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Jewish Messianic prophecy

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There is a school of thought that maintains that the Messiah

would not be a human being at all but the Lord himself.

In other words at the appointed time the Lord Himself would personally act to redeem His people.

Among that school of thought are the writers of such Apocryphal

works as the Sybilline Books(particularly the 3rd part),the Book of Henoch,the Psalms of Solomon,the Book of Jubilees,Ethiopians,the Book

of Baruch,And the later Apocryphal works such as the Ethical Wills of Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,the Twelve Tribes,Moses and Solomon.


"And the Messiah will sit in the yeShiva,....And Elijah of blessed memory will stand before Him as interpreter,And when He expounds,His voice goes from one end of the world to the other....

(Yemenite Midrash,pp 349-350)


The Holy One ,blessed be He said to Israel:"In this world I sent an angel to put to flight the nations of the world before you.

But in the Future to Come I Myself shall lead you and shall send

Elijah before you......"

(Midrash Tanhuma Mishpatim 18,end)


"At that time Michael the great celestial prince will rise and blow the shofar 3 times...And Messiah ben David(annointed of David) and

Elijah will be revealed.

And the 2 of them will go to Israel who will be in the desert of peoples,and elijah will say to them:"This is the Messiah".

And He will return to their heart[which will be faint] and will strengthen their hand...."

(T'fillat R.Shim'on ben yohai,Bet haMidrash)






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You miss the point, according to many messianic

writings, the lord himself will be the messiah,


After the Messiah' arrival,and the war between gog and magog, the lord will be triumphant,and the world be turned into the garden of eden, at that time ....there will be a great banquet...The lord will there with his people....



"He will serve them food with His hand,and will dance for their pleasure."

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The Messiah was mentioned in the Old Testament. Those who came to be known as Christians, accept that Christ was that Messiah. The Jews do not think the Messiah has come yet. But is still to come in the future. Is that right?

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yes, the christians believe that jesus was the messiah,

and the jews expect him to come , first to be

anounced by elijah, who is a type of jewish

narada muni.


The messiah is expected to be anounced right before the beginning of the great battle betwen gog and Magog,

He will defeat the great evil emperor of Edom(Rome)

Armilus, and usher in the golden Age.

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In your view, does the second coming of Christ (which the Christians believe will happen during the great battle of Armageddon), and the coming of what the Jewish people think to be the real Messiah(which you say above happens, during a great battle).......are these two "comings", the same thing, seen from a different perspective?

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Isnt jesus christ (to christians of course) supposed to be as close to God as you can get in the material realm.


If God created the world as christians believe why would he manifest entirely as a physical form? Wouldnt he be becoming his creation. And also given that Christians believe (to a greater or lesser extent) that materialism is evil surely for God to manifest himself as a physical entity would be the supreme gainance of evil?

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in some jewish messianic prophecy there are to be two messiahs,

first Messiah ben Joseph(annointed one of joseph)

will be killed,then resurrected.


Second Messiah ben David, he will be the lord himself,

and will come at the earlier references i cited.


Jesus was joseph's son,he was killed,and resurrected.


But that messiah was prophecized to fail,only the second,will succeed.

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I misspoke earlier, it is the battle of Gog and Magog,

not between them.

here http://www.harpazo.net/magog.html


To guest, there is no one Christian dogma,most believe

that Jesus was the incarnation of God,not shaktyavesa,

or empowered human, although some christian sects do believe that he was not god,just empowered by god,or

Gods only Son,and on and on.


Most are not dualist as you suggest, most see this world as being of god, and have no philosophical problem with god incarnating in human form, although they have various dogmas concerning what his body was made of.



to the other guest, Various christians have various dogmas

concerning the second coming, I do not accept Jesus

as the first Messiah, According to my research,

Jesus was not a christian . Christianity was concocted by Paul, having never met Jesus, Paul was rejected by the

associates of Jesus,including the apostles,and his brother

James who was the leader of their group.

Paul was

hired by the authorities to infiltrate and help destroy

the various Messianic(revolutionary) groups that

were prolific at the time.


After Jesus died, Paul supposedly had a vision

of Jesus as god, he joined James' group and

underwent some education from them.


Then he started preaching, although it was not what the group of Jesus preached, they were a jewish sect, Paul

preached a different philosophy then they, in their name, he was then kicked out of Israel and sent to turkey,

where the group recieved numerous complaints about him,

in turkey he was denounced and had bitter conflicts with the jesus and James associates.


He was preaching a completely different philosophy,

the jist of it we all have heard.


" Turn the other cheek, non violence, love your enemy,

Jesus had God like powers, give up material

ambition and renounce , etc."

to me this is exactly what someone who was hired by the authorities to destroy Messianic revolutionary

religions would do.


join the main revolutionary group,which was inciting the

public to revolt and violence ,and subvert it from within, preaching transcendetalism, non violence,submission



Pauls following was tiny until the revolutionary groups

were destroyed at the battle of Masada.

Basically his group was the only one left, and

his vision became modern Christianity

after many theological renovations at the council of nicea 3 to 4 hundred years later.


so to me,Jesus was not important, he is not even mentioned once by the roman and jewish chroniclers of his time,

and the romans were known for keeping exact records of all things going on in their realms, if Jesus had been of any importance they would defintely have recorded



All accounts of Jesus were not written down until

long after his death,by people who were not alive when he was, all followers of Pauls conception.


To me the first Messiah was Sri Caitanya Mahahprabhu,

who left a lot of work unfinished, and whose movement has been resurrected by Bhaktivinode,Bhaktisiddhanta,

and Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

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this explains where jesus was at,he was a nasorean,or essene,in greek,

misinterpreted as nazerene,and mistaken to mean he was from nazerath,(which did not exist at the time of jesus).




this is around 3/4 the way down the article,



Elijah is the Jewish superman whose name means “My God is Yehouah,” a mythical role model for the new God and his religion. He was also later to be seen as the forerunner of the Christian saints as a heavenly guide—a messenger of God who could appear in human form and would herald the coming messiah. Because he would appear again just before the eschaton, he would be the last of the prophets, although he was the first, and Moses, whose myth came later, was designated the first.


In Jewish tradition, according to Lewis Ginzberg in the Legends of the Jews, Elijah is to re-appear three days before the messiah to herald his coming. After lamenting over the devastation of the Holy land, he declares: “Now, peace will come to the land.” The next day he declares: “God will come to the land.” On the third day, his message is: “Salvation will come to the land.” The angel Michael then blows his trumpet and Elijah appears at last to announce the messiah.


It is a threefold tale that actually has four appearances by Elijah. The implication is that the messiah appears at the beginning of the fourth day. This is distinctly Persian and particularly Mithraic. In fact, the announcement on the third day sounds like the announcement of the messiah, who duly appears as soon as that day ends, heralded finally by the blast of Michael's trumpet. His purpose in blowing the trumpet is not that of a medieval herald. The blast is from the supernatural trumpet and destroys the corrupt world, providing for the raising of the dead for judgement and the inauguration of the incorruptible eternal world that Jesus called “the kingdom of God"


Michael is the messiah! Michael in the scriptures is the face of God, just as Mithras seemed to have been for Ahuramazda. The second announcement by Elijah is that “God will come to the land.” After that the messiah is announced, so God is the messiah, and he appears in the form of the angel Michael.



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here's some more from the article


Metatron, Michael, Melchizedek, Messiah



Who said:


And he said to Moses, Go up to Yehouah?


Accoring to Talmud Sanhedrin 38b, it was Metatron. According to Targum Jonathan, it was Michael. Metatron is the angel that Enoch became in heaven, confirming that Jesus was expected to have an angelic heavenly form—that of Michael. But since Metatron is Michael, it follows that Jesus is Enoch! In the Hebrew Book of Enoch, Metatron is the Lesser Yehouah. He is a heavenly scribe who registers the deeds of men in the Book of Life. He is also the heavenly High Priest and the heavenly advocate of Israel. Michael has the same functions and is the angel of Yehouah, in whose name God resides (Ex 23:21).


Much of the Dead Sea Scrolls is visionary and reminiscent of the Qabalah. Among the parallels is that between the Metatron of Qabalah and the Melchizadek at Qumran. The Heavenly Melchizedek (11Q13) shows Melchizedek exalted over all angels. Melchizedek is the head of the “sons of heaven” or “gods of justice” and has the titles “Elohim” and “El” normally reserved for God. Isaiah's messiah is Melchizedek, because the pesher on Isaiah 61:2 identifies “the anointed one” with Melchizedek. In 4Q521, the one “anointed” by Yehouah in Isaiah 61:1-2 is the Messiah:


For the heavens and the earth shall listen to His Messiah.


Melchizedek presides over a heavenly assize and, with angelic assistance, punishes Belial, his demons and the wicked. He is the heavenly Judge. Since Melchizedek is “a priest forever” (Gen 14:8; Psalms 110:4), the sectaries saw Melchizedek as the high priest of the heavenly temple, and identified him with the archangel Michael, also the heavenly high priest. Parallels between the heavenly Melchizedek of Qumran and the Metatron of 3 Enoch also stand out. Both are exalted among the angels, both are heavenly judges, and both apparently had earthly lives, before their exaltation to their heavenly states, as Enoch.


and on and on and on and on...........................capisce ?



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Name That Messiah!

Global Messianic Expectations as Millennium Approaches


The Christian Messiah: Second Coming of Jesus Christ - When? End of Tribulation, War of Armageddon, defeats antichrist, rules the Earth 1000 years from Jerusalem Revelation 21 Millennial Kingdom

The Islamic Messiah: (Orthodox Sunnis) Muntazar: The successor to Mohammed who at the 'end of time' will unite the races of the world through understanding.

The Aztec/Mayan Messiah: The return of Quetzalcoatl -- an olive-skinned man with a white beard and followers in red.

The Sioux Messiah: A man in a red cloak coming from the East.

The Indonesian Messiah: the twelfth-century Indonesian prophet, Djojobojo, foresaw the coming of a great Spiritual King from the West to come after the Dutch and Japanese occupations, and what sounds like the severe end of the rule of Indonesian dictatiors, Sukarno and Suharto.

The Hopi Messiah: Pahana the 'true white brother' from the East will wear a red cap and cloak and bring two helpers holding the sacred symbols: The swastika, the cross and the power symbol of the Sun. He will restore the Hopi Indian version of the Dharma.

The Buddhist mainstream Messiah: Maitreya - Meaning either 'The World Unifier' or simply 'The Friend.' A very human God-Man whom Buddha predicted will be a greater Buddha than himself.

The Mahayana Buddhist Messiah: Amida: A great Christ - like Bodhisattva.

The Japanese Messiah: Several sects of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism foresee a variant of the Buddhist Maitreya appearing after 8 August 1988 (8/8/88).

The Maori Messiahs: Over a dozen Maori cheiftains in New Zealand from the nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries have laid claim to the title.

The Messiah of Central Asian nomads: The White Burkhan. He will come when the people of the steppes have abandoned their ancient gods (Communist Russia was atheist). He will come to offer them and the entire human race a spiritual rebirth.

The Jewish Messiah: "The" (sic) Messiah. The true messenger of Yahweh, the god of the jews, who will restore them to their status as the Chosen People. Know = his time has come when Israel is restored and the temple of Solomon is rebuilt (interest in rebuilding the temple is at an all-time high during the 1990s)

The Hindu Messiah: Kalki or Javada: The ninth and last Avatar of this yuga cycle. His final incarnation will appear from the West.

The Shiite Messiah: The twelfth Imam: The final religious leader of the Shiite sect of Islam. He has never died but will reappear beside Jesus prior to Judgement Day to complete the Holy Qur'an (Koran).

The Sufi Messiah: Khidr, the mysterious guide of the Islamic spiritual underground. He is the Sufi's version of the Shiite twelfth Imam and Muntazar of the Sunnis.

The Zoroastrian Messiah: Saoshyant: Like Zarathustra, he's scheduled to come at the Zoroastrian twelfth millennium (AD 2000)

The Eskimo Messiah: the prophets of the Arctic foresee him to be an olive-skinned man with long beard and white hair who comes from the East.

The World Uniter


'As time goes by, human after human will contribute to the growth of the Uniter. The Uniter is in opposition to the old thought and its ability to limit love. But the old thought was necessary for the new to be born [or, the necessary manure for the flowering]. Everything is a oneness. All the new is not really new. All this has been spoken before by different masters of different times, but it is only now in this new time that it will be understood that it will be lived. Together all of you who are listening to this are the body of the Uniter, the body and the limbs. Together you are the new thought of the the time.' Ambres

'Man has lived a long time the way he has lived [violently and unconsciously]. By the end of this century, a critical quantum leap is possible. Either man will die in a third world war or man will take a jump and will become a new man. Before that happens, a great Buddhafield is needed - a field where we can create the future.' Osho (1977)

'Tuning into a fully developed Master Field, where all these evolutionary processes have already taken place, permits those changes to be magnified and quickened or, in effect, lived into that system without its having to pass through certain of the of the processes associated with the individual struggle to evolve.' Da Avabhasa


'In the old days, evil things spead rapidly, but now good things spread rapidly. If you understand ... everything begins to appear wonderful and beautiful, and it naturally makes people stop wasting or stop desiring unnecessary things. This awakening is contagious and it will be transmitted to everybody soon.' Tamo-san


Excerpts from: The Millennium Book of Prophecy by John Hogue: Visions and Predictions from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Gurdjieff, Tamo-san, Madame Blavatsky, the Old and New Testament Prophets and 89 others.


The Great Purification Omega Point :dimitri@intac.com The Hopi elders speak of prior human epochs when man rose to great technological heights only to destroy himself. They believe it will happen again unless humans change. Variations on the theme of Noah's Flood run through the legends of nearly all ancient peoples. Equally common as the deluge myth is this additional forewarning: The next global house-cleaning will be by fire.


Before the time of the great Purification, they will make metal roads for iron horses and hang metal ropes in the air.

First they will bring back pieces of the Moon which will upset the balance and unleash disastrous forces. Near the day of the Great Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky. The Purification will begin shortly after humans build a great house in the sky. By then there will be fires everywhere and greedy, selfish, power-mad leaders, internal wars.


"Man has lived a long time the way he has lived [violently and unconsciously]. By the end of this century, a critical quantum leap is possible. Either man will die in a third world war or man will take a jump and will become a new man. Before that happens, a great Buddhafield is needed - a field where we can create the future." Osho

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  • 1 year later...

it doesnt matter who these people are, who is gog and magog, what matters is that you turn to the light within yourselves, not the light without. as soon as you look within yourselves, you realise that the ultimate saviour can only be yourself.Learn from those around you, the teachings of the wise, you will be tested. Believe.

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  • 7 years later...

I lost the thread, but in reply to the theory that the messiah will be God,,,, that’s not possible, why?

God is infinite, called Aum sometimes, but all Aum is, is the core sound of the reverberation caused by the endless paradox, chicken, egg, chicken, egg, yin, yang, male, female, pos, neg, 0101010Zzzzzzzaaaummm they can never join,,,,I’ll explain in a moment.

The infinite is ‘theoretically’ anything and everything, in ‘theory’ totally limitless. However, un-limitation is immediately lost the moment anything becomes manifest, why? Because anything defined/quantified, will be relative i.e. if a man is ‘born’ as the Ancient Egyptians describe Atum Ra emerging from the ‘Nun’ which is no thing but not nothing, infinite potential and yet not manifest. Then Atum, who later becomes Adam, this as the Israelites lived in Egypt for maybe 400 years, Atum was born in a bubble universe, why? Because a man in nothingness is not a man. In order to know/quantify/define a man, there must be time, space, woman, universe, planet, air, water, food, indeed Everything!

So, what was once potentially unlimited has now become limited by its ‘premise’,

a man and woman born unto time-space. Think of this a bit like that; there is no game, and so we invent football, and as every game needs rules in order to define it, it now becomes a ‘law’ that only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands etc. Where there was nothing there is now order/definition. A law that cannot be broken or the game is lost.

So, God being infinite/unlimited, cannot manifest, which means that the Messiah will be an avatar of God yes, but in actuality a defined being who is designed or programmed if you like, to fulfil a role. But then bear in mind that we are all such beings/characters.

God is a tricky thing to describe firstly due to the definition, what do you mean by God? ‘They’ say we are all God, but from one perspective/definition that’s not true, we are man manifest, we are the conscious aspect of the impossible One Mind. You see consciousness is the base finite, you should have realised by now that nothing is real per se. All that is deemed to be physical is actually a coordinated dream in the One Mind, and therefore the base finite is what facilitates the dream, conscious itself. You, can’t say that matter is finite because it’s not real per se, what is real is what created it. Consciousness creates the finite realm ‘intrinsically’, why? Because consciousness is achieved via a feed back loop of re-cognised thought, ‘I Think therefore I am’. The viewer aspect of the mind stands away from the view-screen aspect where thought or even re-cognised silence is viewed, and yes silence is not nothing, it’s silence. Emptiness is not nothing, nothing is un-manifest, un-witnessed.

Therefore, the conscious aspect of the One Mind demands a linear thought train, thus intrinsically creating time-space, the manifest, but how is time-space created?

Well now, we loop back to the ever apparent paradox of the One Mind, it is both infinite and finite, finite as it is conscious: [.

What would happen if the two opposing aspects of the One Mind touched, as they must do at some point because they are in fact the same Mind?

From the conscious perspective, if the conscious aspect became infinite, then it would lose it’s time-space element, and in that the viewer and view screen would be the same, which would negate the feed back loop of re-cognition. And so the mind would be unaware, or it would sleep.

From the infinite perspective if a finite view point, which is actually male assertive 1 or a penis, should enter the infinite female passive 0 vagina, then it would by it’s defined nature intrinsically beg the question, how big is this, now ‘space’ I am attempting to view? The answer to which is endless, which is from the finite view point an unstoppable explosion. Therefore when the two opposing aspects of the One Mind attempt to join, the One Mind, from only one perspective I must add, implodes and explodes or is fragmented, it forgets and sleeps. Which in turn enables it to remember itself? Which, as the remembrance is played out in the finite realm is then male, and linear, we can call it His-story, as opposed to the ever un-manifest female, Miss-story.

So, when history and mystery collide! Male and female joining causes creation, like duhhhh.

When the two opposing aspects of the one mind touch it falls apart and then as there is nowhere other than it to fall apart two, it remembers itself, cycles!

So, what is being played out when the One Mind remembers itself, is a fractal copy of the what actually ‘is’, which, in real terms, is an evolving ‘re-membering’ linear backdrop to the greatest love story ever told, when you break it all down.

And as the remembrance will lead to the fall (Fall of Adam), then it’s an ever recurring cycle, which if you speed it up, is a paradoxical pole shift of rise and fall, sleep and wake, sleep wake Aummmmmm, which is why in the fractal vein, we also sleep and wake and everything in the universe runs in cycles and reverberates!!!

So, the Hindu understanding of the stages of remembrance, now in the Kali Yuga, is kind of like a bad dream in the mind that forgot what it was. As we head back to the remembrance of what we really are, the world/dream will change, BUT! It has to play out in story format, so it makes linear logical sense in at least some way. Why? Because consciousness is not a random feed back loop, the mind does not work via; One plus one equals, banana, heheheh weeeee whoop errrr. The mind adheres to a logical mathematical premise in order to fulfil an aspect of the re-cognition mechanism. There has to be an ‘intelligent’ aspect that is able to logically ‘realise’ its existence. A rough example would be that of an animal that attacks its own reflection, as animals are not as self aware as humans, not as ‘intelligent’. And yet intelligence does not equate to wisdom.

So, the Messiah who will rise, is actually the same one who fell Adam, Atum Ra, but who and what is he?

Well, I think Da Vinci’s painting illustrates this concept quite well, you know, the one where God touches Adam’s finger, with the obvious mistake that God should have been a woman. Adam is the point at which God touched man. Adam is the mind that saw the premise, which is why they said that Atum saw All with his blue eyes, as he did indeed see the entire cycles in the way that he fell. His mind actually experienced, trying to be like God, trying to become infinite, and in that he lost time space and fell. But then of course there is nowhere other than the ALL to fall to, and so his mind can be seen as an hour glass that flipped, he was emptied via the paradoxical explosion implosion, and as the world His story it reflects the state of the premise mind, the Kingdom fell along with him. We are all relatives of Adam. We define him as a pre

mise that in turn defines God. It takes many men to reveal just some of what God is, and when I say men I also mean women, who are in the image of a man and yet avatars of God.

Or, if you like, Adam is the clock, where the paradoxical cycle keeps on playing out!

When Adam wakes proper, the world will enter a new phase, where the original logical premise will extend to something not so limited as the dreamer, reconsolidated and grounded on Earth, will then begin to dream a better dream, begin to use some of the unlimited imagination, which is why Adam will seem to have powers, he will simple break the rules as he knows that there are no rules.

And in seeing God, Adam will be Godlike, ‘fair’, as he knows that to chase money and material wealth is folly due to the fact that all we ever have is a limited amount of time, and ‘others’, who in truth are the same mind, to share time with so we don’t have to be alone. A gift!

There is no nirvana because experience is finite and in that it is limited by its premise, and so it will end, the journey is indeed the destination. When the play is over, we simple sleep/forget, to the same old movie, the eternal playing out of what ‘is’.

Yes we are stuck on a loop, de ja vous, we have to be as the linear ends and yet the infinite does not, so the linear has to loop back in order to ,,,,,,er,,,,,keep up!

‘Time’ begins and ends, in the infinite, there is no time-space, no time passing and so no mechanism for consciousness. You can explore this in your own mind, which is a copy of the only thing there is to copy, your subconscious is not known and yet you can beckon a linear thought train from it. What is in there? Potentially anything!

God? Well okay. In the example of an autistic savant, a man can indeed function as a ‘computer’, and yet at the cost of his linear stability. This showing us that yes, computers are not man made, they are part of the dream, the concept and function can manifest in the mind of a man.

So yeah, that’s what God is. It’s the computer aspect of the mind, and it’s also not linear, time does not pass in God, so every answer to every equation exists there and yet is not manifest. God is not like man!!!!! When man tries to be as God, he falls, as I have explained, he loses his time space element and in that loses consciousness/his mind/ego/stability. In fact if a man approaches the infinite, as he begins to become all, he becomes his own creator, which in real terms means a figment of his imagination, so he undermines himself.

God, interacting with man as the premise, creates all we need in the same way that you can use you conscious mind to conjure up a sex legged green striped hairy four foot elephant, with two trunks…..You have a mind picture in demand.

And yet God is aware of the purpose of the cycle and so it conducts the orchestra with precision, it holds logic in place for as long as we need to reboot re-ground.

Man cannot do this himself, a mind cannot be his own God because he would be his own creator, he would not even be a man as that’s a premise that he himself made up.

He would be insane.

So God and man have to remain separate.

What is God? ………………Anything you see will not be it, it exists outside of time, in all time, it can’t be imagined as to imagine is a quantification.

Do you see how God and man are tied? Like in your own mind, your own logical aspect and your imagination, which shouldn’t be limited but it always is. Try to imagine something that is both hot and cold…at the same time in the same space…,your mind won’t let you, it flips from hot and back to cold, flips back and forth like the aummmm paradox. Without man God is never seen and yet, God is always more than can be seen. A mystery unto herself!

The paradox, a mind cannot be its own creator, and so a mind cannot, ‘be’.

To ‘be’ is a creation! Therefore the mind has to separate like cells dividing at birth in order to create a body of creation.

Who are you? You are an aspect of God, an actor, a character in the Greatest Love Story Ever Told. In truth the mind is One which is in real terms hell. Never known, never seen, pointless and unloved and from the infinite view, as time does not pass, this solitary hell never changes as there is no next moment for a change to occur on.

From that solitary truth, came creation so that God could know love, be seen, have a name to be called. Of course it’s not that simple because in the fractal duality we had to know pain and fear is we were to know love, and so the story reflects that.

Why so harsh, why so cruel? Well, the answer comes when you realise that the height we wish to reach is always reflected by the depths of which we are prepared to go, and we have indeed sunk pretty low.

Adam is waking, the new age will come ‘soon’ this I have ‘seen’. The stories have been in the dream for as long as we have been dreaming, they are our remembrance of who we really are. Deep down we all know that there is a better place for us, the Kingdom.

We have a few years left and I guess things will get worse before they get better.

Have faith but figure it out, your intellect will show you the way if lead by your heart in balance. What is true in mind is true in its reflection ‘reality’, and remember, reality is exactly as you see it, don’t expect all flowers and puppies when the shift starts. The rebirth with be messy. Reality is a reflection of a fallen mind, there is a great deal of fear and darkness here, not out there, in here, in us all!

What do we have to do? Nothing per se, God will call the shots, just be yourself, as usual.

Plus everything is time locked, so we can’t speed it up or slow it down.

Time cannot be interpreted with or in theory we could arrive before we left and unravel ourselves. The Code in time is tie-me. The ‘CODE’ is that everything is upside-down and back to front, mind is all. Take the word CODE (uppercase) and turn it upside down and look at in the mirror.

You won’t believe this yet, you have been asleep too long, you still think on at least some level that the world is real.

Time will tell.

Stay cool Steve

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