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Japa nectar!

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Dear devotees,


Radhe Radhe!! Dandavats! I've just been reading, with great interest, the topics about chanting rounds, and chanting good japa... I would like to share some nectar with you about chanting Harinama, that might spur everyone on to chant more and more and more, while drowning in the sweet nectar of Sri Sri RAdha Krishna's pastimes. Firstly, on the topic of japa beads... Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, in his Sri Bhajana RAhasya has mentioned:


In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa it is said:

tulasi kastha ghatitair manibhir japamalika

sarvakarmani sarvesam ipsitartha-phala-prada gopucchasadrsi karya yad va sarpakrtih subha

tarjanya na sprsat sutram kampayen na vidhunayet angustha-parva-madhya-stham parivarttam samacaret

na sprset vama-hastena kara-bhrastam na karayet bhuktau muktau tatha krstau madhya-mayam japet sudhih (32)


Japa beads made out of tulasi or precious stones fulfill all desires. Those made in the shape of the tail of a cow or serpent offer even more auspicious results. One should not touch the mala with the second finger. Nor should one shake or swing his beads. One should change the direction of the beads on the thumb joint with the middle finger. One should never touch the beads with his left hand. Beads should not fall down from the hand. Those who are desirous of liberation, material enjoyment, or advancement of knowledge chant on the middle finger.


More soon!!


Happy chanting!


Your servant




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In his book, The Art of Chanting Hare Krishna, Sripad Mahanidhi Swami has written that many Gaudiya Vaishnavas take shelter of many auspicious prayers to Harinama prabhu, and to Sri Sri Radha Krishna before they begin chanting their japa. This helps to create the right frame of mind for chanting, and increases the taste of chanting Harinama. So, here I want to share some prayers that devotees might like to take advantage of chanting before they start chanting their japa.


tribhanga bhangima rupam, venu ranga karancitam

gopi mandala madhyastam, smarami nandanandanam


" I meditate upon Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, who plays His flute while standing in a charming three-fold bending form in the midst of a circle of Vraja gopis."


"O Radha Govinda! I will adorn my neck with the incomparably beautiful garland of Your holy names. Please make tears fall uncontrollably from my eyes. Please once and for all free me from illusion and submerge me repeatedly in the waves of the nectar ocean of your holy names. PLease protect me and give me unflinching devotion to Your lotus feet. I offer my continual obeisances. unto You!" (Gaura Govindacarana Smarana Paddhati)


"O glorious holy name of Krsna! Only you have the power to conquer lust, hatred and all other vices!Oh glorious holy name of Krsna! Make me forget the dualities of material existence arising from this material body. Oh glorious holy name of Krsna! Help me to forget this material world and reveal to me the sweet splendor of the spiritual world. Oh glorious holy name of Krishna! Please take me to a secluded grove in Vrindavana wherein the fair and dark complexioned lovers are manifesting Their wonderful pastimes." (Vrindaban Mahimamrta, Sataka 7.40)


tvam gopika vrsaraves tanayantike 'si

sevadhikarini guro nija . padme

dasyam pradaya kuru mam vraja kanane sri

radhanghri sevana rase sukhinim sukhabdhau


"O beloved spiritual master! You are always serving the lotus feet of the splendid gopika named Radha, the darling daughter of Vrsabhanu Maharaja. Please give me the qualification to serve your lotus feet which are the abodes of pure devotional service. By your mercy, I will attain the eternal service of Sri RAdha in the beautiful groves of Vraja dhama. While serving the lotus feet of Radha, I will taste a variety of blissful mellows (seva rasa), and thereby drown in an ocean of joy." (Pancaratra Pradipa)


Hope this helps!!





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Thank you Gauraprema for the inspiration. I need so much help with being able to chant with out offense.


I was remembering just now something I had copied from The "Sri Krsna Kathamrta" magazine

An explanaton of the Maha-mantra by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


O Hari! Having captured my mind, please free me from material bondage.


O Krsna! Please attract my mind by pulling it to You.


O Hari! Please capture my mind by Your unsurpassed sweetness.


O Krsna! Please purify my mind with knowledge about devotional service given to me by Your own devotee.


O Krsna! Please make me have staunch faith in Your name, form, qualities and pastimes.


O Krsna! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Hari! Please make me fit to serve You.


O Hari! Please make me able to relish Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Hari! Please direct me to do some particular service for You.


O Rama! Let me hear about Your most cherished pastimes in the company of Your dearest devotee.


O Hara(Radha)! Please reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Sri Krsna.


O Rama! Plese reveal to me Your most cherished pastimes with Your beloved Sri Radha.


O Rama! Please engage me in remembering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Rama! Please make me fit to serve You while remembering Your transcendental name, form, qualities, pastimes etc.


O Hari! Having accepted me as one of Your own servitors, please enjoy me as You please.


O Hari! Please enjoy me in Your transcendental way. This is my humble request at Your lotus feet.


This was translated by His Holiness Sri Srimad Bhakti-vaidurya Madhava Maharaja

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