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Oh my God 2

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"Demon crazy. Rather then the head leading, giving direction and guidance, we have the head of iskcon following their ass to toilet while their own ass is excreting stool in their own faces. Current GBC management Ki-Jail. (yes, that is jai with an "L" on the end)"


Now this is probably the vilest post on this board.


Theist, how do you justify this afer your reprimands on me?

JNdas, where is your editing prowess?

And the others, silence is quiet complicity.


I see hypocrisy and double standards evident here. Krsna is showing you the truth in my words… "what a bunch of clowns."

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guest wrote: So, although I may no longer be connected with Iskcon Temples in a serious way, and although I may not be so concerned about taking sides in the "left vs right" debates, I still believe that preserving Srila Prabhupada's books (as they were while he was here) is a noble cause and not something which should be responded to with indifference.


I'm not indifferent; I'm wary of getting all worked up when I don't know the story. Over the last 33 years, I've seen plenty of rumors come and go. I know there's some agitation for "sanitizing" the books of some attitudes that don't jibe with many 21st-century perspectives. I just don't actually know who's pushing them and what chance of success they have. I live on an island in the middle of the ocean that has no ISKCON center, so I'm also not very involved with these things (and that's not a complaint). As I've said, I believe the "PC" changes mentioned in the letter from Ameyatma posted above go far beyond the editing that has been done over the last 20 years, and I think it should be discussed thoroughly and carefully. Such changes should probably be rejected, ut I'm not going to mount up on the basis of something Ameyatma wrote.


Yes, I believe a group of devotees, including Bhagavan and Hamsaduta have copyrights for pre-1977 versions of Srila Prabhupada's books. Nishchintya has been publishing them. Bhagavad-gita As It Is has been out since earlier this year, and he had previously published Easy Journey ot Other Planets and Krishna, the Reservoir of Pleasure.

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I am not trying to be a referee to you guys,because I know that is not possible,and I know that sometimes there are many things in religious topics that are debatable. But do you really think all this quarreling back and forth between yourselves serves a useful purpose? Maybe I am wrong,but do you think it is at all possible to have a intelligent conversation without attacking each other, in the process?

Debating about something is one thing, but this quarreling is something else.I know I have not been here a long time, but I plan on staying, but I would love to see a little peace between you guys, if that is possible. I do not direct my comments to any one person.I have always believed you attack the problem, not the person.I hope I have not offended anyone with my comments.That is not my purpose.


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i think the term 'politically correct'

is not just a term used to denounce anything

left of the far right politically,

it's meaning has more to do with an attitude

of being non-objectional to all groups,

races,political sides, etc.


in other words a politically correct position

is one that offends no one, and can be seen

as offensive to those who have a platform that includes offending one group or another.


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Just like on Christmass day, I had CNN on(first mistake). They had a nice long piece on the Dalai Lama. 1/2 hr.at least.


Nothing on Jesus Christ. That may offend somebody I guess. So they replaced Jesus with a Buddhist teacher who while being interviewed mention that there was no creator.


That offended me.

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Just like on Christmass day, I had CNN on(first mistake). They had a nice long piece on the Dalai Lama. 1/2 hr.at least.


Nothing on Jesus Christ. That may offend somebody I guess. So they replaced Jesus with a Buddhist teacher who while being interviewed mention that there was no creator.


That offended me.


I repost this from the overview to 451.


"When Montag fails to show up for work, his fire chief, Beatty, pays a visit to his house. Beatty explains that it's normal for a fireman to go through a phase of wondering what books have to offer, and he delivers a dizzying monologue explaining how books came to be banned in the first place. According to Beatty, special-interest groups and other "minorities" objected to books that offended them. Soon, books all began to look the same, as writers tried to avoid offending anybody. This was not enough, however, and society as a whole decided to simply burn books rather than permit conflicting opinions. Beatty tells Montag to take twenty-four hours or so to see if his stolen books contain anything worthwhile and then turn them in for incineration. Montag begins a long and frenzied night of reading."




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ehos, I thought you were just going to post quatations from Srila Prabhupada's books but otherwise not engage with the hypocites, clowns, demons and other assorted miscreants assmbled here. It seems your association isn't actually purifying the lost souls on this board.


I'm sorry to say this, but you come off like a self-righteous 13-year-old who has read, as you say, "some nice books," and thinks you're therefore the ultimate authority in the field. You strike readers as rude, puerile, cocksure, the only one here who has actually gained any understanding of what Krishna consciousness is. I'm sure you're not really like that. But you come off as someone who has collected some information but not assimilated it. You display not a thread of humility; although you don't really know who's here, what their devotional background is, what they have done for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, you write them off as no better than pig crap. Maybe we need a mom like Debbie to put us all in our corners for 15 minutes or so. I know I was about to post something really rude but thought better of it.

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I will be the first to admit I am not an argumentive person. I have never been, and I hope I never am, for that matter. It just does not make me feel that good to argue..But that is me. I tend to get really tense and worked up when I get angry and I don't like the feeling.I know you have your rights,just as well as anyone else on this board.I think you have let your voice be heard, very clearly.You have been given the opportunity to complain. Right? I am sure you feel that you have been given a raw deal,and that may well be the case, but do you think that quarreling will get desired results? Why not say your piece,drop it, and go forward.

I will also be the first to admit that I have not read the books you have read,so therefore something I have not read yet, I surely can't understand very well.I am new at this,and you know that,by now, I am sure.But, I will read perhaps, some of the books, as I progress, and hopefully if I do not understand something, I hope I can feel free perhaps to come to you, or any of the other board members,without feeling as if, I have to defend myself,if I make a statement or have questions.Do you think that is possible?When I wrote that post,I did say,it was not directed at any one person,and that is what I meant. Debbie

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ethos:You have to much pride and self-worth.


Who's the pot, ahd who's the kettle?


ethos:You think you're above criticisms because you once happened to do what Prabhupada told you?


No--I sure as Hell wasn't talking about myself! How 'bout you?


Ever thought about the ethos you project?

Guess I'll go where the company can encourage me to make spritual progess. Ciao!

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ethos wrote: Stonehearted, I am not surprised you have trouble with this because you are an English teacher.


Hmmm . . . I'm not sure what you mean here. Can you help me?


ehtos: I don't know enough of the process and history to make judgements myself. But there are those who do and should intelligently act if they haven't already.


Sounds good to me! What's the beef?

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Look you guys,Ethos had said he would give it a rest for now,if the rest of you did the same. I have to trust him to his word. Please let's try to stick to the original subject of discussion. As they use to say,let's give peace a chance. What do you all say? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Debbie

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