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Mata Mary weeps?

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By Alastair Lawson

BBC correspondent in Dhaka



Thousands of people in the Bangladeshi port city of Chittagong are flocking to a Roman Catholic church where tears are reported to have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The marble statue is kept in a glass case which scientists say could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face




Many of those visiting the church are Muslims, eager to see what some locals believe is a sign of the Virgin's dismay over the recent outbreak of violence in the country and elsewhere in the world.


Roman Catholic believers say it is the first time in Bangladesh that tears have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.


In a country which is overwhelmingly Muslim, it is unusual for a symbol of the Christian faith to attract much interest.


But so many people are gathering outside the Chittagong church that police have been deployed to ensure law and order is maintained.




Muslims are queuing to see the statue even though the Koran warns believers against showing an interest in religious idols.



Roman Catholics in Chittagong say that most people are queuing up to see the statue because they are inquisitive.


Around 90% of Bangladesh's 130 million population is Muslim.


In Chittagong, the second-largest city in the country, there are only around 8,000 Christians in a city of over four million people.


Many churchgoers claim the cause of the Virgin Mary's tears is recent outbreaks of violence in Bangladesh.


They point out that she has had a lot to be upset about in the last week alone.


On Monday, five people were gunned down in local election violence in the south-western district of Jhenida and, before that, there were a series of bomb explosions in the northern town of Dinajpur.


Scientists have already said that one possible explanation for the tears is the fact that the marble statue is kept in a glass case, which could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face.


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S: good morning - Hare Krishna

seaquiverfour: so you are still trying to convert me to hinduism ?

seaquiverfour: do you know what jennah is ?

S: no

seaquiverfour: oh thats a shame

seaquiverfour: I have been analising your iadas and those of many religions

Streetstraw: Many churchgoers claim the cause of the Virgin Mary's tears is recent outbreaks of violence in Bangladesh.

They point out that she has had a lot to be upset about in the last week alone.

On Monday, five people were gunned down in local election violence in the south-western district of Jhenida and, before that, there were a series of bomb explosions in the northern town of Dinajpur.

Scientists have already said that one possible explanation for the tears is the fact that the marble statue is kept in a glass case, which could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face.

...take the essence...SP letter to Krsnadasa 1972

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seaquiverfour: and have come up with a similarity that is very sad

seaquiverfour: In islam it is forbidden to make statues of people and wosrhip them and it is al;so tols that shatian is your biggest enemy who will deceive all he can this is one of those deceptions nothng more


Streetstraw: Mata Mary weeps?

02/19/03 03:51 AM Edit Reply

By Alastair Lawson

BBC correspondent in Dhaka

Thousands of people in the Bangladeshi port city of Chittagong are flocking to a Roman Catholic church where tears are reported to have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The marble statue is kept in a glass case which scientists say could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face

Many of those visiting the church are Muslims, eager to see what some locals believe is a sign of the Virgin's dismay over the recent outbreak of violence in the country and elsewhere in the world.

Roman Catholic believers say it is the first time in Bangladesh that tears have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

seaquiverfour: I have been to the famious tear drop church in sicily where the staue there cries

seaquiverfour: the people there were very sad and lost many obese who could not control their food intack and wanted to believe in myths

seaquiverfour: intake sorry

seaquiverfour: So do you believe that you will one day go back to the state of perfection you should have but have forgotten through ignorance ?

S: In a country which is overwhelmingly Muslim, it is unusual for a symbol of the Christian faith to attract much interest.

But so many people are gathering outside the Chittagong church that police have been deployed to ensure law and order is maintained.


Muslims are queuing to see the statue even though the Koran warns believers against showing an interest in religious idols.

Roman Catholics in Chittagong say that most people are queuing up to see the statue because they are inquisitive.

Around 90% of Bangladesh's 130 million population is Muslim.

In Chittagong, the second-largest city in the country, there are only around 8,000 Christians in a city of over four million people.

Many churchgoers claim the cause of the Virgin Mary's tears is recen


seaquiverfour: Even the bible states not to make statues and Jesus peace be apon him never made them or kneeled to them either but christians have reverted to paganism

seaquiverfour: just as the hindu do

Streetstraw: Many churchgoers claim the cause of the Virgin Mary's tears is recent outbreaks of violence in Bangladesh. They point out that she has had a lot to be upset about in the last week alone.

On Monday, five people were gunned down in local election violence in the south-western district of Jhenida and, before that, there were a series of bomb explosions in the northern town of Dinajpur. Scientists have already said that one possible explanation for the tears is the fact that the marble statue is kept in a glass case, which could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face.

...take the essence...SP letter to Krsnadasa 1972

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Reged: 08/16/02

Posts: 167

Loc: Miami, Florida

So-called scientists really


seaquiverfour: and as the buhdist do buhda didnt bow down to statues either he choose nature as his way

S: Problem is u do not know how powerful Allah can be

S: u like to limit Allah

Streetstraw: Allah can do this, but Allah canNOT do that

S: therefore your interpretation of God & mystic power is faulty:

S: deficient

S: Allah can appear in any form He likes

S: Allah is not bound by your nonsensical boundaries

seaquiverfour: I do not limit Allah in any way you are mistaken . You are actually a hipocrit who i have been told not to even speak with goodbye I do not want to speak with you again please do not bother me any more you have nothing of value to offer me

S: u do not know Allah's unlimited Nature

Streetstraw: Allah can appear in any statue He likes

S: Allah's power is everywhere, no?

seaquiverfour: please leave me alone ort I will block you again i have nothing to say to you go take to someone else

S: u cannot defend your limited conception, that is all

S: when u develop full faith in Allah's unlimited nature, write to me, otherwise not

seaquiverfour: I can defend myself very well actually it is you who are limited but think you are some angel not yet realised

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