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I was wondering if this is bonefide or not.






Women plan nude rain dance in bid to end drought


Hundreds of Australian women plan to hold a nude rain dance in a bid to end a drought.


The women, who live in the Mallee area of Victoria, say they were inspired by a group of Nepalese women who carried out a similar rain dance earlier this year. Shortly afterwards the Nepalese drought ended.


The Australians are planning a nude run at Ouyen, in north-western Victoria, in March.


Organiser Lyn Healy says the town's men will be taken to the town's recreation reserve and several hundred women will then do their best to bring on the rain.


She told The Australian Broadcasting Corporation : "We're all going to get on these buses, no-one will know where we're going.


"We're going to head out to a secret location then we all get off the bus and do our rain dance. (It will be) just women privately, no cameras.


"Then we (will) get back on the bus and come back in for a big family day where we have a big barbecue lunch," she said.


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