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Jagatguru Title

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Now a days you can find a lots of Sadhus and preachers use this title, including many who are respected worldwide even. Are they authentic Jagatgurus or have been using simply, as this is a wonderful title.


As far I as I know this title is given by Kashi Vidwat Parishad in Varanashi, and titlesd to some one who can bring a radical change in the spiritual world like Dwetavad, Adwetavad, etc. And for these reasons this highest title was given to Adi Sankaracharya, Madhavacharya, etc.


Can some one expelain the use of this title being used commonly now a days.

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this is commen in hinduism,

It's also stated that the highest title is paramahamsa,

yet that is used by people in various groups.


jagat guru means one who can deliver the entire world,

every sect claims authority to use these titles in the way they see fit, so there is no one standard for all.


One sect may consider the varanasi school of sankara

to be unqualified to give themselves such titles, and then again another may feel the same about them.


Because the various sects under the vedic umbrella all use these ancient sanskrit terms , there is bound to be

disagreement over propriety of qualification for these terms.


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Jagat-guru is not a title given by votes, nor is it the property of any particular organization. Who ever teaches the message of Lord Krishna from Bhagavad Gita is the world teacher, or jagat-guru.


The true jagat-guru is Lord Krishna Himself, who needs no one to authorize His position as the world teacher. Vande krishnam jagad-gurum...


Whoever represents Lord Krishna transparently, without distorting the message of the Lord is also jagat-guru.


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I have looked at Kripalu's web site and personally find him to be someone that I will steer clear of.For one I don't recall seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's name on the list.Therefore I have no interest in the list or those who author it.


let me ask who gave this group in varanasi the authority to make such statements?And if they have the sole power to bestow the use of the title jagatguru, where did they get that power? And why aren't they then jagatguru's?


If they are not fully qualified to be jagatguru themselves how can they then authorize someone else to be?Can the lessor empower the greater?

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dear theist is this the same Kripalu whose site I recommended?I remember there was this Krsna lila animation and it was cool.I never bothered to look deeper into jagatguru hehe...I am amazed you didn't find lord Chaitanya's name.Actually in India religious groups are very much confused today.So I guess we should just follow Prabhupada and he will save us.Different gurus are there for different peoples.



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Haribol joy,


I'm not sure if it is the same site.It used to be maintained by a mataji whose name I just forgot.It was very beautiful and visually very attractive.She apparently had a falling out with Kripalu and moved on and her site disappeared.Another has replaced it I think.Her site had this picture of Radha Krsna and this pond with rippling motion s running across it.Such a nice artistic eye this mataji displayed.I hope she is doing well.


If this was the site you wrote about I can understand it.


I avoid Kripalu primarily because I read an excerpt from his writings posted on the site that stated the form of Krsna had emerged from the impersonal Brahman.That was enough for me.Along with the claim that he is the fifth Jagat guru after Madvacarya,Ramanujacarya, Sankaracarya and I believe Vishnusvami.All supposedly given the title from this group in Varanasi.


Hare Krsna

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