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good bye, and a suggestion

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dear sanatana dharmis,


i need to say good bye.

i wish you all K C.

if any of my writing offended any one,

then it was not inteded.

so please forgive me if you can.

i am not offended by any one.

most of you are very good devotees,

some perhaps are goswamis i think.


to the forum controllers i have one suggestion:


for the benefit of new comers,

please post some rules upfront letting them know

what are the limits of discussion here.


then if you see some rule is violated,

then remind the poster at least a couple of times

and give chance to correct him/her self.


your web and forum are very good.

i wish you success in your mission.


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why are you going?

perhaps you will like it if you stay longer.they were only discussions not personal attacks!.so why bother?


you didn't offend anyone.we make mistakes we are humans and there is always enough time to rectify them.God is great!take care my friend.


very best regards from Joy

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If you do stay I think you can make positive contributions to these forums. However, if you don't mind, allow me to explain what I have seen. I think you entered these forums very enthusiastic. I mean 184 posts in 14 days might very well be a world record here. But in the process I think you were overwhelming the forums a bit. Rather than entering, getting to know the people, and discussing, it seemed like you were pushing your way around. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way.


For instance, I could probably get away with an insult here or there on some of these forum members, because they've known me a bit, and I've known them a bit. And we know we throw things around a bit, but then everything is made up in the end. On the other hand, a new person who enters, who starts to insult people, questioning their dedication, and such, just won't go over real well. And again, if this were just a post here or there it would likely go unnoticed in time. But the sheer volume of posts (most positive) created an impression of pushiness.


Recently, I believe it was one of our Buddhist friends who commented about the quality of these forums. I agree. The conversations tend to stay above board and fires are put out fairly quickly Those are my thoughts.

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madhav, I'm sorry to see you go. I hope what I wrote did not offend you, although I suppose I annoyed you a couple of times.


After you posted an explanation of the purpose for your line of argument, I was about to respond by telling you how annoyed I was that ISKCON's Prithu das had alienated the publisher of Hinduism Today by getting into a heated argument about whether Hare Krishna devotees are Hindus. Now HT has resolved not to cover any ISKCON activity, so Prithu's "rectitude" proved counterproductive, I believe. Up to that point their leader, Subramaniyaswami, had been a friend to the devotees for decades. I do think there's a strategic advantage to making an alliance with Hindu groups, just as a preacher friend of mine here in Hawaii has had his followers make alliances with Christians for certain purposes. That's a different matter from walking up to devotees, grabbing them by the collar, and asserting, "Listen--Prabhupada was a Hindu, and you should just dismiss all his protests to the contrary."


And I also want you to know that I did appreciate your admonitions to the "Guests" to register and sign in. I agree with you 100 % on this point.


Anyway, we'll miss you. Sorry we didn't make you feel welcome.

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Hey Madhav, No need to leave. Take a less passionate approach maybe. The rush in, experience some resistence at some point and then run off plan, nah that's not a good one.


Take a longer term view. Don't expect automatic agreement. If your point is correct it will be sustained over time. If it is incorrect you will come to realize that also in due course. This is how we all grow.


We here certainly don't agree on everything. I just figure that given a little time and experience the others will come to see it my way and all will be well. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif So I don't sweat it.


Patience brother.


Hare Krsna

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And I also want you to know that I did appreciate your admonitions to the "Guests" to register and sign in. I agree with you 100 % on this point.



Although I will agree that it would be better if guests acquired a handle, apparently the moderator of these forums has allowed the "guest" feature to be enabled. If a poster has a problem with this, I suppose there's nothing wrong in mentioning it every now and then. But 3 or 4 times a day, and it starts to resemble spam, which can be a bit annoying at times. If the moderator or Jndas prabhu decides he doesn't want guests here, I'm sure he could easily make that happen. Until such time, however, I defer to him as the moderator and would rather not watch posters being harrassed merely because they are "guests".

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I see that most of you above want me to stay here.


One said i was spamming "Guest" to pick a user name.

i thought I was responding to different persons.

and did not realize that more than one such message would be considered as spamming. now i do.


i also noticed that some do not use a user name but sign with a name. so i wonder why they cannot use that name as a user name. any way, it is their choice, not mine.

but for me it is really easy when i know to whom i am talking, at least a user name.


the other thing is that i am not a good typist.

so, there may be some misspellings, etc. and i request the reader would try to get the message, rather than distort a message or mis read it. (the asuras however, come in disguise or openly and make all kinds of problems of forums.)


i am not here to disturb any one.

the islam terrorists are disturbing the whole world.

this is very serious for the sanatana dharmis of india.

i consider HK's sanaana dharmis. their skin color or nationality does not matter. if they worship krishna, they are sanatana dharmis, so i worry about them too.

they are very special.


when HK's are sanatana dharmis, then i really wish that they do not keep unfriendly attitude towards 1B sanatana dharmis of india. so, i came to talk about it how it could be done. i just started talking, and i felt no one has even interest to just let me finish to find out what really i am trying to say.


i am not imposing anything, no one can. but at least if you please get my whole argument, then you have something to think and decide or talk about. at least you would know how other millions think about the issue. so i just started by giving one point at a time. and you know what happened.


so, if the forum controllers and visitors have interest

to get the whole story from me, then i would be pleased to give it. let me know (yes or no). what i would do now is write a whole article and present it here. it could be 2-3 pages long or more. or i could post it on a web page and provide its link also.


sanatana dharma puts a lot of importance on truth.


- satyam eva jayate

- satyam vada

- asato ma sat gamaya

- satyam param dhi mahi

- etc.


so, when a truth (fact) is evident like a dime in hand is evident, then there is no need to rely any one else other than your own firsthand knowledge and buddhi. when one cannot see the truth or figure out, then one may need othrer's (like a guru's or sadhu's or shastra's) help.

just because one has a guru, it does not mean one must give up checking the facts and concluding from it using god given buddhi.


Let me know if any of you could agree to this.


also, i do not know any one here

and no one knows me here too.

what we see is the posts and messages only.


other thing, i do not use bad words, do not ridicule any one, i try to talk about the point, thought, concept, fact, and not person. i do not get angry, and if i feel my point/argument is valid and rational, then i do not give up.

if i make a mistake, i say sorry. am i missing any other good manner?


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i also noticed that some do not use a user name but sign with a name. so i wonder why they cannot use that name as a user name. any way, it is their choice, not mine.

but for me it is really easy when i know to whom i am talking, at least a user name.



Madhavji, I was being a registered user hereon until the big changes happen which changed the presentations of this forums. Then I was not able to logging on prpoerly any more and for no reason. Moderator is tried to be helpful but no success and then he is tellin me I can still be posting simply as GUEST only. So I am one guest who is preferring identyship but not able to do same. Now I am signing off as Shashi but in so doing I must say that is not very safe because anybodies could say they are Shashi and be making one big fool in my name.


So it is better if we had REGISTERED character and I am agreeing on this from my new angle as I have spoken. But, you can be seeing that in my case it is not happening through no choice of mine.


Jai Radhe Krishna!!!

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madhav -


if we can be a good christian and be a hare krishna, why cant we be a good hindu and be a hare krishna ? i think some of these hare krishnas are just too attached to their religions. i am for one fully convinced by your views. for that matter, these devotees here are not totally representative of hare krishnas. i know many hare krishnas who perform tarpanas more enthusiastically and also perform hindu festivals etc. this is authorized by their gurus also. thanks to hare krishnas, there are some priests who give up coffee, tea, onion and garlic before performing the fire sacrifices.


your idea of writing an article is good. be focussed, present facts as they are and welcome opposing views that are factual. no need to run away. these are nice devotees more than most other sanatanis and good gentlemen also.

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dear shashi bhai,


thanks for the explanation.

i do not know what to say.

may try picking anoher user name

and possibly another e-mail address.

should work, but i cannot say for sure.


any way, if nothing works,

then come as guest. i would get used to it.


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dear kartik ji,


thanks for your call to come back here.


please read the thread "Prabhupada as a Hindu" thread

if you did not read it.


My article will start with that point

and will show that it is beneficial for both HK's and the Hindus that HK's never say they are not hindus.

This does not change the K C preaching of prabhupada at all.


this unity was not necessary in 1965,

but it is now.


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because i felt i was gagged

when "Prabhupada was a Hindu"

thread was locked without giving any reason for locking.

may be, there was good reason, but no one knew it.


any way i am back

becaue a few people asked me to come back.


oh BTW, i am madhav, not madhava who is a different person.


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Dear Madhav:


I would like to respectfully disagree with you by submitting this:When Srila Prabhupada spoke about Krsna Consciousness not being Hindu, he wasn't just talking in terms of 1965 or 2003. He was stating an eternal fact.


Srila Prabhupada was crystal clear on one point: Krsna Consciousness is not Hindu. He reiterated this point on many occasions which were recorded. Of course I'm not saying that Hare Krsnas shouldn't unite with Hindus, Christians and Muslisms to fight terrorism or other negative forces, but they can and in fact should unite without compromising the philosophy by proclaiming themselves to be Hindus.


You wrote:"This does not change the K C preaching of prabhupada at all." But it does changes Krsna Consciousness. Prabhupada never intended Krsna Consciousness to be affliated with Hinduism. He intended it to be a universal and non-sectarian movement. If we do not preach an acarya's message in the spirit of the acarya, then the potency will be lost.As Prabhupada often said: "We haven't got to manufacture anything."

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Avinashji thank you so for your compliements. The western Nawa Sal Mubarak for you and your families.


Maybe I can be continuing as Guest Shashi after all as I was thinking if someone else tries to be impostor of me, the Modrator may be checking the IP very quickly for decision action. Ha na?

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Leyhji, is it that the Hinduism is like the ferile garden and the Krishna Bhakti is the very special jamun tree found therein? please be thinking on this metaphor for the discernments of the simultaneous dependence and independence between the garden and the tree.

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Dear Shashi:


Actually my own idea is that Krsna Consciousness and Hinduism are cousins. They have the same ancesteral roots (The Vedas),but they have both turned out very differently. While popular Hinduism is a vast mixing pot of deities and ideas which sometimes contradict each other and no definite doctrine or authority, Krsna Consciousness is distinctly monotheistic tradition with a definite set of doctrines and the clearly defined sources of authority of Guru (those situated in the disciplic succession), Sadhus (the Vaisnavas) and sastras (The scriptures accepted by the Vaisnava acaryas).

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