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Ants in Tulasi's soil

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I would first try a good watering. Ants like dry soil. Hopefully she's in clay pots, which is better for profuse watering (and clay pots are generally first class). If it seems like there's a lot of ants, like they might harm Tulasi, then you might try sprinkling some instant grits on the soil. (Keep the grits dry.) I've read that ants will eat the instant grits and then die from it (severe indigestion). Of course it's better to try to get them to leave. After you've gotten the ants out, apply a ring of petroleum jelly around each of the legs of her stand, so ants can't get back up.


Good luck, and keep us posted.


Hare Krishna



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Thank you for the advise. I will certainly try it. Some questions though. If the soil is kept wet, isn't there the danger of root rot? Also, what kind of grits? One more, how do I keep the grits dry when I water Tulasi?


We are keeping Tulasi inside because of the cold weather, but it has been warm enough during the days lately when I can take her out every fews days to give her a good spray down to keep the white flys away. So far we have not had that problem this year. Who would guess ants would be a problem in the middle of the winter with her being inside most of the time. But it has been in the 60's during the day lately.


I will keep you updated on how this all works. I really appreciate the help.




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Keeping the soil wet for a long time (too frequent watering) can cause root rot, but it's good to give a thorough watering periodically. I like to water Tulasi enough so that some water comes out the bottom of the pot, then not again until her soil is dry. This works best in clay pots because of more rapid drying and the ability of air to penetrate the sides of the pot. If I see her begin to wilt a little, then I immediately give profuse water. I know this is probably not standard care for Tulasi, but it has proven quite successful for me.


What I'm suggesting in dealing with the ants is to water sufficiently to drive the ants out, then prevent them from coming back by using a barrier such as petroleum jelly or some other goop or sticky substance.


Hare Krishna

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The thing with the grits was advice given by others on an e-mail list I'm on dealing with vermicomposting. I've never bought instant grits, but a few people on that list suggested it for getting ants out of their worm bins. One person mentioned that they use Quaker Quick Grits.


I was thinking to try the grits if the watering didn't seem to work well enough, because the grits will kill the ants. So the soil doesn't have to be so wet when trying this. You could put the grits on a little flat stone, or something, on the surface.


Before attempting to kill ants, I would also request that you attempt to communicate with the ants. My understanding of ants is that they are a somewhat psychic, especially the queen ant, and they tend to be respectful. If you sit and meditate for a little while, contemplate the consciousness of the queen ant, and explain the situation to her in simple terms. Be nice. Remember that the Supersoul is present, and that Krishna is in control. This has worked for me in dealing with ants.


Hare Krishna

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Your method of watering is the same as mine. Unforturnately we don't have her in clay pots. I know the are the best, but because our Tulasis are big and I am the one in the family that has to carry in and out to the house, we decided on the other inferior kind. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


I like that idea about communicating with the ants. I read a book many years ago called "Kinship with all LIfe" by J.Allen Boone. It was real-life stories showing how animals communicate with each other and humans who understand them. There was even a story about one man gettiing rid of and ant investation with communicating to them in a similar matter. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


Sometimes I Tulasi does things to get my attention when I get lacks in my consciousness. " Hello, remember me? Plese pay more attention to your service." Not a blade of grass moves without Krsna's sanction. Thanks for reminding me.


Thanks again for taking the time to reply with help.



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I don't know much about taking care of Tulasi trees. But I have heard that ants don't like cucumbers. I don't know if this is true. But perhaps try putting Tulasi devi on a pedestal, and at the base of the pedestal put sliced cucumbers, and peels. This way they can't go up the pedestal. Also, aren't there some ultrasonic devices that keep ants away? I'm not sure, but I think there are. These are some ideas. Not sure if they'll work, but I figured I'd suggest them.

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I am so encouraged by all the helpful suggestions. Thank you all. By the mercy of all who have sent them I believe this ant problem can be solved. I have used tumeric spray to get rid of white flies before. These suggestions are so simple and Tulasi friendly. Krsna supplies an answer for eveything.


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  • 1 year later...

Is it any use of worshipping Sree Krishna by killing the ants? YOu fools.....


The environment of soil is naturally suited for ants for their breeding or for protection during the rainy days. Irrespective of whether its wet or dry, ants come during the months of Shravana until Haribodhini Ekadasi month.


We Hindus dont bother to kill ants or get rid of them from the tulsi plant and Tulsi madam. No use in chanting Harinaama when you are not able to give protection to a lower form that too when it is coming to Tulsi. Just leave it and dont break your head on how to kill the ants just to add your papa karma.

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  • 7 years later...

hey all,

i stumbled upon this thread while searching answers for the same question : Ants in tulsi soil.... they have been infesting the sand severely for weeks and i have been searching for solutions.. even asked horticultural proffesor. he asked me to use neem oil with water (1:1 ratio) but when i tried it dint work. he told me to use kerosine if the neem oil dint work but i dint use cuz i was afraid whether i might damage the plant or kill too many ants... thats when i stumbled upon this thread...

one of u guys adviced to meditate and let the ants know that they are required to leave.But i prayed to tulsi maatha yesterday asking her for the solutions of this problem and she has to help me solve the problem.

today i was surprised to see tulsi soil fully free of ants... am still amazed cant believe my own eyes still....

i just thought u guys had to know... happy day :D

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  • 4 months later...

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