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Location of the soul

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this is tough question.


i have seen on tv

a heart reloved from bady,

but still throbbing

in the palms of surgeion.


other thing:


when an earth worm is cut in two pieces,

both live normally.

did one soul became twho soul?

or, did another soul entered one peace?


god always keeps some mystery.

man cannot figure everything.


Jai sri krishna!


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>>when an earth worm is cut in two pieces,

both live normally.

did one soul became twho soul?

or, did another soul entered one peace?<<



That is a myth. The worm wriggles for a few minutes but it eventually dies.



>>god always keeps some mystery.

man cannot figure everything.<<



I can only pray that one day (or one life) He will share is His master plan with me.



Hare Krsna !


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matter and spirit are ontologically diverse entitites. when we try to draw relationship between them, it is at best metaphorical or figurative. there are always multiple levels of meanings and each level of meaning may seem to fail in another level.



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when one of my brothers died and they had to change the coffin two or three times because the body grew!! He was only 3 years old and his body stretched after death. The soul left the body already. I don't know the medical reason for that but for sure was no more soul in there.

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I heard from someone that once people kept a dying man inside a thick glass to observe what exactly happens during death. (may be a euthanasia case). After some time they found the glass box getting burst after the man has died. So, may be there is tremendous force while the soul is leaving the body along with the air.




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I always thought that was very weird. It wouldn't be more than 2 or 3 days before the burial. They told me why it happened because the doctor said something but I can't remember and I don't want to speculate. I can't ask my mom anymore because she passed away a few months back.



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>>Movement isn't evidence of the souls presence. Movement can be caused by chemical reactions, electrical stimulation, etc. The soul has already infused that matter with energy, which takes time to difuse.


seems to be a valid statement.


I remember watching some old telugu movies wherein two actors change their bodies using a dead being.

First, the hero recites something and his body collapses and he (his soul) goes into the dead being (which can be an animal). Then the second actor recites something and goes into the hero's body. Finally the conscious dead being recites and moves to the body of second actor.

[similar to variable swapping in PROGRAMming]


Such tricks are performed when the hero wants to get into the palace of queen and he cannot go with his current body. He takes the help of a servant known in the palace to gain entry. Though the hero appears as a limping servant, his character stays as the hero while the original hero's body acquires the character of the servant.


This may be fictitious thing but the thing that appeared true to me is that the soul carries the character, based on the consciousness which is due to karma.


Such mystic films were popular among masses when I was a child but later dikchak-dikchak movies became famous in Tollywood !



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well, I just heard that as soon as the person died, the glass bursted. Iam not sure about the time between his death and glass burst.


Also I heard the soul leaving through mouth making a hissing sound. I was told about this after my grandmother passed away few yrs back.




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First of all, let us be very clear about the nature of the soul. Soul has no material characteristics and is very subtle. Therefore, soul is not the Heart alone! Therefore, the soul is very much inside the body during a heart-transplant operation. It is only due to anaesthasia, that the body is immobile and unconscious.

About the story of the dying man put in a glass box. Even I had heard about this story in my childhood. In the early period, when people wanted to know whether soul had any Material nature or not. What I heard was that, the glass box showed a fine crack the moment the man died and the effort of the people to 'catch' soul inside the box failed!

When people who have accumulated good merits (Punya) die, the soul leaves through the upper orifices from the body or else it leaves through the lower orifices.

For the true Yogis, the soul reaches the Sahasrara Chakra in the head and from the Brahmarandhra, it merges with the Brahman.

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According to Hindu scripture, the soul is not matter, and is so small that it can go through glass just as light can go. So the container will not break.


If you want to prove it,

Take a bug and put it in thin glass jar and seal it.

Let me know if it breaks when the bug dies.


If any one says jar broke,

then the same experiment is to be repeated in

controlled environment in scientific manner

where evidence is clearly witnessed.

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Early in the 20th century some scientists measure at man about to die to try and determine if anything left.


They hooked him up to the most sophisticated instruments of the time and found that when he died the body actually weighed less.


Now we know that the soul cannot be measured or weighed. So what accounted for the weight loss. Lung air was taken into consideration, so it was something else.


Mysteriousness abounds...

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Unless and until, the conditions of the body become too 'inhabitable', the soul does not leave the body, so easily as the soul is the true enjoyer. It enjoys everything through the medium of the 5 sensory organs and therefore has a very strong attachment to the body. Even otherwise, when doctors perform the operation on the patient, they take care to put him/her on the heart-lung machine, which does the job of the heart, thus, keeping the vital functions of the body intact. Therefore, soul does not leave the body during such operations. I have heard about the subtle body being there inside the gross body, but never, I have come across this kind of idea of a subtle heart. The concept of subtle body is used when a person is punished (for his accumulated worst sins) in the hell after Yamadoots (the messangers of Yama, the God of Death) drag the subtle body through the Vaitarni river (full of blood, pus and other dirty matter) (Garuda Purana). Soul alone, would never feel the pain, without any covering.

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