troop over whether atheists should be expelled.


The council said last week it would give him about a week to declare his belief in a higher power.


Lambert refused, saying that to lie would make him a bad Scout.


Scouts Allowed to Exclude Members


The Irving, Texas-based Boy Scouts of America did not return calls seeking comment Monday.


In a statement released Monday, the Chief Seattle Council said: "We regret that Mr. Lambert feels his beliefs must be compromised; that is never requested or desired by the BSA. The Boy Scouts of America is a shared values organization and we do not ask anyone to compromise their beliefs just to become a member … We only ask those who disagree with the Boy Scouts to show Scouting the same respect."


As a private organization, the Boy Scouts is permitted to exclude certain people from membership. The association's ban on gay leaders was reaffirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000.


On membership applications, Boy Scouts and adult leaders must say they recognize a higher power — whether it be through organized religion or an unstructured faith. References to God are also included in the Scouts' oath and Scout law.


Lambert said he has been an atheist since ninth grade, when he concluded that science had disproved the accounts of creation given in the Bible. Previously, he said, he had been agnostic.


‘They Commended Me on My Honesty’


He had declared his atheism to the Scout leaders overseeing his Eagle Scout application last year, but was still granted the award, which cannot be revoked — even if he is kicked out of the organization.


"They commended me on my honesty," Lambert said.


Lambert, who earned 37 merit badges as a Boy Scout, said the organization is arbitrary about which membership guidelines it enforces. The Scout oath require Scouts to be strong, for example, but "we're not kicking people out for not exercising regularly," he said.


"They are picking and choosing which rules they go by," he said.


Scouting is for boys ages 11-17. Lambert serves as an adult leader of Troop 1531 in Port Orchard and in the Explorer Search and Rescue program, which handles rescue attempts on Washington's Kitsap and Olympic peninsulas. He spent last summer fighting wildfires in Oregon, Nevada, California and Colorado, and he is working toward his associate's degree in arts and sciences at Tacoma Community College.


In his spare time, he baby-sits for his sister's three children.


His mother, Trish Lambert, told CNN that no one in their family attends church, and that her husband is also an atheist.


"Darrell's not just fighting this for himself. He's fighting this for all the Scouts that have no real belief in God," she said.

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Let him start his own atheist scout organization.The scouts have an oath with affirms the oath takers believe in a Deity.This scout has taken that oath and was not being truthful when he did.


This reminds me of when I got kicked out of the cub scouts when I was a little kid.I lasted just two weeks.When I joined I thought we were going to be going out to the woods to met the bears and stuff.When I realized we weren't I incited a riot at my den mothers house.Tore the place up a bit but no major damage. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif ahhh... childhood

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I can't quote it. I saw this scout being interviewed on TV and the host read the oath, which mention an acceptance of God very explicitly, and asked him why he gave the oath if he didn't believe it. No good answer came.


He seems like a nice young man in many ways.I can appreciate that he is now not faking a belief in God to stay in the Scouts.But a group has a right to make their own rules.

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I was in my secondary school's Boy Scout Troop for a few years and I really had to enjoy my time there. But I had to quit because my school work wasn't going very well and Scouting was taking up too much of time.


Anyway, during the "initiation" (the proper term is "investiture"), we had to say the Scout Promise which goes something like:"I promise to do my best, to my duty to God and to the Republic of Singapore and to obey the Scout Law." I can't remember the whole Scout law, but some of its tenents were something like:"A Scout is to be trusted", "A Scout is observant" and "A Scout maintains harmonious relationships."


The Founder of the Boy Scout Movement is Lord Baden Powell (1853-1941). He wrote Scouting for Boys which had a huge impact on many people. But in the Scout Troop that I was in, his portrait hung in the Den, but he was more like a benevolent symbol --- present, but hardly invoked except during important days and campfires. But he was a great man, who tried to put godly values into his Scouts --- values which, unfortunately, I have not really lived up to.


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gimme a break, to tell someone he HAS to believe in God

or he is a second class citizen is absurd.


A person is not responsible for whether or not he believes

in God, God decides that.


As far as the boy scouts, they are owned by the Mormon

church,every mormon is automatically a member.

The boy scouts has been used as a recruiting and

incalculating system for the many mormons who go on to a career in intelligence agencies.


It is used specifically to instill patriotism

and to use as a background check for potential agents.


The intelligence apparatus in the u.s. has more mormons then any other faith, in fact a few years back a latino FBI

agent sued the FBI claiming that the "mormon mafia"

within the FBI continually blocked the advancement of non mormons,many other agents joined in the lawsuit,

and they won.

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no, the scouts said he had to believe in god.

It is absurd to make that a condition for children.


If it was a religious organization solely would they make that demand ?


No, they would want atheists to join in order to convert them.

But because they do not preach their religion in the scouts

they foolishly decide that children who do not have the

intellectual ability to seriously consider the question

should be judged.

then these children will suffer not only exclusion from their friends but also possibly other ostraziation

from others in their community.


It is an arrogance and cruelty to treat children as such,they should be brought down a peg or two,

for such debasement of the aspiratiuons of ANY child to develop good qualities.


One shouldn'tbe judged on his belief

or disbelief in god, only the quality

of their character.

In this case the boy scout leadership should

be forced to quit instead of the child.

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The boy was lucky to be kicked out of that mormon front group. You see, a mormon will say that they believe in God because they believe that God is a position that good mormons can attain.


Better to be avowed atheist than so called believers who use god to wipe their bloody sins off on again and again.


believe in god! who cares about beliefs, hell, the dc sniper believes in god, hitler and nixon believed in god, even engles got mushy at marx's funeral because he believed in god. If the boy scouts mandated that a scout work on reciprocation of the love God has for each of us, it would be an entirely different matter, but belief is such a sham, is day to day, is very conditional, and ultimately worthless.


haribol, mahaksadasa

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It is true that the Mormons have a lot of say in the Boy Scouts. They basically enroll all of their young men into this program because they believe it builds character. Nothing conspiratorial here. Of course they have lots of influence because of this, but it doesn't detract from the Boy Scouts being a fine organization.

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As far as I know, the Scout's Promise mentions God inside, so by default, a Scout has to believe in God. To take the Scout promise without believing in God is simply dishonest. Actually, to take Scout without at least believing in some form of higher power is like someone trying to get initiated into a Vaishnava sect without any belief in Krsna or Visnu. There are plenty of Uniform groups out there for children that doesn't require an allegiance to God.


The following is the text of the Scout Promise as said by the Boy Scouts of UK:


"On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen,To help other people and to keep the Scout Law."


Other countries have different versions, but it seems that all of them mention God. There is a webpage which shows the different versions of the Scout Promise used by Scouts in other countries: http://www.scoutingresources.org.uk/councult_promise.html


Anyone who wants to be a Scout has to take the Scout Promise which more or less means that he has to have some belief in God.





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Dear Mahaksadasa:


Hare Krsna! I was quite surprised to read that you described the Boy Scouts as a "mormon front group". The Founder of the Boy Scouts is Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell --- an English man.


Actually the Boy Scouts is not exactly a spiritual organization like ISKCON or the Roman Catholic Church. As far as I know, the focus is on building leadership skills, survival skills and team spirit. I don't think that's "ultimately worthless" --- if these qualities eventually come to be used in the service of the Supreme Lord in some other time, place and circumstance.


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Towards the end of his life, although still in comparatively good health, Lord Baden Powell (the Founder of the Boy Scout Movement who was and still is known affectionately to Scouts as "BP") prepared a farewell message to his Scouts for publication after his death. It read:


Dear Scouts - if you have ever seen the play "Peter Pan" you will remember how the pirate chief was always making his dying speech because he was afraid that possibly when the time came for him to die he might not have time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a parting word of good-bye.


Remember, it is the last time you will ever hear from me, so think it over.


I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too.


I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn't come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so you can enjoy life when you are a man.


Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.


But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. "Be Prepared" in this way, to live happy and to die happy- stick to your Scout Promise always when you have ceased to be a boy - and God help you to do it.


Your friend,


Robert Baden-Powell




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The mormons own the boy scouts, it is their property.


By "mormons "I mean the mormon church.


The boy scouts are not a religious order, they are a social

group for children and teens , in fact Srila Prabhupada once said that in the west intelligent people are atheists

because the reigions are so philosophically inadequate

that an intelligent person rejects them.


As far as conspiracy, it is, the mormon church is a pyramid

in structure, all funds and decisions are controlled by the top man and his aids.

The mormons must give a tithe, all money goes to the leader,

not the individual churches, if the mormon does not tithe

he is excommunicated, a very large amount of mormons are constantly being excommunicated because of this.


the boy scouts are a mormon run orginization, they do not want people to openly be agnostic or atheistic because

they feel this might lead to discussion and ultimately

lessining of faith in mormonism, causing a decrease of fundage.

Also the boy scouts are used to instill patriotism

intertwined with mormonism for the future

scouts who are "scouted " by mormon dominated intelligence agencies who wish to maintain their dominance

and their alleigance to the mormon church hierarchy.


to have a boy openly display atheism causes the leaders to

fear that the mormon scouts will be affected and this may lead to problems when they get older i.e.-theywill not give a tithe,and they will not be submissive to mormon

church influence when they become intelligence agents.

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Dear Shiva:


You wrote: "The mormons own the boy scouts, it is their property."


The mormons owe the Boy Scout Movement? That's about the most far-fetched theory I've heard recently. It's like saying that ISKCON is owned by the CIA. The Founder of the Boy Scouts, Lord Baden Powell was a General in the British Army and, as far as I know, had nothing to do with the Mormons.


What evidence do you have that the Boy Scouts are owned by the Mormons? Remember the Boy Scout Movement is a world-wide organization and there are Scouts in virtually every country. The Mormons may have financially supported a Scout troop in the States or some Western Country, but that does not mean they owe the entire Scout Movement, which is financed by the World Scout Foundation and directed by The World Organization of the Scout Movement, an international, non-governmental organization composed of recognized national Scout organizations.


For more information about the International Boy Scout Movement, go to www.scout.org


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here are some links you might find interesting








also the book " mormon corporate empire"

and " the mormon conspiracy"

they have websites also


First the boy scouts are mainly funded by the mormon church,

the second main funders are the catholic church.


The first boy scout troop in the u.s was started by the mormon church,and they hold control through funding.


Another thing is to understand what is mormonism,

for those familiar with masonic rites and lore

they will notice similarities with mormon rites and lore,

the mormon theology of becoming a god is the same as the

egyptian osiris theology found in masonery.


the mormon church ,you will find in the above links was in fact founded by masons, there rites and theology are masonic, and their goals are also.


The funding and positions of mormons in the boy scout organization is a fact, they do hold the reins .


The story of american intelligence agencies and mormonism is factual and well documented.


the mormon church is like a corporation, they hold enourmous holdings in the largest corporations in the world,

those who know data about u.s. intelligence agencies

know that they are in fact the servants of corporate leaders, of which the mormon church is one of the biggest

players in the world, the mormon intelligence agents in

government are beholden to the mormon corporate

decisions in their allegiance.


For instance, the first bank to ever back casino's in las Vegas, The bank of Las Vegas, is a mormon bank, they went into partnership with the syndacite in Vegas and are responsible for the growth of Vegas from a small time operation into the megalith it is today.

Security operstions in the casionos are run almost exclusively by ex FBI agents, ex mormons.

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okay ,once you understand the freemason/mormon connection

we can move on to the boy scout/freemason connection...

i know...what tha ?


just wait and see.


These quotes are from Lord Baden-Powell, militarist

extrordinaire, friend of Cecil Rhodes(founder of the round table,one of it's factotums, the CFR),

and founder of the boy scouts.


"If we all work together on this understanding I feel convinced that between us,by a combine of energy,it is possible to bring into being a vast citizen-making factory,which may give results of untold value in preparing our citizens for the great work which lies before them in the next generation in making good the havoc of the present war.(1917-american scout archives)


"shooting at a fixed target is only a step towards shooting at a moving one,like a man.

firing at moving objects is,of course ,more difficult

but more real,because you will not find a deer or an enemy as a rule kind enough to stand still while you

shoot at him....the very best practice for this is always to be aiming at moving objects with your staff,using it as if it were a rifle. Aim first at the man,then,

moving the muzzle a little faster then he is moving

and fire whle moving it when it is pointing where he will be a second or two later"(scouting for boys).


"the sudden involvement of the country in the european war has brought to our movement its great opportunity.

....it has been put to the highest possible proof-namely,

the test of war-and has not failed(his autobiography)



"Among these laws of knighthood it was enacted that a knight must always "be prepared" with his armour on to

fight for the right-to defend the poor and helpless and his country.

..he must maintain the honour of his country,although it

cost him his life.

...if he failed to carry out these laws after swearing to

do so he was considered dishonourable and unfit to wear the badge of a knight, and could be killed,or expelled

from the association."(Yarns for boy scouts)


what are scouts ? " real men in every sense of the word

...They are accustomed to to take their lives in their

hands, and to fling them down without hesitation if they can help their country,by doing so.

they give up everything,their personal comforts and desires,in order to get their work done. They do not do

all this for their own amusement, but becaues it is their duty to their king,fellow-countrymen,or employers."

(scouting for boys)


"dictators in germany and italy have done wonders in

resuscitating their people to syand as nations.

they have recognized that mere scholastic education is not enough for building up a manhood at once efficient,

healthy and patriotic-i.e.,a strong nation. Mussolini

told mehe had found italians a divided people and that the only way to make them a united whole was to get hold of the youth, from 8 years old to 22,and train them up to a common ideal of manliness and patriotism for defence of their country.

He had seen the boy scout movement and considered it

good as far as it went in italy with those that adapted it, but itneeded enforcement to make it apply to the whole of the country's youth. Thus the Ballila organisation

and training was founded on that of the boy scouts.

So, to, germany has amalgamated its various youth societies

into one general scheme of training.

Though we see these nations definitely training their incoming citizenhood,we in Britain are doing nothing beyond a call to voluntary athletic training.

Yet,in these dangerous and unrestfull times,it is more

then ever necessary for our country to train it's youth

to a better standard of efficiency."(american scout archives)


these are all from the book "The character factory-Baden-powell's boy scouts and the -Imperatives of Empire-".


in it you will discover that Baden-Powell was worried that the british empire needed to train the poorer classes

of boys to become patriotic and trained in warfare.

He brags about the number of scouts who go into the military.


At the time the british empire practically ruled the world,

and the boy scouts was created to create a cadet corp.


the british aristocracy of the time was almost to a

man Freemasons.

the boy scouts were created to protect their interests,

world wide, to bring up an unofficial ROTC , to

be used and die for their comfort.



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Dear Shiva:


If you have any real contact with any contemporary Boy Scout Troop, you'd find that all the conspiracy theories which you have just provided is basically irrelevant.


BP died more then half a century ago, and his influence on the present day Scout movement is largely confined to a symbolic role. Religion is hardly mentioned except maybe during the taking of the Scout Promise and the singing of campfire songs. Of course a Scout also promises to do his duty to his country, but at the age of adolescence, most Scouts are just concerned with having fun and meeting Girl Guides. At least this is my perspective on the Scout Movement in Singapore during the brief period I was involved in it.It was a period of adventure and fun.


Remember, Scouting is not a monolithic entity. Even if "The first boy scout troop in the u.s was started by the mormon church,and they hold control through funding." doesn't mean the same is true for other Scout troops. To make a sweeping statement about the whole Scout Movement (which, according to my understanding, consists of a confederation of seperate and autonomous Scout Movements all over the world) just shows that you don't really have any idea of Scouting.


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Well the words of Baden-Powell soeak for themselves.

the scouts were not created for religious purposes,although the mormons certainly try to add that element(see previous link).


the boy scouts were created specifically to make the lower classes of society indoctrinated and prepared for roles as soldiers.

Baden -Powell makes this very clear in his extensive writings,it was no secret.

The camping,merit badges, chain of command,uniforms,etc, were all carefully thought out,( read the book i mentioned)

to create a warrior class out of the underclass

to defend the british empire.


The mormons are the single largest funders of scouting around the world,followed by the catholic church,

while it may seem to you that the boy scouts are not about what it was created for, Baden-powell wrote that this was done on purpose, to keep the youth involved they

purposely did not want it to seem like a boot camp,

even though that was what it was made for.


today, (read mormon corporate empire,and american saints)

the mormon presence in the military is enourmous,as well as all the intelligence agencies.


you may not believe that the scouts are still being used for it's original purpose, but the facts of number of mormons in high military positions( the CIA says that anyone who graduates from Brigham young university and applies to the CIA is automatically accepted, as of the writing of the mormon empire book, the man in charge of personell for the CIA was a mormon).


While scouting is worldwide and not everyone involved is a future soldier, that is indeed it's purpose.

Catholics also are very dominant in intelligence and military positions, the founders of the CIA were all knights of malta, a secretive catholic order.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

You are an idoit.. They boy scouts were not started by Mormans in the US.. Casinos aren't run by X-FBI and Mormans.. I think somebody here has a real inferiority complex.. The Scout Oath and Law serve only to provide that you have an open mind and believe in the existence of a higher power.. This helps nurture an acceptance of others and a healthy appetite for exploration..


You have absolutely no proof of any of your accusations and are merely spreading misinformation..

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Guest guest

salt lake tribune article on mormon ownership of vegas





scout stuff; http://www.netpages.free-online.co.uk/sha/index.htm




While Scouting depends on public schools, it also relies on religious organizations, particularly the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon Church. Of the roughly 1,600 Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops and Explorer posts in Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington, 40 percent are sponsored by Mormons. Another 35 percent are sponsored by other religious organizations.


Nationally, the vast majority of support also comes from religious organizations, with the Mormon Church sponsoring almost three times as many Boy Scout groups as the second-ranked religious sponsor, the United Methodist Church.


Scouting is the official youth program for Mormons. Their commitment is so strong that local bishops routinely assign men to become Scout leaders as part of their spiritual calling.


they did not start scouting, but are the dominant group

that funds it today,giving them de facto if not

legal control, money buys loyalty.

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this is the chairman of park place entertainment, formerly

called Bally's entertainment, he used to work for Marriot,

the largest hotelery in the world,owned by Mormons,

in fact Bollenbach is from salt lake city, and all of his corporate work has been with mormons.


who is park place entertainemnt ?




the biggest casino/entertainment corporation in the world.

NV/NJ - Nevada Gaming Control Board member Bob Siller questioned Bally's-Paris casino executive Joseph Rahi on Wednesday, trying to determine whether Rahi recognized his role in an apparent money laundering scheme. The wire produced the transcript that Siller used in his questioning, which soon saw Rahi acknowledge that he had explained techniques to bypass federal cash transaction laws. One popular method: have several friends buy casino chips for $9,900 each and then give them to Abdelraouf.



NJ - A former Bally's casino host pleaded guilty Tuesday to money laundering, admitting he helped "clean" $180,000 he believed was drug-trafficking proceeds.

"Ex-Bally's casino host admits laundering $180,000"/South Jersey Publishing Co./11.11.98



The state Gaming Control Board filed a complaint against Bally's Las Vegas, accusing the Strip casino of violating regulations aimed at stopping money laundering.

"LV casino hit with Gaming Board complaint"/Las Vegas SUN/3.15.01



Atlantic City, NJ - Four employees at three Atlantic City casinos (Ballys Park Place, Resorts & Showboat) were arrested Thursday in a sting, accused of allowing 'customer' to use fake identifications to launder more than $400,000 in what they allegedly believed was drug money. Gayed, who said he has worked in the casino industry for 20 years, said his job as a host was to help high-rollers who wanted to gamble. "Who is gambling in the casinos but the drug dealers?" Gayed said. "Do you think doctors are in the casinos? Do you think lawyers are in the casinos? ...the director of player development and a marketing executive were arrested. "Agents Charge 4 casino hosts in money-laundering sting"

By Michele Darnell/South Jersey Publishing/ 6.12.98



NJ - Fleifel and Rahi were among four casino officials arrested in a June 11 money-laundering sting. A federal jury sitting in Newark agreed that the sting that snared them was entrapment. Rahi would not disclose the legal toll of his ordeal but said, "It took us backward five years." The two other casino officials arrested in the sting pleaded guilty to money-laundering or related charges last year. They worked at Bally's Park Place and Resorts Casino Hotel.

"2 acquitted former Showboat casino hosts regain licenses"/By Joe Weinerrt/ South Jersey Publishing/2/4/99


IL - This year, however, money-laundering is at the heart of Cook County prosecutors' strategy for breaking up Chicago's drug operations, which they believe have already been splintered with the imprisonment of top gang leaders. Police and prosecutors will approach the Illinois Gaming Board to develop intelligence about drug dealers who launder their cash at riverboat casinos. The jangling world of casinos--from the riverboats that ring Chicago to the luxury palaces of Las Vegas and Atlantic City--is one of the favorite places for drug dealers to launder their cash. A few undercover cases have demonstrated to police and prosecutors that casinos are a rich resource for money-laundering. Breaking down large cash deposits or exchanges into smaller amounts is a common money-laundering technique called "smurfing.'" At that point, the piles of cash he earned from drug sales on Chicago streets had already been laundered twice: once through currency exchanges and next through the casino. The chips were a form of untraceable currency that he could carry to his hotel room, where he hooked up with his Texas cocaine supplier. Over six months, the Chicago man laundered more than $2 million in Las Vegas at three casinos that police won't identify.

"Chasing dirty money"/BY CARLOS SADOVI AND FRANK MAIN/Chicago Sun Times/ 4.8.02/www.suntimes.com/special_sections/crime/cst-nws-gangb08.html



NV - A retired radiologist and a former casino executive must spend five years on probation for their roles in a $1.2 million money laundering scheme, a federal judge ruled Monday. Yin, 61, and his 40-year-old wife, the former director of marketing at Bally's, each pleaded guilty in October to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

"Judge sentences couple to probation for money laundering infractions"/Las Vegas Casino



This is the transnational crime of Money Laundering which organized crime groups, from drug syndicates, arms trafficking and the other burgeoning areas of criminal activity, to perpetuate their existence, expand their operations and institutionalize their presence in a mafia type fashion. 5. Money is disguised as casino winnings. The money is wired from the criminalÕs offshore bank account to a casino in some tourist center abroad. The casino pays the money in chips; the chips are then cashed in; and the money is repatriated via a bank check, money-order or wire transfer to the criminalÕs domestic bank account where it can be explained as a result of good luck during a gambling junket. This trick is used sporadically because winning too often will attract attention.

"MONEY LAUNDERING"/ www.pctc.gov.ph/edocs/papers/MoneyLaundering.htm





read the book las vegas the money and the power



for details of how mormon bankers bankrolled

modern las vegas.


as far as fbi agents working also see the above book.




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  • 1 year later...

Shiva... take a holiday.. or whatever you need.


As far as the boy scouts, they are owned by the Mormon

church,every mormon is automatically a member.

The boy scouts has been used as a recruiting and

incalculating system for the many mormons who go on to a career in intelligence agencies. [/quoe]


I'm mormon... I mean, I'm member of The Church of JesusChrist of LAtter Day Saints... and I've been reading all these "things" that you "think you know"... I have to tell you the truth... You don't know "a thing"


I'm sorry, live the Church (mormons I mean) and go on with your life, and I hope truly God will give you some light in your life. A light you desesperate need.


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Shiva... take a holiday.. or whatever you need.


As far as the boy scouts, they are owned by the Mormon

church,every mormon is automatically a member.

The boy scouts has been used as a recruiting and

incalculating system for the many mormons who go on to a career in intelligence agencies.



I'm mormon... I mean, I'm member of The Church of JesusChrist of LAtter Day Saints... and I've been reading all these "things" that you "think you know"... I have to tell you the truth... You don't know "a thing"


I'm sorry, live the Church (mormons I mean) and go on with your life, and I hope truly God will give you some light in your life. A light you desesperate need.


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