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Yes, I want to downlaod it. Sorry, I probably didn't make myself clear. I was hoping to download the 11th canto but the website you gave stops at the 10th for some reason. Thank you, however, for that link. Would you happen to know if there is another place to download the 11th canto? Thank you.




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go to




there you will find sb11 and sb12


sorry they are in .txt format and each is 2.5 mb

after clicking on them loading will start...if website not responding message appears then press the refresh button of your browser.geocities limits 5mb/hour download...after that it shuts down for 1 hour.


good luck!



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I just downloaded canto 11 from my web page and it went upto chapter 11 text 28 , all of it.


Don't try opening it from web page instead right click on sb11 and sb12 and choose "save target as" , it will start download then after some time it will ask where to put...choose desktop.This worked out just fine for me.If you don't have enough ram then shut down all programs first running in the system tray.


hope this helps.



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I accessed these by simply clicking on the links and when the page opened, each time I saved the page using the File > Save As command. The trick then is to convert the whole document to the Balarama font, which makes the Sanskrit diacriticals readable. I think I got the whole of both cantos this way.


Hare Krishna


p.s. I was quite happy to get these cantos in digital format.



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that's great Mark.Save as command is the easy way!yes the fonts r different,if you are able to convert them to balarama then plz let me know.harekrsna my brother!



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Hey Joy! It worked this time. I had to do it on a different computer though. For some reason, my desktop computer was only downloading to the 4th verse 2nd chapter. When I got it saved on my hard drive I just dragged it into MS Word and changed the font to Balaram. Thank you so much for all your help.



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