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I was recently in a chat room, based on Hinduism. I was attacked visciously by other so-called Hindus for professing my adherence to Vaisnavism. I was attacked as being ignorant for believing that God is other than self, I was attacked as being a dualist (though I explained dualistic non-dualism), and finally attacked as an ISKCONite, though I have never been a member of the organization.

These pseudo-intellectual Hindus also attacked Gaudiya Matha. Does anyone know what the issue with these folks is?? How do I deal with such pig headedness? It seemed to me they were so taken with their own "learning" and opinions, that the Vedas were secondary to thei experience and university degrees. I was regarded as an infant by them for not seeking experiences and letting go of my silly theistic notions.

I could only think of Prabhupadas warnings about Mayavadis...sad...

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Don't go there.The room is full of negative energy.Only in Hinduism chat that I see full time abuse going on.The mentality is so bad,what can we do?I would say don't be disturbed by maya.See,they are powerful spiritual beings trapped temporary in illusion.I sometimes wonder how descendants of varna-ashrama have become like this.It's very difficult to preach in India.It's mostly envy.On other Indian message boards,nowdays I see people posting about India becoming superpower.What the hay?I tell them one becomes super powerful by how much devotion and spiritual knowledge he has.But they won't listen.If there would be no western culture they would have remained peaceful.They try to artificially imitate and dog's race start.


I am sorry for using harsh words.After death truth will be known to everybody.



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It boils down to pride and envy. They have basically had "hinduism" to themselves for thousands of years and now the unclean westerners have had their eyes opened and they do not want to share. But look how they take to the unclean westerners ways - clothing, tv, foodstuffs etc etc.


I had to deal with this type of verbal abuse face to face one day. I did not say anything and let the guy rant and rave until he finally exhausted himself and walked off. Not worth my time - I do not get into debates with these people.


Fortunately not all Indians feel this way and embrace us newbies and are all too happy to help us along.


Best just to walk away when confronted in that way - you will not win - no matter what you say and how well read etc you may be they will always come back with something ridiculous. Stick with like-minded people.

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Dear devotee,

dandavat pranams!


You have tried. You risked a lot by being in their association. Do not let their durt touch your heart or disturb your mind.


Imagine few persons came and put durt all over you - or just slap your face. This is what they do. Very, very violent people.


They are covered with avidya, and they float in their voidism.


What you could best is, chant Hare Krishna maha mantra for their recovering of huminity and continue with your own blissful life. List them names of Srila Prabhupada's books to end the story, hoping that at least one of them will remember it at the time of death if not erlier.


Ys, Yashoda devi dasi

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There several reasons why they hate HK's.


I can give a few reasons:


- Their ignorance.

- They may be advaiti, and intolernt.


- HK's do not join Hindus in deva/devi worship.

HK's condemn deva/devi worship.


- Prabhupada has said thing like:

"We are not HIndus, we are not preaching Hinduism, etc."

I wish he should not have said such thigns.

Instead, he could have said, "we are teaching only a branch of Hinduism - Krishna Bhakti - in its pure form."

Then no Hindu would have complained about him or Hks.


- Consequently most HK's look down on Hindus, and this is not fair. Prabhupada was a Hindu, no matter what he said.

What he preached IS a major branch of Hinduism. So, not giving due credit to the mother/source Hinduism was not fair/right. A Krishna bhakta is a Hindu no matter where is he born.


So, if the HK's tell Hindus that Hk's also are Hindus and they do not have any problem if other Hindus worship deva/devis, then Hindus would feel good about HKs.


- Also understand that Islam has caused many Hindu genocide in India. Every one in India has practiced kicking the Hindus (majority) in their own home land. So now finally the Hindus have woke up, and Hindu nationalism has come in strength. When HK' are also Hindus (being Krishna devotees) they also need to join Hindu nationalists in their struggle to (non violently) kick aggresive ideologies out of Bharat, the land of Krishna. This is very proper, because Prabhupada also has said something like, "If our movement gets in financial trouble, contact Hindus, they will help." And Hindus do support HK movement and temples. Being so, it is very proper that HK's join Hindus in their struggle as well. Not joing them does not help in any way because HK's are just as kafirs (non muslims) to Islamist as the Hindus are. Hindu temples have been attaked recently, and HK temples are not any more sacred to the Islamists.


Every HK, I wish/pray, should think that the Islamist attack on Akshardham temple and Rabhunath temple are attack on their HK temple. If HK's do not care for these attacks being Krishna devotees, then it is a serious insult to the Hindus who kept Vaishnavism alive for thousands of years despite Islamist attacks for 1000 years in India.


I really pray that HK's understand this and change their position and attitide towards the Hindus.


I like Prabhupada very much, but I do disagree with his position on Hindus or Hinduism.


jai Sri Krishna!






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