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Practicality & Spirituality

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It has become seemingly difficult to perceive & understand spirituality when seeing it from a practical perspective. I realised this when I was trying to convince my friend that there is something called as spirituality & that the soul as spoken by Krishna in the Bhagavad gita is the same in all the living things & this universe. I had a problem when he started by saying that, when we look at it from a practical angle, questions like.....how can we assume that the soul in all living things and the universe universe is the same? Can anyone prove it? These were the kinds of questions that he was asking me & I had no answer.


Please anyone give me a convincing answer so that I can convince my friend.


May God keep everyone happy.

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Hi Spiritualsri,


I doubt anyone could give an enlightening answer to the question your friend is posing because he is asking for the impossible - empirical proof of the spiritual world. When science canno touch that world, how can you derive empirical proof from it? I'd be interested in anyone who can answer your friends' question directly and convincingly! I say it this way because from personal experience i have found that the person who is questioning has often already made up his/her mind and decided not take a spiritual inclination - when trying to answer those questions it is imperative that the questioner is at least willing in part, with at least a slightly open mind, to accept the Truth that we believe.


Your friend asks for proof. The only thing I would be able to say if I were in your shoes is use a metaphore - When you see an aeroplane (i.e. body) flying in the sky, you do not doubt that there is a pilot (i.e. soul) in the cockpit - you simply accept the obvious.


I think maybe your friend is looking for scientific evidence. What else can you say except spirituality begins where science ends?

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There are two ways one can understand the nature

of this world.


one is through revelation by god, the other is through knowledge of quantum physics and the unified field theory.


Revelation by god is personal and experienced by the individual.


Knowledge of quantum physics and the unified field theory

requires some study.


In quantum physics one understanding is that all matter

at the smallest level is a transformation of a sub quantum unified field .


this means that everywhere there is,is a unified field of energy ,that manifests this material world at the quantum level. Experiments showing the inter-relation between

quantum particles at a distance from each other

has shown that everything is connected at the sub quantum level.


Also at the quantum level ,particles are manifesting with what appears to be information guiding them to act in a particular way, at any given time,in any place.


In other words it appears that we exist in a world that is very similar to a computer generated virtual reality.


This concept in physics led some physicists like

neils bohr to speculate that everytime he wasn't looking at

something ,it would revert to an unmanifest state ,appearing as real only when he looks at it.

even though he new this wasn't the case, the knowledge

of quantum physics made it seem as if this is what was actually going on.


We exist in a field of conscious energy, this is the conclusion of many of the worlds top physicists,

they state that this world appears to be controlled

at the sub quantum level, manifesting everything

with information , i.e. the laws of nature.


A good book to read on the subject is "the holographic universe",with the theories of top physicist David Bohm,

and others.

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