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michael jackson quotes from gita

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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Heaven Is Here



You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of



There is only one Wholeness

Only one Mind

We are like ripples

In the vast Ocean of Consciousness



Come, let us dance

The Dance of Creation

Let us celebrate

The Joy of Life



The birds, the bees

The infinite galaxies

Rivers, Mountains

Clouds and Valleys

Are all a pulsating pattern

Living, breathing

Alive with cosmic energy



Full of Life, of Joy

This Universe of Mine

Don't be afraid



To know who you are

You are much more

Than you ever imagined



You are the Sun

You are the Moon

You are the wildflower in bloom

You are the Life-throb

That pulsates, dances

From a speck of dust

To the most distant star



And you and I

Were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of




Let us celebrate

The Joy of Life

Let us dance

The Dance of Creation



Curving back within ourselves

We create

Again and again

Endless cycles come and go

We rejoice

In the infinitude of Time



There never was a time

When I was not

Or you were not

There never will be a time

When we will cease to be



Infinite -- Unbounded

In the Ocean of Consciousness

We are like ripples

In the Sea of Bliss



You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of




Heaven is Here

Right now is the moment

of Eternity

Don't fool yourself

Reclaim your Bliss



Once you were lost

But now you're home

In a nonlocal Universe

There is nowhere to go

From Here to Here

Is the Unbounded

Ocean of Consciousness

We are like ripples

In the Sea of Bliss



Come, let us dance

The Dance of Creation

Let us celebrate

The Joy of Life




You and I were never separate

It's just an illusion

Wrought by the magical lens of




Heaven is Here

Right now, this moment of Eternity

Don't fool yourself

Reclaim your Bliss





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sorry.I looked and couldn't see anything obscene.

which poem were you refering to ?


there is one poem that is an exact copy of a story from the upanishads,the two birds in the cage, another which is a paraphrasing of a chapter

from the bhagavad gita, I didn't see anything

objectionable,, could you tell me what you meant by obscene ?

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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Are You Listening?


Who am I?

Who are you?

Where did we come from?

Where are we going?

What's it all about?

Do you have the answers?


Immortality's my game

From Bliss I came

In Bliss I am sustained

To Bliss I return

If you don't know it now

It's a shame

Are you listening?



This body of mine

Is a flux of energy

In the river of time

Eons pass, ages come and go

I appear and disappear

Playing hide-and-seek

In the twinkling of an eye



I am the particle

I am the wave

Whirling at lightning speed

I am the fluctuation

That takes the lead

I am the Prince

I am the Knave

I am the doing

That is the deed

I am the galaxy, the void of space

In the Milky Way

I am the craze



I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought

I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought

I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm

I am the phenomenon, the field, the form

I am the desert, the ocean, the sky

I am the Primeval Self

In you and I



Pure unbounded consciousness

Truth, existence, Bliss am I

In infinite expressions I come and go

Playing hide-and-seek

In the twinkling of an eye

But immortality's my game



Eons pass

Deep inside

I remain

Ever the same

From Bliss I came

In Bliss I am sustained



Join me in my dance

Please join me now

If you forget yourself

You'll never know how

This game is played

In the ocean bed of Eternity



Stop this agony of wishing

Play it out

Don't think, don't hesitate

Curving back within yourself

Just create...just create



Immortality's my game

From Bliss I came

In Bliss I'm sustained

To Bliss I return

If you don't know it now

It's a shame

Are you listening?






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Means he who is like unto God.

You mean He was really amongst us and we could'nt see all this time, so much wealth, so much talent, so many adoring followers across the globe, such fame.

Now the acid of time is erasing his memory.

And here we were argueing over where the next avatar will manifest.

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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Quantum Leap



I looked for you in hill and dale

I sought for you beyond the pale

I searched for you in every nook and cranny

My probing was at times uncanny

But everywhere I looked I found

I was just going round and round

In every storm, in every gale

I could hear your silent tale


You appeared wherever I went

In every taste, in every scent

I thought I was in a trance

In every quiver I felt your dance

In every sight I saw your glance

You were there, as if by chance



Even so, I have faltered

Despite the fact, my life has altered

All my doubts were struggles in vain

Of judgments made in memories of pain

Only now, by letting go

I can bask in your glow

No matter where I stray or flow

I see the splendor of your show

In every drama I am the actor

In every experience the timeless factor



In every dealing, every deed

You are there, as the seed

I know now, for I have seen

What could have happened could have been

There is no need to try so hard

For in your sleeve you hold the card

For every fortune, every fame

The Kingdom's here for us to claim

In every fire, every hearth

There's a spark gives new birth



To all those songs never sung

All those longings in hearts still young

Beyond all hearing, beyond all seeing

In the core of your Being

Is a field that spans infinity

Unbounded pure is the embryo of divinity

If we could for one moment BE

In an instant we would see

A world where no one has suffered or toiled

Of pristine beauty never soiled

Of sparkling waters, singing skies

Of hills and valleys where no one dies



That enchanted garden, that wondrous place

Where we once frolicked in times of grace

In ourselves a little deep

In that junkyard in that heap

Beneath that mound of guilt and sorrow

Is the splendor of another tomorrow

If you still have promises to keep

Just take that plunge, take that leap.







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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Magical Child, Part 1



Once there was a child and he was free

Deep inside, he felt the laughter

The mirth and play of nature's glee

He was not troubled by thoughts of hereafter

Beauty, love was all he'd see


He knew his power was the power of God

He was so sure, they considered him odd

This power of innocence, of compassion, of light

Threatened the priests and created a fright

In endless ways they sought to dismantle

This mysterious force which they could not handle



In endless ways they tried to destroy

His simple trust, his boundless joy

His invincible armor was a shield of bliss

Nothing could touch it, no venom, no hiss



The child remained in a state of grace

He wasn't confined in time or place

In Technicolor dreams, he frolicked and played

While acting his part, in Eternity he stayed



Soothsayers came and fortunes were told

Some were vehement, others were bold

In denouncing this child, this perplexing creature

With the rest of the world he shared no feature

Is he real? He is so strange

His unpredictable nature knows no range

He puzzles us so, is he straight?

What's his destiny? What's his fate?



And while they whispered and conspired

Through endless rumors to get him tired

To kill his wonder, trample him near

Burn his courage, fuel his fear

The child remained just simple, sincere



All he wanted was the mountain high

Color the clouds, paint the sky

Beyond these boundaries, he wanted to fly

In nature's scheme, never to die



Don't stop this child, he's the father of man

Don't cross his way, he's part of the plan

I am that Child, but so are you

You've just forgotten, just lost the clue



Inside your heart sits a Seer

Between his thoughts, he can hear

A melody simple but wondrously clear

The music of life, so precious, so dear



If you could for one moment know

This spark of creation, this exquisite glow

You would come and dance with me

Kindle this fire so we could see

All the children of the Earth

Weave their magic and give new birth

To a world of freedom with no pain

A world of joy, much more sane



Deep inside, you know it's true

Just find that child, it's hiding in you.







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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Magical Child, Part 2



Magical child once felt a twinge

A faint recollection, a memory unhinged

In the colors, the forms, the hue

There seemed a mystery with a subtle clue

Behind the wind, the storm, the gale

Within the shroud, beyond the veil

Hidden from view in a wondrous pattern

There seemed a force that he could not fathom

Its music and cadence were playful and sweet

He danced in bliss to its throbbing beat

He did not mind either cold or heat

On the mountain high was his royal seat


Strangers came and scorned his joy

With ridicule and banter they tried to destroy

What in their minds was a skillful play

With cruel darts they tried to plunder

To suffocate and strangle his innocent wonder

Fighting hard, despite their blunder

Again and again to steal his thunder

Despite their attacks, they could not break

With all their barbs they could not take

God's gift of love, which they could not fake

Not knowing his strength or what he sought to seek

They complained aloud and called him a freak



But the mysterious force just kept its hold

Magical child grew brave and bold

Diving deep into his soul

In exquisite ecstasy he discovered his role

In his Self was infinite scope

This mysterious force was mankind's hope

Piercing through that mask of Being

In that silence beyond all seeing

Was a field with a different story

A field of power, of awesome glory

With other children, if unfurled

Its tidal wave would change the world



Magical child was ready to bow

Sow the seed, pick up the plough

With effortless ease, without a sigh

Without a tear, without a cry

With silent perfection

Under God's direction

To sing together as one race

Stem the tide, transform this place



Magical children, don't worry how

Don't delay, this moment's now.







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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Dancing The Dream



Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.

I keep on dancing and dancing .......and dancing, until there is only......the dance.






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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


The Fish That Was Thirsty



One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream. "I want you to go forth with a message to all the fish in the sea," God said.

"What should I tell them?" the little fish asked.


"Just tell them you're thirsty," God replied. "And see what they do." Then without another word, He disappeared.


The next morning the little fish woke up and remembered his dream. "What a strange thing God wants me to do," he thought to himself. But as soon as he saw a large tuna swimming by, the little fish piped up, "Excuse me, but I'm thirsty."


"Then you must be a fool," then tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.


The little fish did feel rather foolish, but he had his orders. The next fish he saw was a grinning shark. Keeping a safe distance, the little fish called out, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm thirsty."


"Then you must be crazy," the shark replied. Noticing a rather hungry look in the shark's eye, the little fish swam away quickly.


All day he met cod and mackerels and swordfish and groupers, but every time he made his short speech, they turned their backs and would have nothing to do with him. Feeling hopelessly confused, the little fish sought out the wisest creature in the sea, who happened to be an old blue whale with three harpoon scars on his side.


"Excuse me, but I'm thirsty!" the little fish shouted, wondering if the old whale could even see him, he was such a tiny speck. But the wise one stopped in his tracks. "You've seen God, haven't you?" he said.


"How did you know?"


"Because I was thirsty once, too." The old whale laughed.


The little fish looked very surprised. "Please tell me what this message from God means," he implored.


"It means that we are looking for Him in the wrong places," the old whale explained. "We look high and low for God, but somehow He's not there. So we blame Him and tell ourselves that He must have forgotten us. Or else we decide that He left a long time ago, if He was ever around."


"How strange," the little fish said, "to miss what is everywhere."


"Very strange," the old whale agreed. "Doesn't it remind you of fish who say they're thirsty?"






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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Two Birds



It's hard to tell them what I feel for you. They haven't ever met you, and no one has your picture. So how can they ever understand your mystery? Let's give them a clue:

Two birds sit in a tree. One eats cherries, while the other looks on. Two birds fly through the air. One's song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent. Two birds wheel in the sun. One catches the light on its silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.


It's easy to guess which bird I am, but they'll never find you. Unless...


Unless they already know a love that never interferes, that watches from beyond, that breathes free in the invisible air. Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious. How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?


Oh, that is a day I hunger for!






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The word srjami is significant herein. Srjami cannot be used in the sense of creation, because, according to the previous verse, there is no creation of the Lord's form or body, since all of the forms are eternally existent. Therefore, srjami means that the Lord manifests Himself as He is.


Although the Lord appears on schedule, namely at the end of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth millennium of the eighth Manu in one day of Brahma, still He has no obligation to adhere to such rules and regulations because He is completely free to act in many ways at His will.


He therefore appears by His own will whenever there is a predominance of irreligiosity and a disappearance of true religion.


Principles of religion are laid down in the Vedas, and any discrepancy in the matter of properly executing the rules of the Vedas makes one irreligious. In the Bhagavatam it is stated that such principles are the laws of the Lord. Only the Lord can manufacture a system of religion. The Vedas are also accepted as originally spoken by the Lord Himself to Brahma, from within his heart. Therefore, the principles of dharma, or religion, are the direct orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam). These principles are clearly indicated throughout the Bhagavad-gita. The purpose of the Vedas is to establish such principles under the order of the Supreme Lord, and the Lord directly orders, at the end of the Gita, that the highest principle of religion is to surrender unto Him only, and nothing more. The Vedic principles push one towards complete surrender unto Him; and, whenever such principles are disturbed by the demoniac, the Lord appears. From the Bhagavatam we understand that Lord Buddha is the incarnation of Krsna who appeared when materialism was rampant and materialists were using the pretext of the authority of the Vedas. Although there are certain restrictive rules and regulations regarding animal sacrifice for particular purposes in the Vedas, people of demonic tendency still took to animal sacrifice without reference to the Vedic principles. Lord Buddha appeared to stop this nonsense and to establish the Vedic principles of nonviolence. Therefore each and every avatara, or incarnation of the Lord, has a particular mission, and they are all described in the revealed scriptures. No one should be accepted as an avatara unless he is referred to by scriptures. It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on Indian soil. He can advent Himself anywhere and everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear. In each and every incarnation, He speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the particular people under their particular circumstances. But the mission is the same--to lead people to God consciousness and obedience to the principles of religion. Sometimes He descends personally, and sometimes He sends His bona fide representative in the form of His son, or servant, or Himself in some disguised form.

The principles of the Bhagavad-gita were spoken to Arjuna, and, for that matter, to other highly elevated persons, because he was highly advanced compared to ordinary persons in other parts of the world. Two plus two equals four is a mathematical principle that is true both in the beginner's arithmetic class and in the advanced class as well. Still, there are higher and lower mathematics. In all incarnations of the Lord, therefore, the same principles are taught, but they appear to be higher and lower in varied circumstances. The higher principles of religion begin with the acceptance of the four orders and the four statuses of social life, as will be explained later. The whole purpose of the mission of incarnations is to arouse Krsna consciousness everywhere. Such consciousness is manifest and nonmanifest only under different circumstances.



--------------------------- sssshiva2002@


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From the book Dancing The Dream, by Michael Jackson, 1992


Children of the World



Children of the world, we'll do it

We'll meet on endless shores

Making sandcastles and floating our boats

While people fight and defend their point of view

Forever putting on masks that are new

We'll swing the tide of time and do it.


Children of the world, we'll do it

With song and dance and innocent bliss

And the soft caress of a loving kiss

We'll do it.



While traders trade and haggle their price

And politicians try so hard to be nice

We'll meet on endless shores and floating our boats

We'll do it.



While lawyers argue and doctors treat

Stockbrokers quote the price on meat

While preachers preach and ring the bell

Carpetbaggers with something to sell

We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss

With the soft caress of a loving kiss

We'll do it

Meeting on endless shores

Making sandcastles and floating our boats

We'll do it.



We'll ride a rainbow, a cloud, a storm

Flying in the wind, we'll change our form

We'll touch the stars, embrace the moon

We'll break the barrier and be there soon



While architects plan their buildings high

And trade unions raise their hue and cry

While boardroom squabbles generate heat

And in secret places dealers meet

We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss

With the soft caress of a loving kiss

We'll do it.



While philosophers grapple and continue to tackle

Endless dilemmas of body and mind

Physicists wander, continue to ponder

Perennial questions of space and time

Archaeologists survey, continue to dig

Bygone treasures small and big

Psychologists probe, analyze the tears

Of hysterical notions, phobias, fears



While priests take confession

In a serious session

And people struggle

In the hustle and bustle

In the noise and din

On the meaning of sin

We'll touch the stars, embrace the moon

Break the barrier, arrive there soon

Ride the rainbow, the cloud, the storm

Flying in the wind, changing our form



Children of the world, we'll do it

With song and dance and innocent bliss

The soft caress of a loving kiss

We'll do it.








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