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Please clarify my doubts on Bible

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Some members on this forum have good knowledge of Christianity. I thought of taking advantage of their knowledge. There are some members who feel that, because of their lack of knowledge on Hinduism, they can not contribute as much to the discussion in various threads here as many others can.

This thread should make them happy.:)


I will be posting my doubts on Bible in this thread. I request you to please clarify them for me.

My first question:-


Genesis says that Enosh was Seth's son. Who was Enosh's mother? Is she mentioned in Bible?

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Genesis says that Enosh was Seth's son. Who was Enosh's mother? Is she mentioned in Bible?




No, the Bible does not name who Enosh's mother was.


Jewish tradition, however, states that Seth (son of Adam) married his sister, Azura (who is likewise not mentioned in the Bible), and had three children: Edna, Enosh, and Noam.


Why isn't the mother of Enosh mentioned in the Bible? In Jewish tradition, the line of descendence is only valid from the male side of the family. Generally (and of course there are many exceptions) all genealogies listed in the Bible are male based. There is nothing mysterieous about it... that just the way they did things 2,000 - 4,000 years ago in the Middle East.


Also, if all the descendents, male and female, from Adam to Jesus was included in the Bible, it would be several hundred times longer.

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After reading reply, I read the whole of Genesis once again.


It is written in Genesis 5.4:


"After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years. During that time, Adam had other sons and daughters. So Adam lived a total of 930 years; then he died."


May be that Azura was one of these daughters of Adam.

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  • 11 years later...

My question is ;


God makes man by creating a shape by mud and gives breath to his nose..and for his patnership God created a women by taking Adams spinal bone,.

Ane they to got 2 sons named Habel and kayen..still they dsnt have any daughters..then how does the babys bone after that ?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest isaac

As far as im tracking with the sacrifice between cain and able is that abel sacrificed a living creature, the bloodshed is a understanding that the blood is the purist sacrifice. Its a foretelling that man will only be redeemed by the blood of the lamb, or Jesus which is the last and only sacrifice that can clean us of our sins. It is said that only God can forgive us, man, for our transgressions. And he did that by letting his son die on the cross as an ultimate sacrifice so that we may be clense of our sins. Have more but its almost a way of saying bloodshed cleaned the people who believed in God. But it wasnt ever human sacrifice, but clean animal. Thanks for thread just looking up things for research myself.

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