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Ok, heres my analysis. WHERE THE HECK IS JERRY RICE? You want to know why Oakland is down, its because we haven't heard one peep out of Jerry Rice. At first I thought this was a strategy. To wear down the defense, then have Jerry come out and explode. But I'm not sure of that now.


The Superbowl commercials haven't been that great. I'm starting to think this whole Superbowl commercial thing is overhyped. Every so often there are great ones, but mostly they are just standard.

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I predicted Oakland winning 24 to 16. So goes that. Gannon has to get outside to overcome the Tampa line. Tampa has them totally out of sink and it starts with the line. Gannon has no time to even find Rice. Plus his receivers are dropping balls.


I hoped for a good game. Oh well. I agree on Davis, he is a shifty greedy sucker.


here we go.

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yeah its like they didn't wake up until the 4th quarter. This whole thing reminds me off Siddhasvarupa's lecture on artifical goals. All the hype, all the drama, and now what? Form another goal and try again.


Happiness and distress.


Notice how I get philosophical AFTER the game. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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