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motion for name change

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Posted by Theist:


I would like to raise a motion before the assembled devotees and the rest of us, that the soul posting as 'stonehearted' be required to change his sign in name.


He may see himself as such but we do not, nor shall we ever. To refer to him as 'stonehearted' is painful for those addressing him.


Please voice your agreement with me(if you don't agree then don't bother) and let's get this situation resolved.


The name change is up to him but if you have any suggestions please add those as well.


Navadvipa das or?


Hare Krsna



Posted by livingentity:


I agree with this proposal - it is painful to even consider him to be "Stonehearted". If it is not too personal I would like to hear how he came to choose this name for himself.







Posted by madhav


what about one whose username is Begot?


if they like their names and if any one want to talk and deal with them directly, then one would have to use the names respectfully. if a third party hears it and does not know, then he may think one who addresses another by names like stonehearted or Begot is a mean person.


however any one can use any other name when talking to 3rd party.


stonehearted said me that i could call him Babhru das, his real name.



Posted by Guest


His username is Bebot, not Begot.



Posted by Leyh


Maybe we can compromise by addressing "Stonehearted" as Babhru Prabhu in our posts to him? So while he thinks of himself as "Stonehearted" before the Lord, we can think of him as our Master, just as anyone who is a devotee of Krsna is our Master.



Posted by Stonehearted


I've explained this a couple of times before, but I don't mind doing so again. When I found this site and thought I might like to participate, I noticed that everyone seemed to have adopted a "handle" or username, rather than use their names. While I could see how a degree of anonymity might occasionally be convenient, the culture of anomymity bothered me (and still does sometimes, especially when folks don't log on at all and post as "guests"). I wanted to fit in with the culture of the board, so I thought a while about an appropriate username. I came up with "stonehearted" because that seems on the one hand to be my condition so far. It's also a double entendre because my heart is becoming progressively attached to my Thakurajis, who are a shalagram-shila we call Murali-manohara and a pair of tiny Govardhana-shilas, who I worship along with Sri Sri Nitai-Gaurachandra.


My old friend Mahaksha sometimes calls me stone or stoney (a flashback to previous conditioning, I guess). When madhav got peeved about my name (after I got peeved over a typo that came out stoneheaded, also probably right on the mark), I told him he could call me Babhru. I've become somewhat accustomed to the partial anonymity and have adopted the same username on a couple of other boards. Many who have been paying attention know who I am.


Listen, there are a couple of other names here that are a little strange. Others seem presumptuous. Why d'ya wanna pick on me? If you can convince me to change my username and jn can show me how (without registering anew), I'm willing to consider it. In the meantime, make your cases. (Oh, how my false ego loves this: a thread all about me!)


The transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to establish a competitionless society with God in the center.



Posted by Stonehearted




leyh wrote: while he thinks of himself as "Stonehearted" before the Lord, we can think of him as our Master. . . .



Well, that would indeed be one way to get me out of your hair! There is a part of my shriveled, rocky little heart, though, that would bask in your expressions of servitude. But I know it ain't good for me. I need company that will help me develop some humility--and I need it desperately, since I'm no longer a kid. As a character in one of my favorite movies says, "I'm closer to the end than to the beginning, and death is a perceivable reality to me, with discernible features!" Time for me to get serious.


The transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to establish a competitionless society with God in the center.



Posted by Theist


To be decided-ji, I brought this up in a light hearted mood. just playing. Not trying to hassal you. I don't mind the aninimity. Hell I don't even know who I really am. But it is a fact that I don't feel good about calling you a name with some negative connotation attached to it.



Posted by Theist


all right, i have decided that from now on I will call you Shalagram-sila das like it or not.


Posted by Stonehearted



Oh, I'm not hassled, but delighted! To have others using their valuable time to discuss me, even in a mood of jest, is certainly flattering.


My "complaints" were also made with tongue in cheek.


But don't stop . . .



Posted by Leyh


Dear Babhru/Stonehearted Prabhu:


I didn't really understand the expression of "one way to get me out of your hair!". I come from Singapore and although we are pretty much exposed to American culture here, there are still some expressions that will probably get a reaction of "Huh?"


Anyway I do appreciate your desire for company to remain in humility. It can be difficult to find, but many times when I read Srila Prabhupada's words or pastimes, I become humbled. His standards of purity are far from what I can ever hope to achieve by my own puny efforts. He is like a lion roaring in the forest of maya. I hear him roaring, but I can only approach him from a distance.



Posted by Debbie



While reading the posts, a thought just came through my mind.We say we are not the body, so whatever you decide to call yourself, does not necessary say that you are that way,inside..It is just a what you choose to use as your user name,I guess.For me, I just decided to use my first name,because I normally use debbieonthego,and I thought debbie would be much shorter. So use what you feel that you are most comfortable..That is just my opinion. Debbie



Posted by Madhav


if so, then i must he been really tired

when i read Bebot as Begot.

Sorry Bebot, if i addressed you as Begot.


Jai Sri Krishna!



Posted by Stonehearted


Sorry, leyh, for my display of cultural imperialism. It's an idiom for "getting rid of" someone.


You wrote: Anyway I do appreciate your desire for company to remain in humility.


Actually, I think I said I need company that can help me become humble.


Yes, reading Srila Prabhupada's books humbles me, just as his perrsonal presence did the first time I saw him. On his arrival at Honolulu International Airport in 1970, I could tell I lived on a very different plane of existence fom Srila Prabhupada. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't say the pranam mantras through the sobs. However, I also like to associate with other devotees, and I much prefer those whose devotion and humility draw a semblance of those same qualities from my heart to those who praise me just because I'm older, have some experience, spent a little time with Prabhupada, can give nice classes, etc.


The transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to establish a competitionless society with God in the center.



Posted by Paul108


Posted Image


Hi, I'm Paul's wife.


Hare Krishna. My husband peruses these boards pretty often lately. I happened to glance at this thread and I wanted to share that when I first saw the name, "stonehearted" in Paul's email, I thought of it's negative connotation. Then when he clicked onto the forum and I saw the picture underneath the name I laughed and laughed. I think it is clever and reminds me that things aren't always what they seem in the world. The name went from seeming hard and unfeeling to giving me a flash of bhakti.




aka littlebird108 aka Guru Chiter Kaur



Posted by Vaishnava_das108


Dear Salagram-sila das,


are you the same "Babhru das" who sometimes posts on Achintya forum? Just curious.



Posted by Stonehearted


There aren't many Babhru dases around. I've never met another.


The transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to establish a competitionless society with God in the center.



Posted by Stonehearted




They're kind of cute, aren't They?


It's true that none of us is what we seem. We all act as though we're thoroughly convinced we're these bodies and the things associated with the bodies are "ours." Ain't so. So I'm not the jerk I may seem to be.


And as for names, we are all known by different names in different circumstances. Most devotees call be Babhru, my kids call me Pita or Dad, my students call me Mr. Reed, Dr. Reed, or Professor Reed, and my colleagues call me Bill. None of us knows who I am, so I don't ultimately care that much.


Although theist brought this up as a joke, I think it's worth considering the nature of our relationships among ourselves.

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