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***Before Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura began his preaching mission the sannyasa ashram had been de-emphasized in the Gaudiya tradition. Gaudiya saints had for some time been accepting Babaji vesa instead of sannyasa.


The acaryas who advocate the daiva-varnasrama, the social order of catur-varnyam mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, do not accept the proposition of asura-varnasrama, which maintains the social code of varna is indicated by birth. The most intimate devotee of sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, namely Gadadhara Pandita, accepted tridanda-sannyasa and also accepted Madhava-upadhyaya as his tridandi-sannyasi disciple. It is said that from this Madhvacarya, the sampradaya known in Western India as Vallabhacarya sampradaya has begun. srila Gopala Bhatta Bose(?), who is known as smrti-acarya in the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, later accepted the tridanda-sannyasa from Tridanтipada Prabodhananda Sarasvati. Although acceptance of tridanтa-sannyasa is not distinctly mentioned in the Gaudiya Vaisnava literature, the first verse of srila Rupa Gosvami’s Upadesamrta advocates that one should accept the tridanтa-sannyasa order by controlling the six forces:


***But in this letter dated 1910 Bhaktivinode Thakura orders Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati to introduce and establish varnashram


Yes. This following in the steps Bhaktivinode Thakura, Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati.


"First of all, Srila Ramananda Raya enunciated the system of the varnasrama institution."


"Although Lord Caitanya accepted these principles, He still requested Ramananda Raya to further explain advanced devotional service. Thus Lord Caitanya gave Ramananda Raya a chance to discuss gradual advancement from the principles of varnasrama-dharma (the four castes and four orders of spiritual life). "


When Lord Caitanya talked with the great devotee Ramananda Raya, the Lord asked him, “What is the basic principle of human life?” Ramananda Raya answered that human civilization begins when varnasrama-dharma is accepted. Before coming to the standard of varnasrama-dharma there is no question of human civilization. Therefore, the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to establish this right system of human civilization, which is known as Krsna consciousness, or daiva-varnasrama—divine culture.


When Ramananda Raya and Lord Caitanya (were) speaking, so Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Raya, “What is the best process for self-realization?” Because life is meant for self-realization. This human life is meant for self-realization. Atma-tattvam. Otherwise it is animal life. The animals, they are cats and dogs; they are not interested in self-realization. But human life is meant for self-realization. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu questioned Ramananda Raya that “What is the best process of self-realization?” He recommended, first of all, the varasrama-dharma.


It is said, зrutvд anyebhya upдsate. These are upдsanд. You know or do not know, when you offer obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is immediately taken to your credit. “Oh, this living entity has now offered some respect.” Immediately. It is so nice. And then, by hearing, heari...

Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was discussing with Ramananda Raya about this process of advancing in the spiritual life, so Ramananda Raya first proposed varnasrama -dharma.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa to show His causeless mercy to the maya-mеgas, the people of this material world, who suffer because of lusty desires. One should follow the principles of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and always think of Krsna in full Krsna consciousness.


***At the time many of these activities were considered outside the dharma of a Gaudiya renounciate.


The acaryas who advocate the daiva-varnasrama, the social order of catur-varnyam mentioned in Bhagavad-gita, do not accept the proposition of asura-varnasrama, .......


***"People of this world who are proud of their own aristocratic birth cannot attain real aristocracy. Therefore they attack the pure Vaishnavas, saying, 'They have taken birth in low-class families because of their sins.' Thus they commit offenses. The solution to the problem is to establish the order of daiva-varnasrama-dharma - something you have started doing; you should know that to be the real service to the Vaishnavas. Because pure devotional conclusions are not being preached, all kinds of superstitions and bad concepts are being called devotion by such pseudo-sampradayas as sahajiya and atibari. Please always crush these anti-devotional concepts by preaching pure devotional conclusions and by setting an example through your personal conduct.


Wery well. And now it is all is urgent.


***Prabhupada wrote: " An acarya who comes for the service of the Lord cannot be expected to conform to a stereotype, for he must find the ways and means by which Krsna consciousness may be spread."


Yes, ACARYA can.


***But Prabhupada did not consider every rule established in Gaudiya Math by his spiritual master as unbreakable or sacrosanct and thus he adjusted a number of rules established by Bhaktisiddhanta including many regarding the sannyasa ashram.


SP can.


***But in his temples Srila Prabhupada did allow women to serve the deity as pujaris and cooks. Yet in consideration of the socio-religious climate of India he rescinded this mandate in many of his temples in India to avoid criticism from the still powerful Hindu-Brahmin orthodoxy.


"Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 23, 1974 and have noted the contents. Regarding the worship of our Gaura Nitai by women pujaris, we worship Lord Caitanya in His householder life when He was with His wife, and not as a sannyasi. So, it is alright for women to do this service. But, besides this, service is spiritual and there can be no material designation. In Bhagavad-gita it is stated by Lord Krishna: striyo vaisyas tatha sudras te'pi yanti param gatim. The principle is that everyone who is properly initiated and following the rules and regulations can worship. This activity can not on the material platform.


***Prabhupada also established a brahmacarini ashram in his movement


"Prabhupada: Actually, there is no... Brahmacarini is not allowed in the sastra. Where is the question of brahmacarini? Because according to Vedic system, as soon as a girl is fourteen years old or sixteen years old, she is at once married. According to Vedic system, no girl should be allowed remaining unmarried. So there is no question of brahmacarini. Every girl is supposed to be married. That is the Vedic system. A father’s duty is that as soon as the girl is grown up, she must be married. She must be given in charge of a suitable boy. That is Vedic system.

Striyaщ sьdras tatha vaisyaщ. A woman is meant for being protested. So long she is not young, she is under the protestion of the father. And as soon as she is young, she is given in sharge, in sharity. Kanya-dana. Dana means sharity. He should find out some suitable boys and give in sharity: “My dear boy, take sharge of this girl. So long she was under my sharge. Now it is under your sharge.” So where is the brahmasarinй? There is no question of brahmasarinй. And when he is old enough, then the husband leaves the home and gives sharge to the elderly son: “My dear boys, take sharge of your mother.” So she is always in sharge of somebody. So assording to Vedis system, there is no independent life of woman.


"So at the present moment we sannot stristly follow; neither we are stristly following; neither it is possible to stristly follow. As far as possible, that’s all. Our sonseption of brahmasarini is in the Krsna sosiety, besause... Espesially in India, there is no brahmasarini. But here, in your sountry, the boys and girls mix very freely, but just to restrist sush free mixing, we think that the unmarried girls should remain separately. That is the sontemplation. Astually, in the Vedis system there is no brahmasarini system.


"Prabhupada: They distribute pills. I have seen the boys and girls dansing together, embrasing, in the sshool film. That ruins the sareer. Both of them are ruined. That is very regrettable. Then you shall require this sterilization, pills, another big program. They are sreating animal sivilization, and when the animals are disturbing, they are trying to find out some other means. This is their program. First of all sreate animals. Then, when the animals behave like animals, then another program. Why do you sreate animal? Woman brahmasarinй, this is artifisial.

Tamala Krsna: In our senters, though, there are so many brahmasarinйs, and even sometimes they’re ensouraged to remain brahmasarinй.

Prabhupada: That they sannot. As soon as they will find opportunity, they will besome vyabhisarinй.

Tamala Krsna: They’ll besome what?

Prabhupada: Vyabhisarinй. For woman, protestion.






"But who is asarya? asarya means one who has reseived the Vedis knowledge through the parampara system. Evaа parampara-praptam imaа rajarсayo viduщ. He is asarya. asarya sannot be manufastured, self-made. No. He must some down from the dissiplis sussession. He is asarya. You have to approash sush asarya who is soming in dissiplis sussession. asaryavan puruсo veda. One who is under the shelter of asarya, he knows things. So Krsna resommends also here that if you astually want to besome in knowledge, if you want to have real knowledge, then you must worship asarya. asaryopasanam. This is Vedis system. Tad vijпanarthaа sa gurum evabhigasshet."


"So therefore Narottama dasa Thakura, a great devotee and a great Vaisnava acarya, hi has sung a nice song, that hari hari biphaln, janama goмainu: “My dear Lord, I got this shansn of human form of body. Unfortunatnly I have wasted my time without any self-realization."

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