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what does this (dream of mine)indicate?...........

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i have been getting a dream quite often ,wherein ,i fly in the air,i literally can feel it,i am quite conscious and aware of what is going on,,,i feel sooo light,weightless,i fly across valleys,mountains,etc,with ease.

then,i find myself facing sooo many obstacles and each time ,i fly over them, as i chant SHRI KRISHNA'S name.but,sometimes,,i become handicapped in chanting HIS name.I AM UNABLE TO DO IT.MY MOUTH DOESNT SPEAK,,,i dont understand what this actually means,,can anyone explain?

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I think it is wonderful that you are chanting as you dream. the obstacles you face in your dreams may relate to the obstacles in your waking life. Do you become handicapped in your waking life and also forget to chant?


How do we get past our tendancy to choke up and neglect the Name? Only by becoming more aware of our dependency on Krsna. in other words ask Krsna to reveal the nature of the block and award His name in its place.


Ever explore the subject of lucid dreaming? Interesting topic. Its a form of waking up in the midst of your dream. the dream continues but your experience of it changes dramaticaly.


One moment you are dreaming that you are flying and it seems so real. Then you realize "Hey I'm dreaming that I am flying". Same as in the waking state when you become lucid as you are walking down the street and then you realize that "Hey, I am only dreaming that I am walking down the street". In both cases you then find yourself in the observer position.


I see a self-realized soul as the perfect lucid dreamer.


Anyway there are books that teach how to improve this practice of waking up in your dreams. You basically set up a trigger in your mind. Like say, looking at your right hand. If you think you may be dreaming you look at your right hand and then back at the surroundings of your dream. If you are dreaming the whole atmosphere suddenly changes. Colors are much brighter and there is an accompanying sense of heightened joy. You become lucid.


Stephen L_______, sorry can't remember his last name(do a google search on lucid dreaming) wrote some good books on the subject.


The Tibetians have a whole yoga system dedicated to this practice. They try to enter sleep awake. Get that. They try to maintain a conscious state of self awareness as the body drifts off into slumber. And then continue it through the various phases of sleep and then watch as the body and brain awaken in the morning. Very cool. Imagine how many more rounds one could chant.


Didn't Krishna refer to Arjuna as the conquerer of sleep?


I can't interpret dreams so my views should be taken as just my views. Sounds like you have a fun adventure going.

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yes, sometimes dreams become so obvious that they are far from reality. they become lucid dreams and the dreamer can easily make out & see them as an observer. I've experienced this sometimes.

Also, when I screw up some things in reality, then I wish they should have been part of a dream. But damn! those things have already been screwed up -in reality : (.



i have been getting a dream quite often ,wherein ,i fly in the air,i literally can feel it,i am quite conscious and aware of what is going on,,,i feel sooo light,weightless,i fly across valleys,mountains,etc,with ease.



I've also experienced similar ones and such dreams appear to be good ones based on this page: http://www.indiadivine.com/agni-purana7.htm



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Last night I dreamed of animal sacrifices being carried out in front of durga.I watched them die helplessly and cried.I was thinking they were just like little innocent children.It was a village of indian origin.People were brown and thin.Then they went out to hunt down a human for sacrifice.I tried to save a man but instead got shot in left part of my neck with an arrow.I chanted Krsna's name and I was out of my body floating above!The pain in my neck felt so real that I woke up!I don't know what to make out of this.Is this some journey to the subtle world or just my mind playing games on me?


According to ayurveda we have disturbing dreams when air element is disturbed in our body.



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Yes I will.The amazing thing was I saw myself as a different person.I was old(over 50),different looking with dirty white beard,thin brown body and wearing a dhoti and turban on head.When I was shot I couldn't speak and was choking and I fell down on a wooden bench.Then another man tried to pierce some sharp object in my stomach and I stopped him with my feet.Then I remember nothing.



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I think it is wonderful that you are chanting as you dream.



I recall reading some statements of Srila Prabhupada to the effect that it is possible with practice to chant in dreams, and we must try to do so. Are you in posession of such references, and would you kindly post them here, please? I have been looking all over the net and couldn't find any.



You basically set up a trigger in your mind. Like say, looking at your right hand. If you think you may be dreaming you look at your right hand and then back at the surroundings of your dream. If you are dreaming the whole atmosphere suddenly changes. Colors are much brighter and there is an accompanying sense of heightened joy. You become lucid.



Yes, I recall briefly reading about the right-hand trigger in one of Carlos Castaneda's series of books.



The Tibetians have a whole yoga system dedicated to this practice. They try to enter sleep awake. Get that. They try to maintain a conscious state of self awareness as the body drifts off into slumber. And then continue it through the various phases of sleep and then watch as the body and brain awaken in the morning. Very cool. Imagine how many more rounds one could chant.



LOL!!! I like your idea!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif


And this is also a perfect example of Krishna-consciousness. Some people reading may be bewildered and take off to read about lucid dreaming, and try to initiate all sorts of nonsensical and self-aggrandising dreams, but Theist prabhu here would use the opportunity to chant some more rounds. Congratulations! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Vaisnava, I will try to find that reference for you. You do however give me way too much credit as I misuse most of my waking state as it is, i'm sure if i had more of it I would only waste more. I was only feigning some enthusiasm for chanting. But I still think it would be a good idea for you guys. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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As described here, one attains the ultimate realization of the Personality of Godhead when one gives up the activities of the mind;thinking, feeling and willing or, in other words, when mental speculation stops. This transcendental realization is above susupti, deep sleep. In our gross conditional stage we perceive things through material experience and remembrance, and in the subtle stage we perceive the world in dreams. The process of vision also involves remembrance and also exists in a subtle form. Above gross experience and dreams is susupti, deep sleep, and when one comes to the completely spiritual platform, transcending deep sleep, he attains trance, viçuddha-sattva, or vasudeva-sattva, in which the Personality of Godhead is revealed.






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divya, this will be of interest.



Guest (2): Are we to take Krsna conscious dreams seriously or some illusion?

Prabhupäda: Well, that depends on your particular position, you see. Sometimes a Krsna conscious persons dreams very seriously. Sometimes communication is there by dreams. Yes?


lecture SB 7.6.3 Montreal June 16 1968




Afterall if Krsna is everywhere then He also occupies our dreamscapes as well. It's all about recognition.

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i have been getting a dream quite often ,wherein ,i fly in the air,i literally can feel it,i am quite conscious and aware of what is going on,,,i feel sooo light,weightless,i fly across valleys,mountains,etc,with ease.

then,i find myself facing sooo many obstacles and each time ,i fly over them, as i chant SHRI KRISHNA'S name.but,sometimes,,i become handicapped in chanting HIS name.I AM UNABLE TO DO IT.MY MOUTH DOESNT SPEAK,,,i dont understand what this actually means,,can anyone explain?



Divyaji, I am feeling the dream is meaning like this:-

You are the breezing through your life and avoiding obstacles as due to you are oftentimes engaged in chanting the japa.

However there are somethings which you may being regarding as the obstacle but which is some thing that is really essential for your spiritual progress. The chantings of japa will not help you to overcome same as this ones are part and parcel of your spiritual developments. So your dream is saying no you cannot overcome this one issue with mantra and your mouth doesn't speak.

Are you getting my meaning?

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I have wondered for a long time if some dreams are windows that view past life events.


For example; I have had a life long recurring dream of driving in a 40's style car. All the other cars on the road seem to be from the same era. Well, I am driving along toward a huge body of water and I see that the bridge is collapsed. I try to hit the brakes but they don't work. I can see cars sinking and people struggling in the water. I try and try to stop my car but end up in the water and I always wake up just as the car sinks. I have had this dream about once a month for as long as I can remember and it still scares me.


To add to this - I have also had a life long unfounded severe fear of both the water and driving. I can not even look at an underwater movie with my heart pounding and getting very disturbed.


On the flip side - I also have recurring flying dreams and I love them! I always feel incredible when I am flying around. I don't stretch out in the classic superman pose but I sit like I am in a lounge chair and just fly around. In these dreams I am always trying to teach other people to fly also. Flying dreams always are happy dreams for me.

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It could be that dreams are what is going on in your mind at the present too...


Last night I had this dream where I was packing some saris, sleeping bag and even a plastic bucket with a mug because I was going to Mayapur for the Navadwipa Mandal parikrama. When my daughters saw me, they asked me where I was going and I told them that I have to go and catch the 6 am bus to Mayapur because I was going in parikrama, in just 4 hours I would be in Mayapur! The girls said: "but mom, we are in California now, in the other side of the world, you have to cross oceans to reach Mayapur, you can't catch the bus anymore." I got so startled because I realized in my dream that it was true, I'm in California, but suddenly someone told me that I could go with my mind and be there. I woke up kind of sad and disoriented, I swear that I thought for a moment that I have a bucket and mug around me for taking bath and washing my cloth. When I looked at the clock it was 3.30am. Ok , at least I can go to Mangala Aratik.

Where I work came this guy who asked me something about India and I didn't know and he told me that he lived in Bengal and I told him "me too" and he said:" I lived in Mayapur" and I almost fainted and we discovered that he was a gurukuli there in the 80's, now he is a man, with reason I didn't recognize him. And another guy came in with a BTG about Mayapur and I was showing my co-workers where I used to live.I guess all that brought back good memories.


The night before Prabhupada's disapearance day, I helped a little decorating the vyasasana for him and that night I dreamt that I was walking in Watseka Ave. and as usual I looked at the sky and the stars and there were lots of them really bright. Suddenly, I noticed a group of stars with the form of a big flying bird and as I looked more and more I realized that the bird was coming towards me. It was Garuda with a lot of little lights around him and Radha-Krsna were sitting on him. I looked up and down the street to see if any more devotees saw this but the street was empty. Radha and Krsna were so beautiful and kept smiling at me. Suddenly a mataji came and she offered her pranamas and we were in completely awe. Two prabhus came and they started doubting and questioning, they were saying that Radha and Krsna don't ride Garuda, only Laxmi-Narayana or expansions of Krsna but no Krsna from Vrindavan and they made me so upset and they ruined all the mood. I told them why they limit God, He can do whatever He wants to, even if He wants to ride on Garuda with Radharani. Garuda flew away and I woke up.

Around that time I was thinking why men have to rationalize so much and argue for nothing, just for the sake of discussion.Maybe something was going on in the Forums at that time....


A few nights later I had another dream where a group of ladies were having class and one 16 years old girl came and sat with us and she was eating some of the bhoga for the deities, she didn't know was bhoga. The women got so mad with the poor girl and told her all kind of nasty things and I thought in the dream how heavy are women with each other, lots of envy and jeaulosy. Finally the leader of the group stop the reprimends and told the women to be more compassionate with the girl.


In another dream and this has to do what LE is been talking about death, I was in the street and I saw this good looking lady taking people away. She was "lady death", she was taking specially children and I got so scared for my children and I started calling out for them to run away from the lady. I was in a lot of anxiety. My girls run to a bridge where a nice woman was protecting them and at that moment I was in the middle of the situation, my kids in the bridge to my left and "lady death" taking people to my right when she turned to me and she said: "you don't know what is coming to you" and I realized that was me who was going to die, not my children. I woke up so upset and one of my daughters told me that I was moving a lot during my sleep, really agitated. That day I called two of my friends to make arrangements to take care of my kids if something happen to me if I die before they are 18.


One of my friends has a card with her at all times where it says to call the Hare Krsnas if something happen to her because they will know what to do. She put it in her will too.


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I am sure, this is the way your life ended in the past birth and the events that you have described have made such a great impact that your soul is still affected by those events and is making you visualize them in the present body. In the near-death experiences, there was a boy, who always talked about being shot in the chest by someone from a close range. From the name of the village, his close relatives actually came across such a person who was shot from the close range. The post mortem report too had described the same thing with a clear drawing showing the place (where the boy always pointed towards his chest).

Whatever has been written in Hindu scriptures, was written off by westerners as pure myth and the handiwork of cunning brahmins. At last, now, people would realised that, it is not myth, but the hard labour of sages and rishis, who sacrificed their worldly happiness to know the eternal truth.

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