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Onion and Garlic

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Have you tried using hing (also known as asofoetida) instead of garlic? It has a similar pungent flavor, and tastes much better, without the bad smelly after-affects.


Also, fresh ginger root chopped up finely adds a nice spicy flavor to rice, soup, and other veggie dishes. As does cilantro (aka dhania.)


I don't know your background, whether you're from the West or from India. Usually, Westerners aren't familiar with curry spices and often have more trouble cooking without onions and garlic. There are so many wonderful spices used in Vedic cooking. Turmeric, cumin, coriander, fennel, mustard seeds, etc. Learning to use "chaunces" (did I spell that right?) when cooking can make you forget about onions and garlic.

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Actually according to iskcon, you are not the body. Therefore, technically speaking, eating garlic and onions cannot affect you in anyway ! Besides, according to theist, everyone is a Vaishnava, no_matter_what. For more details, you may want to get in touch with him.


Anway, I recommend eating a lot of garlic and onion. Eat more than you feel like and I can assure you that you will lose your craving very soon. Once you lose the craving, your problem is solved. This technique will work for any food item that you wish to discontinue (except for tobacco and alcohol, of course).




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i am surprised no one really said much why garlic and onions need to be avoided. they are some of the strong tamasic foods. such foods increase tamo guna, the mdoe of ignorance. it makes you sleepy and lazy. krishna describes tamo guna in gita. a krishna devotee or aishnava want to rise from tamas to rarjas to satva guna and ultimately wants to go beyound the conrol of the gunas.

that is why they choose satvic foods and avoid rajasic or tamasic foods.


now let me give some commets on the previous posts's lines:


>>Actually according to iskcon, you are not the body. <<


iskcon is not eternal, vaishnavism is.

until one realizes one is the soul within the body and eternal servant of Krishna, and acts always according to that fact, one has some false ego. to get rid of false ego is not that easy. for one to pretend that one is free from false ego is not good either.



>>Therefore, technically speaking, eating garlic and onions cannot affect you in anyway ! <<


it affacts in that it makes difficult to progress to higher gunas from tamas which no one really wants.


>>Besides, according to theist, everyone is a Vaishnava, no_matter_what. For more details, you may want to get in touch with him.<<


if so, then the hindus also are vaishnavas.

so then no Hk needs to say "they are not HIndus."

Vaishnav means worshipper of Vishnu (Krishna).

we know that there are worshippers of shiva, durga, sun, ganesh also. they all are hindus, but not vaishnavas.


>>Anway, I recommend eating a lot of garlic and onion. Eat more than you feel like and I can assure you that you will lose your craving very soon. Once you lose the craving, your problem is solved. This technique will work for any food item that you wish to discontinue (except for tobacco and alcohol, of course).<<


yes, it works, but for a small time only, may be a day or two. to develop taste for satvic foods is the best way.


vaishnava is one who has chosen the path of vaishnavism to reach Krishna. he/she may progress and fail many times. but he should try alwasy to progress more. so, as long as one does not give up that path of vaishnavism, he does not become a non-vaishnav just because he ate some foods not recommended in vaishnav scriptures. but one who always recomemds that it is ok to eat meat, take wine, do illecit sex, and gamble is not a vaishnava.


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I eat garlic and onions. Not often but I don't avoid them. But also I haven't been strict in offering food first to Krsna. I'm kind of stuck between not just wanting to say thanks and not really being conscious enough to actually offer to Krishna on a regular basis. The "Sri Vishnu Sri Vishnu Sri Vishnu" or "Om Tat Sat thanks alot" level. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


But when I do try to offer something I leave out the onions and garlic even though they are healthy foods and tasty as well. Why? Prabhupada said don't offer them. Will Krsna accept something from us in direct contradiction to His devotee (our teachers) instructions on the matter? I don't think so.

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I don't know what you mean guest. Does it say in the scriptures not to think? I know we should think of Krsna.


People often assume because mental speculation is not the process that toughts are to be excluded. I don't think so. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I take that as meaning we cannot come to final conclusions on the strength of the mind alone.


For instance we are to question sadhus and guru. How do you form a question without putting some thought into it? Intelligent inquiry requires thoughfulness.


To think and wonder why...why stars in the sky...who and why am I. Why is one of my all time favorite words.


If we don't become thoughtful and independent then don't we just become clone like in our approach to life?

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i am asking where in the scriptures does it say that onions and garlic are bad?

you said you don't think we could offer these to the lord

why do you think this?

do you get my drift?

that is exactly what i am saying, don't be a mindless robot parotting out things we hear it needs to be backed by scripture.

Jai Sri Krishna.

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I've never seen it written anywhere that we shouldn't eat onions or garlic except by Prabhupada. This dietary restriction always seemed very strange to me. Give me a break. It's an onion or a clove of garlic, it's not flesh. This reminds me of some of the strange Old Testament restrictions that make no sense also.

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i am asking where in the scriptures does it say that onions and garlic are bad?



First learn how to ask questions respectfully if you want an answer. Otherwise why should theist waste time replying?



you said you don't think we could offer these to the lord why do you think this?



He already said he thought so because his guru has instructed him such.



that is exactly what i am saying, don't be a mindless robot parotting out things we hear it needs to be backed by scripture.



Discussion can be anything one wants. Why Theist thinks something is his choice.

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I've never seen it written anywhere that we shouldn't eat onions or garlic except by Prabhupada.



It is written by acharya's of every single traditional Vedic school.



This dietary restriction always seemed very strange to me. Give me a break. It's an onion or a clove of garlic, it's not flesh. This reminds me of some of the strange Old Testament restrictions that make no sense also.



Things make sense if we undergo the proper study of Vedic sciences such as Ayurveda. Otherwise everything may seem like nonsense. Modern science seems just as nonsensical if we haven't studied it properly. Who will believe that a combinations of circuits in my computer is creating the effect that we see. Who will believe that combinations of zeros and ones make up all the computer software we use. Everyone knows there are actually trolls living inside the box making everything happen.


The scriptures recommend the avoidance of onion and garlic for those pursuing spiritual goals. All food has an effect on one's consciousness, and those foods in the lower modes influence our consciousness negatively stimulating passions and the senses.

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  • 3 years later...
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"The reason garlic is so toxic, the sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates the blood-brain barrier, just like DMSO, and is a specific poison for higher-life forms and brain cells. We discovered this, much to our horror, when I (Bob Beck, DSc) was the world's largest manufacturer of ethical EEG feedback equipment." <Google for Garlic toxic.


As for onion, I'm not sure if anyone has done research on it.

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This is an old one. Gives me a chance to address something I missed first time around.


Actually according to iskcon, you are not the body. Therefore, technically speaking, eating garlic and onions cannot affect you in anyway ! Besides, according to theist, everyone is a Vaishnava, no_matter_what. For more details, you may want to get in touch with him.

Yes I think everyone is a Vaisnava. I accept that we are eternal small little jivas and Krsna is the one unlimited Supreme Personality of Godhead and the relationship between the jiva and the Lord is one of servant and the served.

When one serves consciously and willingly out of love that is called Vaisnavism. When one serves indirectly by serving matter and out of force that is called a Vaisnava out of water. Is a fish on the bank of a river not a fish because he is temporarily out of water?

Awakened or sleeping everyone is a vaisnava.

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there is nothing wrong with onions and garlic

The following site has alot of info on why garlic and onions are foodstuffs to be avoided:




From these texts it becomes clear why any serious practitioner/follower of Vaishnavism will always avoid the intake of said foodstuffs.


To expand on this subject, here's an excerpt from a lecture given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on S.B.6.1.11 (New York,July 25, 1971):






"Forbidden Food: Hot curries, Chutnies, Chillies, Sour curd, Over-ripe and Unripe fruits and Salt are not at all beneficial. Onions and garlic are worse than meat. Lemon juice, rock salt, gingers and white pepper can be used in moderation."


Here, garlic and onions are described as being worse than meat! Why? Because they work to promote lust and thus disturb the yogi's mind, obstructing him to focus on the Supreme Lord. Lust is one of the three gates that leads to hell (b.G.16.21):




<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

tri-vidham narakasyedam

dvaram nasanam atmanah

kamah krodhas tatha lobhas

tasmad etat trayam tyajet


There are three gates leading to this hell—lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.


The beginning of demoniac life is described herein. One tries to satisfy his lust, and when he cannot, anger and greed arise. A sane man who does not want to glide down to the species of demoniac life must try to give up these three enemies, which can kill the self to such an extent that there will be no possibility of liberation from this material entanglement.


Somebody once said to me that it is more difficult to save a soul who is enveloped by raja guna than a soul who is enveloped by tama guna. I believe him.


Hare Krishna!


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I can't remember ever getting agitated sexually from eating onions or garlic. Maybe I am just too filled with lust to notice. I read they are good to take as medicines or if you are hermit and want people to leave you alone.


But in the face of our immenient death and subsequent rebirth it may not be that important. If your guru said don't eat them or offer them to Krsna then even if you consider differently you should not use them. As I mentioned before I am not a disciple of Srila Prabhupada (or anyone for that matter) but I learned about and how to offer foodstuff to Krsna from him and therefore I choose to follow what he says on the subject when I do offer some foodstuff.


Some vaisnava groups don't eat red vegetables because they think it is meat. Go figure. But that's their business.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with onions & garlic. The restrictions have a spiritual base tried & tested since Vedic period & written in scriptures. Onions & garlic are the only vegetables which are high on 'Rajasic' value ie tend to thrust 'desires', which would obviously come in way of spiritual progress. Since ages Sikhs & Vaishnavs and even today many vaishnavs from gujarat & north <st1:country-region><st1:place>India</st1:place></st1:country-region> avoid onion & garlic in their food. South Indian brahmins also pratice the same. Almost all the major established ancient matts & ashrams donot let onions & garlic in. And most important of all, it is the wish & command of Lord himself !!!
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I can't remember ever getting agitated sexually from eating onions or garlic. Maybe I am just too filled with lust to notice. I read they are good to take as medicines or if you are hermit and want people to leave you alone.


But in the face of our immenient death and subsequent rebirth it may not be that important. If your guru said don't eat them or offer them to Krsna then even if you consider differently you should not use them. As I mentioned before I am not a disciple of Srila Prabhupada (or anyone for that matter) but I learned about and how to offer foodstuff to Krsna from him and therefore I choose to follow what he says on the subject when I do offer some foodstuff.


Some vaisnava groups don't eat red vegetables because they think it is meat. Go figure. But that's their business.

Dear Theist,


Hare Krishna. Please bear in mind that it's not just Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who says don't eat garlic and onions, but in fact all bonafide Vaishnava guru's say this, plus it is written in the scriptures for said reasons that these are foodstuffs to shun for one who wants to become God conscious. Perhaps it would be a good idea to read through the info on the website of that link (or better sources) with scrutiny to get a better impression on how deeply rooted the rejecting of garlic and onions actually is in Vaishnavism. It is not just specifically mentioned in the Manu Samhita, but in the Purana's as well. More importantly, our beloved Vaisnava acharya's have repeated this over and over again.


Since Krishna Himself tells us we are to approach Krishna through the bonafide preceptorial channel rather then through our own concocted methods, it follows that we should listen to Sri guru, and take their instructions to heart, for they have come to save us from this material entanglement which is full of affliction. Unlike us, their hearts are pure and instilled with divine knowledge, so it follows that they know best what is for the devotee's benefit. I sense the faintest hint of sarcasm in your post but I gather you understand that the gurus don't say these things whimsically,that they say it for our own good. It is commendable that you understand that one who has taken initiation has to obey the order of Sri Guru, that is indeed what it means to surrender fully to his lotus feet. But is it not commendable too, even for the uninitiated who walks the path of the Vaishnava's, to try and follow those same rules and regulations and be strict about them? Doesn't this form of tapasya show one's determination about attaining service of the Lord? Certainly this attitude would please Supreme Lord Sri Hari and consequently would certainly speed up one's progression on the path dramatically.

Obviously it's up to you what you do with all this, but I beg you to reconsider that it is not that important 'in the face of our imminent death', because foodstuffs do affect the consciousness however one looks at it. This is not something to be lax about. At the time of death, the last thing you want is a troubled mind. You can't properly worship the Supreme Lord in a state of muddied consciousness.


When he first came to the USA, Prabhupada has actually been lenient in this matter towards the neophytes, but only because he was confident that through continuous devotional service they would soon give up eating those unfavourable foodstuffs. Then at initiation they had to make the vow not to eat them anymore. End of leniency when one truly becomes serious about it. The effects of rajasic and tamasic foodstuffs may differ in perceived gravity according to one's own body and state of consciousness, but nevertheless the effect is there. So ask yourself; why would I add unnecessary ghee to the fire? Why should I risk getting my mind agitated if you can avoid it easily by not taking it? Certainly there is no need for that.



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Dear Theist,


Hare Krishna. Please bear in mind that it's not just Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who says don't eat garlic and onions, but in fact all bonafide Vaishnava guru's say this, plus it is written in the scriptures for said reasons that these are foodstuffs to shun for one who wants to become God conscious. Perhaps it would be a good idea to read through the info on the website of that link (or better sources) with scrutiny to get a better impression on how deeply rooted the rejecting of garlic and onions actually is in Vaishnavism.

I know it it is widespread not just in Vaisnavism but all Indian yoga traditions as JNdas has already stated. But I learned not to offered them to Krsna from Prabhupada so when offering I won't include garlic or onions. Some things I follow somwthings I do not. I don't desire their taste enough to care one way or the other. I do accept those that point to their health benefits and make use of them in ways that promote health. I wouldn't offer valerian rt to Krsna either but I use it daily. Something like that.





It is not just specifically mentioned in the Manu Samhita, but in the Purana's as well. More importantly, our beloved Vaisnava acharya's have repeated this over and over again.

I am not trying to follow everything I read in either the Manu Samhita or the Purana's. In the Purana's somewhere there is a story about some cow being killed or something and it's blood going into the Earth and turning into all red vegetables so some Vaisnava's don't eat carrots tomateos and beets from what I understand. Such stories are like folk tales to me. I in fact love carrot and beet juice and take it for pleasure and as a liver tonic. I love tomateos also and I know I am not eating a cow when I eat them.


I consider it more in line with the essence of Vaisnavism to boycott commercial milk which is stolen from tortured cows doomed to slaughter irregardless of what any Purana may say about milk then to stay away from carrot juice.


To each his own in these matters. It only means something to me when someone tries to make it into a law and hang that weight around the head of a newcomer as important.

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  • 1 month later...

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">The reason we don't eat it is because it makes you hot-headed. I personally hate onions and garlic so im lucky. When Vishnu beheaded Rahu the demon onions and garlic sprung with blood from his neck. I don't know if it has effect on the organs but it says in the veds itself not ot eat them so you do not eat them</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">The reason we don't eat it is because it makes you hot-headed. I personally hate onions and garlic so im lucky. When Vishnu beheaded Rahu the demon onions and garlic sprung with blood from his neck. I don't know if it has effect on the organs but it says in the veds itself not ot eat them so you do not eat them</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">



Well you may take that story as some literal happening but I do not. Nor do onions and garlic make me hot headed. They just don't don't. To each his own I guess.

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">The reason we don't eat it is because it makes you hot-headed. I personally hate onions and garlic so im lucky. When Vishnu beheaded Rahu the demon onions and garlic sprung with blood from his neck. I don't know if it has effect on the organs but it says in the veds itself not ot eat them so you do not eat them</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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