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Did Sri Caitanya tell one should chant 64 rounds? and Who else?

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Chanting 64 rounds a day is certainly great and even recommended by Srila Prabhupada himself. So is the chanting of 192 rounds.The only problem is that the advocates of the 64 rounds are "subtling" suggesting that those who chant the minimum of 16 rounds a day as recommended by Srila Prabhupada may never get perfection. If that is the case they should expect the same attitude from those who are chanting more than 64 rounds a day.For me I think that those who chant 16 rounds per day and are at the same time following Srila Prabhupada will certainly quickly achieve perfection by his(Srila Prabhupada) mercy. This 64 rounds crusade albeit not wrong has been heard as a criticism of Srila Prabhupada's followers from the Gaudiya math especially ISKCON deserters who are there. I have heard it from them directly. By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada 16 rounds have the effect of 64 rounds. I think that those who follow him and chant more 16 rounds should be considerd to be chanting more than 64 rounds if there were out of ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada did not give us a losing formula.

Vrindavan dharma ki Jaya

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"The only problem is that the advocates of the 64 rounds are "subtling" suggesting that those who chant the minimum of 16 rounds a day as recommended by Srila Prabhupada may never get perfection"


prabhu... this simply your speculation, 'cause you have not interwieved any one chanting 64 rounds in the world


i'd put more attention to avoid vaishnava aparadha




also in bhaktisiddhanta times the preachers were chanting 16 rounds..... and your "Gaudya Math" theory is strange... because Gaudya Math is not one group but many..(iskcon, chaitanya mission, chaitanya sarasvata and so on) and because 16 rounds is the standard almost everywhere


the same old story:


fake (fanatic) mystics say that preachers are simply in passion (rajasic)

fake (fanatic) preachers say that mystics are lazy



our duty is to arrive at the point of continue chanting, remembering, seeing krsna, and it is not possible if we criticize vaishnavas


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Hare Krishna Radhakunda Das


In some previous posts on this thread, it is mentioned that Srila Prabhupada recommended the Western world to chant 16 Rounds of Maha-Manta minimum every day, because people are busy with there lives (I'm sure SP meant with sense gratification), but after advancing we should endeavour to chant at least 100,000 (64 Rounds a Day) of Hare-Krishna.


But also I feel what you say is right about that- Srila Prabhupada saying chant 16 Rounds/4 Regulative Principles etc, and you can go back to Godhead.


I feel chanting 64 Rounds is maybe for Radha-Krishna devotees who have developed a Taste for chanting after years of practise (deity worship, cleaning temple etc)


But if you have the determination to chant 64 Rounds a Day, then no-one can stop you!


Jai Srila Prabhupada!!!


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"I feel chanting 64 Rounds is maybe for Radha-Krishna devotees who have developed a Taste for chanting after years of practise (deity worship, cleaning temple etc)"


no prabhu.. it is too simple


everyone agrees that nothing is superior to mahamantra, but practice is also devotion, not only a training for neophytes until they do only japa


a mediation would be the one suggested directly to me by my spiritual master: "when you do not need to speak for relationate with people.. do not be silent.. chant constantly hare krishna"... He was observing from the windows of the vienna temple the people coming out from a supermarket and putting their bags in the cars, and in a very compassionate mood : ... "why they do not chant hare krsna while doing this?"


if everyone of us follow this instruction the quarrel is at end because, mala or not mala, we'd be chanting a huge number of hare krsna everyday.... preachers and meditators


(Srila Prabhupada was very happy of this about his famous servant HariSauri Prabhu, who was softly constantly chanting harekrishna or devotional songs)



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Without Mahaprabhu one cannot come to Radha Krsna,

without one lakh harinama one comes not to Sri Caitanya.



Chant is preachings, chant is distribute prasada, chant is read books Srila Prabhupada ( most esoteriks books ), chant is go streets your town.


i do not think that these glorifications of chanting 64 rounds by these devotees are a critic or an offence



I am sorry, but I think one should study again the 64 limbs of bhakti.


So only listening again and again and

reading and writing and thinking

transcendental realization will be very far away.

Try to chant more.

So Caitanya Mahaprabhu told

prabhu bale,-"jana, 'laksesvara' bali kare?

prati-dina laksa-nama ye grahana kare


One time some brahmanas came to Mahaprabhu and said:

Oh, you are sanyasi, please accept the invitation to my home.

Mahaprabhu said:

I only accept invitation from LASHSH ishvar.

Then they become upset because laksh ishvar is one who has 100 000 rupies.

And they said: Laksh ishvar? We are pour brahmanas!

We will never have 100 000 rupies so Mahaprabhu will never take prasadam in our home.

Mahaprabhu said No! I don t mean that. I mean

prati din laksha nama jey grahan kore;

lakhsh ishvar means one who chants 100 000 Holy Names of Krsna every day.

I will accept the invitation to his home.

What does it means?

It means that actually Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He is causelessly merciful, He is soo merciful! But at the same time he will not even accept a glass of water from a person who does not chant 100 000 Names.

This was His request:

Prabhu koy koy lon ey maha mantra hya japa gya sabe korya nirbandha.

Nirbandha means 100 000 Names, one lakh, 64 rounds.

Yadi ama pati sneha taki saba kar krsna nama bhyati rek nagi hy be ara

he said If you love Me, just do what I ask you to do.

Mahaprabhu said If you love Me, than you chant one lackh every day.

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O, prabhu I did not intend to commit any apparadh and if you think so, then I am sorry. I only said that I heard from someone(that's true) that the minimum is sixteen rounds a day and that he was from gaudiya math is also true.

I did not say or refute the fact that some gaudiyas may not be chanting 16 rounds a day. But it is necessary to

follow the guru's instructions for perfection what ever the standards set by him.

O, Prabhu, is it an offense to speak the truth?

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another aparadha is to separate srila prabhupada and iskcon from gaudya math



Yes, I was glad to read this statement.

unfortunely many do not know that they are folowers of gaudya vaiSnavism, and do not really understand the meaning of that.


The neophyte

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Everybody

Wish u all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2004. I need a mantra which is more effective and cures illness of any sort. Please tell me how many times to chant it and also any other rules regarding the chant. I also need to know whether the Bija mantra SHREEM can be chanted as such without even using the Prefix OM. I am new to mantras too. I have searched the net for mantras for the past 1 week. Are there any rules for women not to chant during the menstrual cycles. My email : kavita_mano@



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I need a mantra which is more effective and cures illness of any sort

•••hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare, hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare (no more death)


Please tell me how many times to chant it and also any other rules regarding the chant.

•••the perfection is to chant everytime, but if you chant more as you can it is enough for now... no other rules and regulation


Are there any rules for women not to chant during the menstrual cycles

•••if you'll chant purely this mantra no one will beat you in purity.. any day of your life



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I always feel surprised when I see devotees discussing points such as this.


If I mechanically chant 16 or 64 or one crore of rounds on my beads, but my chanting is not pure, then I am not chanting even once the HOLY NAME OF KRISHNA.


There is nama-aparadha, nama-abhasa, and sudha-nama (pure chanting of the Name). We should not confuse our practice chanting on our beads with genuine chanting which is done be devotees such as Rupa Goswami, Raghunatha das Goswami, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami, etc. The Guru tells us to practice chanting, and so we do our practice, but when a brainless parrot like me says "Hare Krishna" (while preening his feathers) it is simply not the same as when Srila Prabhupada tells someone the words "Hare Krishna".


First we must try to surrender to Krishna, first we must cry out to our Lord "Oh Krishna, I am so fallen, please enable me to serve you properly!", and then we will be chanting one Name of Krishna properly; after that we will be able to chant 16 rounds properly, but before then my parrot chanting is just chatter or nama-abasa.


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By Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev Goswami:


In his book, Saranagati, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has explained the Namastakam, eight prayers in glorification of the Holy Name, written by Rupa Goswami. The whole thing is described there very beautifully.


He writes, "My heart is just like a desert, hot with the rays of the sun. This is my internal mental condition. The desire for mortal things cannot satisfy me because by nature they are death-producing. And not one or two, but thousands of such death-producing desires have taken shelter in my mind. So, my subconscious region is always burning. This is my condition.


"But somehow, by the grace of the sadhu and guru, the Holy Name of Krishna with its infinite prospect has entered through the holes of my ears and reached the plane of my heart. And there, with some peculiar hope, with infinite, auspicious possibilities, it touched my heart with a new kind of nectar.


"New hope is aroused by that sound. Then by force, it comes from the heart towards the tongue. Not that by the endeavor of my tongue I am producing that sound — no. What came from the heart of a saint through my ear, entered my heart, and that forcibly appeared upon my tongue, and began to dance. That is the Holy Name proper. It descends from above. It cannot be produced by the material form of this tongue. Its source is above.


"And through an agent of the absolute it comes through the ear to the heart. From the heart it gathers some sympathy, then the Holy Name of Krishna forcibly appears upon the tongue, and begins to dance. With great force it comes to the end of the tongue, and that sweet sound begins its dancing."


The real effects of the Divine Name have been described here. If it is a living and real Name, the voice will be choked up, there will be shivering in the body, and the legs will be unable to stand. Sometimes tears will flow in a current on the body, and one's hairs will stand on end. Sometimes changes of color will be found in the body, and we will be unable to find any trace of the mind or consciousness. We may fall in a swoon, the whole body and mind will appear as if it is being attacked, shivering, and influenced in different ways. Apparently it may seem that so many troubles are created in the body and the mind, but the real heart is overflowing with a particular kind of strange, sweet juice.


Sometimes he thinks, "I am in an ocean of nectar. My whole existence is within an ocean of nectarine liquid. I am beside myself. I can't understand where I am. Where am I? What is this? What is all about me? It has almost made me mad. Am I a madman? Where is my past experience, my seriousness, my gravity, where are they? What am I?


"I have been converted wholesale by a foreign thing. I am a doll in the hands of a great force, which is also so affectionate to me. I can't ascertain how it is possible that by my faith I have entered this great, unknown environment, unexperienced before.


"And at last I find that I am captivated. My entire being, within and without, has been captured by a particular sweet force. I can't help being prey to such a sweet power. I can't give any proper description of this. I came to take shelter under Him and accept Him as my guardian; now at His hand I am being dealt with in such a merciless and despotic way. Still, I feel that everything is very pleasing, beyond my experience. What is this?


"I can't resist anymore. I am fully captured. Let my fate go anywhere. I can't come out. I am a captive in the hand of a sweet friend; my whole independence is gone. There is no way left to me but to surrender. I am unable to describe my real position. I find that He's an autocrat. Whatever He likes to do, He will do. Since it is not possible for me to give any resistance, I must surrender. Let me also cooperate with whatever He is pleased to do. Otherwise, what can I do? I am helpless.


"Sometimes I find that the sweetness of the Name is condensed like a blossoming flower, and very wonderful streams of sweet current are flowing from it. The Holy Name contains so many sweet variegated forms of current within Him, and He is wonderfully expressing Himself in different ways. Sometimes He emanates a peculiar type of color and figure, and disappears.


"So many charming aspects are shown as if to my eyes within, and He forcibly takes me to surrender at the foot of that altar. He shows Himself in His full-fledged form, in Vrindavan, in His Vraja lila, with Radharani, and He takes me there. I find that I am in the midst of His peculiar, very sweet and loving paraphernalia. And He says, 'You see! I have so many wonderful things. This is your home. I am not merely imagination, but concrete reality. You will find here that the environment is very favorable and sweet. You are to live here.'


"I see there that he is dealing in different ways with His associates, in different rasas. And I find that I have another body that has emerged from my previous one, and that has a permanent place here in His service. Such a new life I find here. And then I find ultimately that all consideration of my past life and experience has vanished. And it is true: my real life is here. This is proper, and that was a sham, that life has vanished.


"Then I find that chanting the Holy Name gives me new encouragement, a new prospect, and new hope. Whatever we want, whatever is our internal demand, it is supplied by the Name. If we take the Name, all our internal hankerings will be fulfilled. It is eternal, it is the purest of the pure, and it is full of ecstasy. Now I find I have been completely converted.


"Now, my innermost hankering is this: let whatever is against this sweet Name vanish eternally from the world. If anything is in opposition to this sweet life, let it vanish, and if necessary, I will give my life to make it disappear from the world forever. Then others will be able to enjoy it at their free will. No hindrance should come to that fulfillment of life. It has no other second. So, everyone may come here, and if necessary, I will sacrifice myself to finish any opposition, so that all can smoothly, peacefully, and without any danger, enjoy this absolute, sweet, and blissful life."


This is the statement of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, in the final song of his book, Saranagati (Surrender).


Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. It is a feeble attempt to explain the Holy Name, what can I do! It is rather aparadha — vyakhya aparadha — my explanation is so vague, meager, and misrepresenting that it is almost an offense to a real explanation of the greatness of the Holy Name. What to do? Helpless. Krishna, Gaura Hari, Gaura Hari, Gaura Hari, Gaura Hari, Gaura Hari.


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ok prabhu, but it is a little boring when a saint practice is ever uselessly associated with the possible offences committed in doing it..


if one can do it as a standard or occasionally. 64 rounds especially with the sanction of his gurudeva it is absolutely nice and it is not possible to criticize in any way


if one chants attentively the number of rounds recommended by the spiritual master next he can chant other mahamantras attentively, inattentively, dressed in red, white, in bathroom, watching tv, on skateboard, in the seaside, eating, swimming, with japa or not, web surfing, surfing, in the cinema, mechanically, singing, silently etc.


hare krishna works... everytime and everywhere

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"If we once chant 64 rounds or 108 we will definitely notice the difference. That is the way to become attached to it."


When one reached the stage of 32 and went over the 40 rounds one already feels and have more taste in meditating on kRSNa's pastimes, form, qualities and sweet names.

One is fed with tasteful hari katha.


and understands the statement

tara madhye sarva Srezta nama sankirtana

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