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So "chakra" was separated and now beginnings to speak what that the politics. It would be possible and to be delighted to such fact, nevertheless has appeared certain independent a "free" site. Nevertheless "freechakra" to print clauses against by her of ideas, refuses. To you and all freedom.


I for a long time already have written clause concerning "chakra" and similar, but all did not print it. Nevertheless has decided(solved) to publish, it concerns basically to a management "chakra".




" I now read what that very much " sharp " late of a conference. Very much " sharp " problems lifts mataji. It is possible certainly whole clause to write in this occasion, but what as is spoken to specify this subject I shall allow myself the small remark, on my sight very much sober, probably all it already know.


SBST at all did not initiate woman and in general on vedas the woman, sudra are not suitable for spiritual life. SBST spoke that the women have stone hearts notwithstanding as they look and that speak. That that at the women (who itself those considers) there is no intelligence, it in general is well-known. Now in addition women are not protected as a matter of fact, though the women begin to dominate, that is by one of attributes kali yuga.


It does not mean that to the women badly concern. Why that the perfect girl so think sometimes. The man less sincere in spiritual life, it you see the fact. If for example I speak it about the men that of problems usually it does not happen. But woman it is usual anger, I do not speak about this forum, on this forum of the girl very remarkable.


In general if you when want to arrange anger, simply begin to discuss problems the man - woman, the effect as is spoken instant. Lord Caitanya considered the woman for half. If to the girl speak that she only half of person and she simply smiles, understanding that all this not so, all in the order. In the modern world of the women simply maintain, having put " equality" with the men. In a nature the woman to be engaged in a facilities(economy) and children, studying arts sitting at home not working (earlier it there was a large house with a facilities(economy), garden, three kinds of irons and so on).


If who that wants that that to tell in this occasion, the answer is very simple - offer to any woman enough money, products, the good house and complete absence work and personally seems to me that nobody will refuse from this instead of remarkable work for 8 hours.


Therefore what to protect of the girl and as what to not kindle lust in a society, there are certain spiritual principles. Paranja for example or sari. Sari it is a mix of western style and paranja, it seems that it is most acceptable. In any case if the husband in the mind(wit), I do not advise him to suppose up to such, that the wife would go in frank clothes, it is all will come on his head.


KC will prosper if CORRECTLY to adhere to this principle. About the women it is necessary cares, simply it would be not necessary that they strongly dominated, that's all.


In general I do not know that is discussed, but that I now read, it is what that of a triviality, childhood what that. What that the girl speaks what it is necessary to change the books Prabhupada? It to her is necessary to exchange, it will be both faster and easier and completely correspond to spirit of absolute true. This not ours bhava, that that to require. This mood Dvaraka ( Dvaraka? Dvaraka - chakra ), when the goddess Satyabhama has wanted a tree for a collection. Why Krisna loves more gopis, because they do not require trees, this is obvious.:)


In such approach sastra in general it is impossible to study. Even if her intelligence will be 150 units. If at the girl intelligence 150 units it can mean only one, she can be happy, if who will stop that her. "

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