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Lord Swaminarayan is God

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This is surely a wind up! In all my time studying the Swaminarayan sect I have never found any authentic reference to the 'Dual Worship' philosophy you kakji people seem to promoting.


As far as I am concerned, its just a sai-baba, rajneesh type group that has broken away from the real Swaminarayan philosophy which strictly adheres to the organisational and worship structure that Swaminarayan Himself established and not some 'self-worshipped' fake saint like Shastri Maharaj or Yogi Bapa.

This is too funny.

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in vartal sect of swaminarayan

one who is in direct blood relation with sahajananda's brother, he only can become a guru.


then there another set where one collected large sum of donation from africa while he was in one sect,

and then took that money himself and built a institute where girls can learn some insudtry. he made a separate sect.


thus there are 3-4 such sects within.

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