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mahaksadasa's ramblins

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The song of the philosopher continues, "Yes, you who like to hear God's Names vibrating from your heart and resounding from the vocal chord, you have lost your cover. It does not matter if you are in a cave by the beach whispering God's Names to the waves, or if you shout from the mountaintop so that all folks will hear your gospel. Agents of Kali Yuga are moving in. They are alerted, not necessarily by the sound of these Holy Names, but by the thunder of the breaking illusion they had you bound with. FEAR, the great weapon of Agents of Kali Yuga, is useless against you, so they must strengthen other weapons that still may be effective, greed, avarice, and desire."



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So, are we depressed yet. Are we feeling a little concerned that

teddy kennedy asked the nazi in the chair yesterday if he intends to

use nuclear weapons against Iraq, and the answer was "If GWB says

yes, they fly".


Well, like I said yesterday, this is exactly why we were trained so

well. The time is right now, so we can argue about what has become

of the temples or we can chant hare krsna silently or that others may

hear. Nothing else matters.


I may be considered to be spamming today because Im not talking about

the problems that are presented by IRM, IRG, GBC, HKS, PSS, GM, but

the council was created so the members can speak of the problems

facing the Vaisnava community. There is a problem. We may not be

able to communicate this way for very long, so I am taking

opportunity to forgive as well as beg forgiveness for offences

committed to me and by me. I am taking this opportunity to explain

what my peers in devotional service mean to me, which is everything.

The war rages, but in my simultaneous reality, the war is also over.

I still have a right to say, "My dear friend, perhaps you are

mistaken, and if not, perhaps you may correct me", but this is

., which is the place for such frankness. But there is no

ill feelings against anyone who dips their hand in the bag, simple as



I especially take this opportunity to express gratitude to those who

may not even be devotees anymore for various reasons, because their

names are on the book of life. Srila Prabhupada accepts their

service, even if disconnection unfortunately occurred for a multitude

of reasons, not all the fault of those who abandoned the process.


I was at a submarine base the other day, returned to the place of 20

years of service to the big war machine. I saw the ones who are

ready to destroy the world, amd they are intent, they are dedicated

to bring about armageddon, and they will not be deterred by any

amount of reason. I hereby give them an executive order, which is

valid, because I speak to their selves without regard to their

positions of bodily concern. I order all warring parties to stand

down, I order the Hague to arrest the US President for his

preferrence to use weapons of mass destruction, and against his own

people. I order his arrest for high treason for sending our troops

into harms way, with faulty protective gear.


Well, so much for my military authority, that was yesterday, when I

had an impact, but I have been removed. The picture of Krsna was

slashed on my locker, my writings were destroyed, and all the books I

left in their libraries have been removed. So, I guess this exile is

good, because from exile, Vidura is always there to instruct, and

Krsna Himself is a wish away.


And a big tear is shed for the potential that got away, if only

Duryodhana would see the value in having the Pandavas rule half the



Am I ramblin yet, well, too many thoughts are running amok, but

anxiety does not seem to be evident. Suicidality is not a

psychological concern on the plains of Kuruksetra. Depression is not

a problem when only ashes remain with a few wandering through the



What Id like to see is the devotees discuss DEATH and how we can

help. Is anyone considering doing samkirtaNA AT THE UPCOMING PEACE

MARCHES? The chanting at these events in the 60s sure made them fun,

and everyone who marches gets hungry, and even oatmeal sandwitches on

wonder bread works when offered to Krsna with love. Boy, those were

the days, from SF to NYC, from columbia to San Diego State, and all

anyone thought about at the end of the march was the tumult from

Harinam, so much so that they called the mahamantra the "anthem of

the hippie movement". Those were the days, so if facility exists

maybe some could do kirtana at the rallies and tell us the fun here

on VC.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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forget c. 1995 mahaksadasa


Words are hurled like rocks on a lake, agitate the waters for awhile

I take what I said back for now, but the waves bounce around for miles

I should only do what Jahmon say, and go about business, turn other


Don't lose real treasure and break my heart by all worldly things I



To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Barking dogs defend the land, angrily showing their teeth

Do I join their kind today, all this anger burning beneath

Or should I do what Jahman say, and always tolerate

All these waves of illusion crashing down, and forget the fiyeh of



To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Trouble all around me crumbling down, but why should I think Im alone

The culprits surely pay for their crimes, someday we all must atone

I should just follow what Jahmon say, forgive the demon who will slay


The thief with my shirt deserves my coat, if I understand this he

will save me


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history


Tresspasser, just go your way, retaliation is not up to me

I forget this fiyeh, it burns me. et it fade into history

I should always do what Jahmon say, no need to worry any more

Vengeance is Mine" says the Lord, this is what He said it for


To forget the fiyeh, it burns me

Let it all fade to history

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FYOO CHUR by mahaksadasa (from Kipu'ka)


As a youth

All I wanted was the future

Always thought about the future

All my planning for the future

All my living for the future


Now it's here

And I paint it every day

But it's always day to day

Praying for another day

Alive for yet another day


Like the sea

Riders need a strong boat

Waves will never sink this boat

Gopal knows we need this boat

So He sends this mercy boat


All this future

Gave it up long time ago

Thought about it years ago

Now it's here but I have to go

The future is long time ago


Send the boat

Cause the future nevermore

Accumulate? I can't. No more

Future plans? I can't. No more

I want to sing and dance some more

Right now I need to love Jah more


Love Jah more?

Singing out His Holy Names

Hear from those who sing His Names

One God. One Love. With all those Names

Sing them all, those Holy Names


Govinda is sure Jah Name

Ramana is sure Jah Name

Krishna is sure Jah Name

King David sang His Holy Names

Solomon, wise, he sang His Names

He sends His sons to praise His Names

Who give their lives to spread His Fame




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  • 1 year later...

Hare krsna. Thank you much for your valuable instruction. Sad, this is a fact. In fact, I used to sign my name "mahak sad as a....".


But the sadness is like sprinklin the veges to keep them fresh. The eyes will turn to raisins if there is no sadness. So we eat from the plate in front of us.


We be fish flappin on the pier. Sadness happens to fish outta watah. But it goes away, turns to joy, which will also bring sadness, because we be mad, eh?


Laughing, crying, dancing, fainting....


mo latah, hare krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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