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This may be off topic, but -HELP!

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Sai Ram, Hare Krishn, Hare Bol,


I am looking for something that I have yet to find, and I dare say the internet may not be the place to find it. First, a bit about myself --


I live in El Paso, Texas (the middle of nowhere!) Am a devotee of Lord Krishna and Sai Baba of Shirdi (I do attend ISKCON when I am in Houston). I am 32 years old, divorced, have earned my degrees, and run a not-for-profit foundation, and am a writer and artest. Anyway...


I have been looking all over for a place that will help me find a wife who is a devotee. Yet, I've had no luck. All the sites either want money, or don't seem to work at all.


So, I am not looking for much, just someone in West Texas or the Southern part of New Mexico (or someone who is willing to relocate) who is between the ages of 25 and 34. Not much, can anyone help?


Your humble servant,



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sorry i can't link you up netpoet. I understand your situation. Perhaps a good way tp proceed is to be patient a little longer and spend some time around the Houston Temple's community and get to know your prospective wife a little. Make sure your goals are the same. Age is not enough. It's a big step and if you choose wrong you may be in a state of lamentation for decades.


Hare Krsna

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One may checek this link:




To find a life partner is risky business.

One should never lie and cheat the other.


The risk in selecting a person from foreign country is that

one could get cheated by some one who just wants to get a green card and marries for that purpose only.


Sometimes some one runs sinful business of helping a foreign person get green card by marrying her/him.


Such marriges do not last and accumulate bad karma.


So, pray Krishna or Durga for good luck and never

lie about the self when exchanging personal information.


Jai Sri Krishna!


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