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trance-what is it?

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Trance I believe would be total absorbtion in thinking of Krsna. Such a stage is very rare. I have heard one story about Swami Shivananda.


One day a wealthy businessman came to his ashram and said "Swamiji, I hear that you can enter into samadhi for hours at a time. I would like to see this." Swami Shivananda said he would show him samadhi and started chanting "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare". He did this for hours. Finally the business man said "Swamiji, I am very busy. When will you show me your samadhi". To which Swami Shivananda replied "I have been showing you samadhi for the last several hours."

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  • 8 years later...

even at beginning i also don know about trance but a lady suddenly came to home and taught me all those, actually the lady was related to us...

Trance is a type of astrology which is very very old, praised from the origin of human life, its very simply to enter into trance, its a type of breathing....


pl check out in website how to enter into trance, it will give you all the procedures step by step, don worry its only a type of breathing

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hey its a type of breathing where they tell if we close our eye and concentrate in middle of eyebrow , with certain breathing excersie , we will enter into a state of unconsciousness and can coomunicate.pl u can check out in web site

pl search in google ( how to enter into trance), there exact procedure is written

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Dear Vikas

Trance and Astrology..!!

Its a news, at least to me. I am very curious.. Please provide more information.


Till now I know, I understand that Trance is an altered state of mind where the sub-conscious mind is predominant and the conscious mind exists only as a dormant witness. Under this state, a person can have experiences beyond the domain of logical mind and the senses.


Breathing..yes. Breathing can be instrumental in the process of transgressing into Trance.

When one undertakes excellerated and rapid breathing, a portion inside nostrills, because of passing of air go dry. This is qauite unusual for the physical body and for the part of brain that oversees and ensure that the inner surface of every organ must remain wet all the time. The portion of Pharynx is connected with the hypothalamus gland. Because of this connection, the hypothalamus gland get activated and hallucination can be experienced.


Now,if the person who induces the other person, before starting the process, tells the subject that during the trance, he would feel great, he would have spiritual experiences etc.; it is all likely that the person concerned will lable the unusual feelings with 'divine experience'. This is due to the pre-conditioning of his mind.


If you observe some of the Meditation Techniques (I don't want to name them), you can find the above phenomenon working behind the claims of magical, devine or spiritual experiences..!!






even at beginning i also don know about trance but a lady suddenly came to home and taught me all those, actually the lady was related to us...

Trance is a type of astrology which is very very old, praised from the origin of human life, its very simply to enter into trance, its a type of breathing....


pl check out in website how to enter into trance, it will give you all the procedures step by step, don worry its only a type of breathing

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dear ganesh are you a medical student, you gave in detail of medical ok...

hey did u ever get into trance and exp some thing un usual, one main queston what all we see nor exp in trance is it really happened in past or future ie.. for ex. some mistake which our ancestors have done and hidden it but now due to that every one in his family sufffering from problem , and when we sit in trance and talk with our ancestors and they tell some un usual thing which does'n exist nor any one seen it.....



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  • 10 months later...


dear ganesh are you a medical student, you gave in detail of medical ok...

hey did u ever get into trance and exp some thing un usual, one main queston what all we see nor exp in trance is it really happened in past or future ie.. for ex. some mistake which our ancestors have done and hidden it but now due to that every one in his family sufffering from problem , and when we sit in trance and talk with our ancestors and they tell some un usual thing which does'n exist nor any one seen it.....




I am really surprised to see that the site is active once again. It is almost more than 10 months that I got notification that Vikas has entered some message on the stream.


Well, Vikas if you too got the notification and if you please provide the link to the said website, I would be obliged. Kindly also enlighten me about 'Trance being a kind of Astrology.

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