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chanting japa

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What about this? Very interesting instruction. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif








Sitting without a seat, while lying down sleeping, while walking, while standing, while on a path or in impure places such a crematoriums or in dark areas are the forbidden to chant japa. Wearing shoes, climbing on a carrier in the sleeping condition, spreading two legs, on an impure asana, one should not chant japa.


ys guest


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Another angle of vision:


Sage Narada concluded by saying, "O Lord, hearing the further eulogy and the narration of details of more benefits, it is quite appropriate that no special rule be followed in the matter of muttering this sacred name, which can be done at all times whether in a clean or even an unclean state. Salutations to thee." (Kali Santarana Upanishad, Upanishad No. 103 of The Krishna Yajurveda)


Narada Muni was referring to the Maha Mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.



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Haribol, a teacher of mine made a joke about this that was very funny. He stated that even in one's dreams, one can do his rounds, but you cannot count them per your daily promise to Guru.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Chanting Krishna's name in an unclean state

Lecture given by Sri Narayana Maharaja


Even if you are passing stool and urine - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna - you can chant in your mind. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did it.


If anyone takes the Name of Rama, then Hanuman must go there, with thousands and lakhs of bodies. He can go everywhere, at the same time. There was once a person who never had time to chant the Name. Narada went and told him, "Why don't you chant the Name, you silly, bogus person?" He answered, "I have no time, I am always busy." Narada then asked him, "Are you always busy, even at the time of passing stool and urine?" That person said, "Oh, no, not at that time." Narada Muni told him, "Then at that you should chant." He replied, "That I can do."


When he went to pass stool, and he was chanting, "Hare Rama Hare Rama", Hanuman came at once. He was upset and thought, "This bogus person is impure, passing urine and stool." And he gave him a kick. Hanuman is so powerful that even if he would kick Ravana, Ravana would fall over. Even Kumbhakarna and Meghnath would not be able to bear his kick. However, when he kicked this person who was chanting Hare Krishna, it was though nothing had been done. Then Hanuman thought, "This is very wonderful! What happened? I have never seen anything like this. Although he is passing stool and urine and chanting, there is no difficulty or problem." He was in amazement. Then, in the evening, when he returned to Rama and knocked on the door, he heard Rama lamenting. Hanuman entered and asked, "Prabhu, why are you moaning?" Ramacandra told Hanuman that he had done this to Him. Hanuman asked, "O Prabhu, how could I have done this?" Ramacandra said, "You know that nama and nami are both the same. When that person was passing stool and chanting, 'Rama Rama Rama', I went there in his heart. I was in his body. You kicked him, that kick came to My back, and now it has been broken. That is why I am moaning." Hanuman then told Ramacandra, "From today I will not ever do this."


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu once went to pass stool, and Gopala-guru was carrying water. Mahaprabhu caught hold of His tongue very tightly, and Gopal-guru, like a boy, asked, "Prabhu, why are you doing like so?" Mahaprabhu told him that His tongue was out of control. "When I am going to pass stool, this chanting of 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna' will not stop. I want to stop, but it never stops. So I am doing like this." Gopala-guru told Mahaprabhu, "If anyone is going to die, and stool and urine are coming uncontrollably, should he not chant? I think it is better to chant." Mahaprabhu said, "Oh, you are not only Gopala. You are Gopala-guru." He left His tongue and began to chant.


Anyone can do this. Here Mahaprabhu is telling that there are no rules and regulations. It is not that you should only chant in a certain way. It is not that you cannot chant sitting on a bed or walking. You can remember the Name, you can chant it, you can sing it - in any way you can do it.

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A mantra requires certain components, such as Rishi, Chanda, Deva, Bija, etc., etc.


A maha-mantra does not require any such components, and belongs to a separate category.


Mantras require strict observances of rules prior to chanting and certain conditions, such as purity of location, purity of time, purity of consciousness, etc. Before chanting mantras one must go through the purvanga rituals, which bring one to the necessary state of concentration, focus and purity. Mantras also require a guru to impart the mantra to the disciple.


Maha-mantras do not require these prior rituals before chanting. Usually the text that reveals a maha-mantra also explains the freedom to chant the maha-mantra in all circumstances.


Sri Chaitanya observed strict disciplines when chanting regular mantras, but with the maha-mantra he chanted it in any circumstance, even in unclean environments.


I will try to find some sources on this distinction between mantra and maha-mantra when I get back to Mysore and can access our library.


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I wonder where the "hard and fast rules" comes from.



na desha-niyamas tasmin na kala-niyamas tatha

nochhishtadau nishedho 'sti shri-harer namni lubdhaka


"There are no rules of time or place for chanting Sri Hari's name. One may chant in any condition, whether clean or unclean. Even if one's mouth is not properly washed, one may chant the names of Sri Hari."

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when mouth is not properly washed or when the body is in an unclean state, does it explicitly mean the mantra can be chanted through mouth.

or does it mean: In unclean circumstances, the mantra should be chanted through heart, not uttered through mouth. (since lord's name is same as his name, uttering & having his presence in unclean place is not good). In clean circumstances, the mantra can be chanted either way.


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