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Krsna's passing

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Hello. I'm wondering how it was that Krsna left this earth. I thought he was shot by a hunter in the ankle with an arrow but after reading the condensed version of the Mahabharata (Krishna Dharma's version) it appears that he left by His mystical powers with his brother, Balarama, after a terrible fight between the Yadus. Could someone please clear this up for me? Thank you.




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Haribol, He was shot in the foot by a Hunter, which is a demonstration of Krsna's mystic powers. He comes and goes as He pleases, so the hunter's purpose was well served by Krsna's arrangement. I recommend reading mantra five of Sri Isopanisada under the "18 Pearls" topic on this forum. The writer explains to a degree the inconceivability of Krsna's potency. The mind cannot conceive of a hunters accident or indiscrimination that would "kill" God. But a Vaisnava can certainly accept that if Krsna wishes to depart in this manner, it is a perfect and complete method.


When books such as Mahabharata or Ramayana are read, as a story, there are many things that may be a bit confusing to a casual reader, but when one studies Krsna Consciousness under the guidance of thopse who are loving Krsna, confusion about the banishment by Rama of Srimati Sitadevi, the Fratracidal war of the Yadus (and Kurus as well), and other things read, can be seen with spiritual vision, not contaminated by wonderment about how a human can kill God.


Hare Krsna, ys mahaksadasa


ps, are you Dharma Mela Mark, if so haribol, glad to hear from you.

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It is important to remember that Krsna is the self-sufficent philosopher who satifys everyone's desires.


For those that want to forget Krsna, or to see Him as ordinary, He supplies the necessities.Shot in the foot and died etc. One who wants to see Him as he is will be granted divine eyes, eyes that are designed to see the fuller picture.

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Yes, it is true. The hunter indeed was Vali of Ramayana. Since God had hit him, though, He was not involved in the fight directly, amounting to some Karmic effect. Since, God never breakes the rule made by Himself, Vali of Ramayana reincarnated as the hunter at the end of Krishnavatar. After having hit the God with his arrow, when the hunter realised his mistake, he felt extremely sorry and repeatedly apologised to the God. Krishna forgave him and sent him to Vishuloka, before He Himself departed from the earth.

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I read some wherethat YADAVAS were cursed by a MUNI( rishi)

that their whole Yadava clan would be destroyed since some of the younger Yadavas had insulted him, so they all fought in a jungle of grass ( KASHVANA ),as far as Krisna is concerned his purpose tp come to this world was served after the battle of Kurekshetra ended, so he chose a cause and place leave this world, it was pre destined.

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Yes, it is true. The hunter indeed was Vali of Ramayana. Since God had hit him, though, He was not involved in the fight directly, amounting to some Karmic effect. Since, God never breakes the rule made by Himself, Vali of Ramayana reincarnated as the hunter at the end of Krishnavatar. After having hit the God with his arrow, when the hunter realised his mistake, he felt extremely sorry and repeatedly apologised to the God. Krishna forgave him and sent him to Vishuloka, before He Himself departed from the earth.



I myself have read somewhere that the "hunter" that "killed" Krishna was in fact an incarnation of Bhrighu Rishi, and not Vali.


I cannot recall where I read this, but I have trying to find it. If anyone knows this quote, please help!

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Hari Bol Mark,

Yes Krishna takes this opertuinty when He becomes cursed by Gandhari the mother of the Kurus.

Gandhari untamatley understood that the whole battle of Kurusehtra was the will of Krishna and because she lost all of her son in that battle she cursed Krishna to die by the arrow of a hunter.

Krishna throught ah yes this is a good idea a good way to leave the planet so He acceapted her curse thus making her curse also His Plan

Not a blade of grass moves without the sanction of the Supreme Lord.

Srila Prabhupada tho says that the devottes do not like to discuss Krishnas departure so much but it is wonderful and sublime.


The place where Krishna was shot by the Hunter is in Gujarate State in the western portion not so very far fro Dwaraka Dham.


We visited that place and there is a diety of Krishna there with arrow threw his right Lotus Foot .


But the actually place where Krishna dissappeared is not at the place where Krishna was shot by the hunter


Krishna walked a long ways from that spot and then produced a blood stool and pus body to satisfy the athiest which derided Him saying He was a ordinary man.


In His orginal form Shree Krishna rose into the sky and left the planet as did Lord Balaram very near to the same area.


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