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Missouri Cherokee Tribes proclaim Jewish Heritage

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Scanning all of the eveidence presented here and elsewhere, I believe it is doubtful any link exists between Jews and the Aniyvwiya. The afore-mentioned link between words itself casts much doubt. The word from which the english "Cherokee" was derived is a Muskogee word meaning roughly "they who speak another language". "Tsalagi" has only been relatively recently adopted by the Tsalagi. As part Yvwiya myself, I find it hard to believe that Native American blood is in any major way tied to Jewish blood, epescially considering the link to Asian blood and the decidedly Mongoloid features Native blood can give one.


Wado ale dodadagohvi

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I also found the story tying the Anitsalagi to the Olmecs... I think I may research that a bit more /images/graemlins/smile.gif

And I also agree with the post about ethnicity being more than blood-deep... No matter your blood, it is YOU and your beliefs that make you who you are... I am not even sure of the amount or tribe of origin of my Native blood, but I am in love with Native American culture and language, and that, I believe, has more to do with me Being Native American than anything else.


Siwu Wado


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Chief Joseph is in solomonic lineage, through mekeda and menelik. I have forgotton my (biologic/genetic) nez perce heritage, but there is linkage. The Abyssinians also were known as the human beings, and their elders guard carefully their heritage, thru the most brutal of worldly conditions.


To study the afar region peoples, the descendants of solomon and forebears of Joseph and related indigeneous peoples, a good first book to get is a graham hancock book dealing with the caretakers (presently) of the ark of the covenant. (The Sign and the Seal)


The Dogon tribe of Mali knew the science of the demigods, and the egyptians descended from them. All the pyramids, in giza, in South and Central America, the very old pyramids in the american midwest, in china, the monuments of the south seas, all have connection, all were built by the Dogons and their apprentices (Pharoahs just remodeled what was already there, built while Egypt was a tropical rain forest).


If we think of the world before King Prthu and Queen Arci, one continent with great sea to the north, west, east, and south (and accepted by the vast majority of modern scientists and geologists), it is not hard to understand what is meant by the "six degrees of separation", meaning that we are all biologically and genetically related, that no one ever born is further removed than a cousin to the sixth power. Hard to grasp, but the mathmatics cannot be denied.


I honor my kinsmen who share their stories here, very interesting. hare krsna, ty, mahaksadasa (aka at one time mohawkshadasa)

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Hi All I think this very interesting and I am interested in learning more. But also maybe I can share with you and hope that you do not get offended by what I say. First off Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. Yahawa is the word for God and there are may others such as Elohim, Eloshidi, Hashem (name), Adoni. These are all Hebrew words. There are a lot stories in the Bible or if you call it the Torah.

The Torah is the first 5 books of the bible this where the Laws or instructions are for us. The rest is the Prophits. The New Testament is just an revised addition of the Old. Yeshua (Jesus) Talks about what is in the Torah not making a new one. Also Paul does the same thing. It also says that in Romans 11:17-24 that all who believe are grafted in Jews. Personelly myself I believe that we are all conected anyway so what does matter besides I bet that the DNA will a conection there somewhere that we are. Another thing to some of you have said that we are not, relegion preposes In the Torah it speaks about the Creator, and you speak of the Creator, the Great one ect. Do you think that there could be a conection there? We believe that we have to take care of the animals and plants, that is what God instructed us to do back to the time of Adam and Eve. So do you think we are or are not conected? This is just my 2 cents worth. Please feel free to respond to this if you wish it well not hurt my feelings because what you say is your 2 cents too. Thanks listening. Spiritpeace.

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I have been reading the things posted on this site today at my grand-daughter's request. I am appalled by all the conflicting information that is put forth. I am 94 years of age and Cherokee. My family hid in caves when our people were forcibly removed from our lands. I still live here in Virginia, just north of my family's ancient land. My best friend's grandfather had our history WRITTEN in our language before Sequoiah. Written just before the coming of the European in the 16th century. It was copied by my best friend's father and the pages date back before 1880. I have preserved this "book" of looseleaf pages and will pass it to the true Kutani Priest as it was passed like this for hundreds of years. Four families, Four Kutani lines, all sharing a bond and heritage. The families are the ancient Raven, Hawk, Thunderbird and Eagle. And when the People were set upon by the European, each family set out in a different direction. The Raven (Hoard) went North, The Thunderbird (Troxell) to the West, The Eagle (Rogers) to the South, while a part of my family, the Hawks (Harnage) remained in the East.

We walk the path set by the Creator

We are His Servants and Serve His People.

From the beginning of time

We Four have stood together

To bring Spiritual Harmony, Truth, and Honor.

We draw Our People together,


Four Families,


Seven Clans;

One Nation,

All Ani-Kituhwagi


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I am C.D.Harnage, known as Red Hawk. I am a Didanawiskawi, medicine man. No Cherokee is related or descended from the Hebrews. DNA has proven this. My heritage says we are not. And we did not worship this Christian God until the European. I include a speech I gave in 1991. Please read and understand.

The time is coming soon when we must stand tall, lift our eyes and stretch our minds to a greater understanding and comprehension of the task that stands before us. This is the time to be strong, to move forward without hesitation while knowing well the meaning, breadth, and importance of our task. It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow. We have nothing to fear. The words of other men cannot harm us as long as we keep our Creator at the pinnacle of our heart.


The spirits of our ancestors are not far from us and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and emotions and are often sorrowed from the pain their people have endured during the past five hundred years. If you live up to the privilege they grant you, nothing will be impossible for you as an individual or to our people in whole to overcome.


We have been a nation for thousands of years and have a glorious ancient past which is great in its spirit, heritage and destiny. Regardless of the “rise and fall” of our Priests and the misunderstandings between them and the People, always it has been the Creator with the aid of the Kutani who has preserved us as a Nation. With the Creator and the Kutani, the Ancient Cherokee Nation will rise again.


Our young people are lost and divided. They walk the land without knowing who and what they are. They harbor anger and are displaced in this world. Many join gangs in an effort to ease the ache in their hearts. They wish to be warriors as of ancient times and do not have the chance to be as they were. They do not belong in the white man’s world and never have. Yet they have been taught his ways each day of their lives. Is it any wonder they walk but cannot see? Is there any wonder that they spit upon their fathers and mothers? Is it any wonder their hearts hold nothing but hatred and anger? They see that their parents have turned to embrace the white man’s world, his god, his political powers, and his money. They search for something more in life; something they can take pride in and belong to.


We must instill in our young the teachings of our ancients; we must teach them endurance, educational prowess, honor and valiance, spiritual harmony and respect. We must teach them to be proud of who and what they are and to discount the white man’s teachings. From birth we must teach them our ways and language. Those are first. We must teach them to be wary of the ways of the white man. We must help them to sift out the various spiritual inclinations the white man’s life instills. We must ease the need in their hearts and replace it with spiritual joy. We must give them balance, equality, and peace in each of their individual hearts. We must teach them the sacred responsibilities of being the Creator’s Peacekeepers and warriors. We will grow strong, and with knowledge we will fight the white man in his way and with his own money we will slowly regain our land they have taken, one piece at a time. We will do so with honor and truth; not with lies and thefts.


Today’s Cherokee is just as lost as his children are. Their “chiefs” embrace the political powers of the white man. Their “chiefs” are awarded money from the white government for corrupting their people’s beliefs. Their “chiefs” are building casinos and have become as corrupt and greedy as the white politician. They grow rich and fat from the white man while the people are poor and suffer hardship. They, too, are lost.


The white man and his god brought evil to the Cherokee. It is time the Cherokee put all those things aside and turn once again to the Ancient ways of their fathers. They must cast aside all things that are not Cherokee. Those things that have been combined into our heritage must be found and discarded. These things have brought us down to where we are. Now we must shake these things off and pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, take up our spiritual war gear and fight within ourselves to discover the truth and return it to our people.


Each day I see the signs of the white man’s world in its death throes. Like the ancient Roman Empire, the spirit of their young is dying. Their young turn to “games” and crime to bring into their spirits the lost joy the Creator gave. And like the Roman Empire, the time is coming when their political empire will become such a burden that they will rise up and destroy it. If their own folly does not destroy them first.


We live upon this land; it was ours and it is still ours. We are separate and have been made unequal to the white man and his government. I say this is true. But not in the way the white man would have it to be. He would make us less than even the black man; but we are more than he can ever dream. And we must hold to our past and our pride. We will seek our ways this time in peaceful means and manners. The Creator will provide the way; and the knowledge we have gained and will gain will enable us to return to being a proud nation of great people.




The Cherokee must once again walk the highest traditional pathway of the Creator’s ancient day priesthood’s real truth. They must become one in spirit with the Elder Fires Above, through the White Path of the Sacred Wisdom Fire. They must take their place upon this earth as they have in the past. We were chosen from among our family in the Star World to be Keepers of the Fire of Heaven here on earth. Is this not what was given to the Kutani from the beginning? Were we not entrusted to keep the Sacred Fire for the Creator?


The true name of the Cherokee is “Ani’yunwiya”. It carries multiple meanings : People of the Creator, Chosen Ones, Real Ones, The Principle People. Another name they have been given by other tribes was Cheeratagi—Bearers of the Divine Fire; the One Fire Keepers; Caretakers of the Fire. But we must become “Ani-Kituhwagi”—Beloved People.


The Kutani understood the meanings of the Four Wind Messengers and the Four Directions. Heart, spirit, mind and body. The North is that of the mind, keeper of knowledge and wisdom. He is the teacher of the ancient wisdom, of ancient spirituality, selflessness, hope and generosity. He is determined, focused. The East is that of the spirit. He brings the rays of vision, of inspiration and is the spiritual messenger of the people. He teaches leadership and maturity. He is the teacher of the young and instills the truth in the hearts of the young. The South is that of the Heart, he teaches us survival, wildness, love, anger, all the emotional energy to be channeled by the mind and spirit. He carries the messages of the Creator upon his wings to the People. The West is that of the body, he teaches us to heal our body along with the mind and spirit. He brings us stability and resilience. He tends to those who are yet to be born and the very young.


The four families of the Kutani, each a representative of the Four Wind Messengers, each having a position to aid the other, they are the Adawehi. They are the Priesthood and caretakers of the Ancient Sacred Fire. They are the teachers, the leaders, and are bound together by the Creator to bring to their people the wisdom of the Fire and the Great Spirit. Only they can teach the Secret rites and rituals for an individual’s eventual full circle of purification. They teach the meaning of walking the full circle of the Sacred Journey and the way to attain one’s position of service and honor with the Wisdom of the Way of the Old Ones and through select secret pathways of the Holy Priesthood. Only they can determine the Creator’s original instructions and the secrets of wisdom.


They recall the ancient Sacred Code of Honor which fulfills an individual’s full potential. They were granted with teaching the way of purification for the people to have a crystal clear mind and strong body. They walk the Circle of Life and Medicine and travel the ancient white path of beauty with spiritual cleansings for balance, sacrifice, care-taking and in purification for having right relationships with all. They shall bring to our young and to our people the ways of making things right with us and the Creator. In the Cherokee One Fire world, walking “The Hoop” (or the Circle) in order to stay on the White Path refers to being “sure, balanced, clear-minded and not distracted in our purpose and potential through our sacred journey of life leading to oneness and happiness. (Not only do I refer to the Medicine Circle, or the sacred circle that rings our Fire. I also refer to the dance once done by our people. I will discuss this at a later time).


Going to the Living Water and the understanding of its meaning is imperative. The Ceremony for Greeting the Sun, “Nutawa” is essential. The making of the Sacred Fire and its wisdom another means of purification and dedication. The sacred smoke and smudging spirals up to the Great Mystery held within the Star Worlds of the Galvladitla and their spirit walks upon the Wind and Dreams the Dream of the Fire that can light their spirit; the Fire Light of the Creator, Atanvti, the Heart of Heaven Who Builds Perpetual Friendships so that all return to their ancient families and to those who are yet waiting to be born unto them.


They do this so that when one leaves this world and has completed all that he must do, he may be brought to his ancient family and their families yet to come. This is according to the promise given to the first of our people thousands of years ago. It was given by the Three Elder Fires Above, Chota’av’nelee. It is there that all who have been purified will live the Divine Spirit Life Way in the system of order within the Gulquagine Digalunlatiquvn, The Seventh and Highest Place.


The Creator is ALIVE, and his priesthood’s truths and powers were not a “One Time” thing that was given only to our ancient grandfathers. Those who truly believe in the Creator would understand that he would not allow the Ancient truth or ways to be forgotten or lost. He would not allow his Kutani to die out and no longer exist. He hid them in order to protect them that one day they would return to do battle with evil spirits of this world and bring His people back to him. His People are lost and He has heard their cries.


The Four Wind Messengers still exist and the Kutani still live, waiting for the when the time is right to return. They wait to aid the Chosen Priest in teaching the truth to their People. The Creator is preparing for something big, huge to happen in the not-too-distant future.


The modern Cherokee use a word they pronounce as Tsulebi sanubi, supposed to mean “We Rise To The Top”. The correct words are Tsuladi galvdui coming from Itsula (we) ulisaladodi (rise) galvladitlv (up) and gadui (top). Somehow the modern Cherokee are butchering the language and changing it even more than it has changed. Once it was very similar to the Iroquois, but eventually it was changed to fit the needs of the people. However it is said, it is one of the cries voiced by our ancestors as they rose and fell along the rocky paths of life. They would stumble, fall and pick themselves up and go on. Nothing in this world could defeat the Cherokee spirit.


Today this cry refers to an individual’s on-going struggle to erase the debasing situation that submerged our Cherokee fathers after the White man came in 1500. The destruction they brought robbed the self esteem and dignity from the Priests and the People taking with it their freedom, solidarity, honor, true spiritual security, national management, self reliance, humor and happiness.


To lose everything they had in the 1800’s was devastating to the Nation and to each person. But the Cherokee could not be brought too low. They were determined to RISE AGAIN to their original dignity from within the hovering cloud of doom that hung in desperation over them. It was the whispers of the past that kept them strong. Yet year after year, their unique Spiritual pathways of the past that had brought them dignity became less and less remembered. Too soon the Cherokee found themselves being separated from their original culture. They melted into a blend of White man’s religions, culture and their own increasingly insecure spirituality. They are becoming lost in the white man’s melting pot. Ironically more and more intermarriages took place between them and the White and Black Christian peoples. Soon this caused the Nation’s cultural loss. Ceremonies done in specific ways for thousands of years were forgotten and replaced with Christian ceremonies. Our incantations, chants were replaced by Christian hymns.


Many of the marriages took place with the White people who were participating in various religious “Cherokee projects” which were based upon the need bring Christianity to the “poor heathen forest children”. In many cases the biased white man’s religion that evolved within them caused those of the people to forget the Ancient ways. The Kutani was not to be mentioned as it was a particularly “evil” part of the Cherokee culture as the Didanawiskawi and Adawehi were becoming. They lumped our Priest Clan into a pot with witchcraft, sorcery, superstition, fortune telling. And eventually it became forbidden to tell the stories of the Raven and the Kutani. Eventually most of all the stories about the four Kutani families were deleted from our memories. The Kutani became a myth to the people, forgotten to all but their direct descendants. The families waited for the time they would once again return to being “Servants of the Creator” “Servants of the People” and would again lead the people in the path of the Sacred White Journey—Kanvwodi Udamilagi.


The Sacred White Journey began with a village “care-taking” responsibility that was gained through going into the silence of a sacred vigil. The Ancient Kutani spirituality was based on personal and extended family love, service and care-taking for “all who or what ever” needed help with balance and right-relationship for a complete selflessness. This part of the Kutani belief was called “Agasesdodi Agisdi” (Agsesdodi meaning care and Agisdi meaning take). It was their task from the Creator to tend to all the needs of the People and the earth around them. They were to serve and be the care-takers of the People.


Before a Priest was allowed to take his place, he had to undergo many difficult journeys. Each one was a test of his strength, endurance, determination, and honor. He was required to reach his full potential in all ways, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This path is not the one referred to by white men called “straight and narrow path”. This is one that was given to the novice Priest either by the Creator, the High Priest, or his teacher who would have been of the Hawk family.


As a child each of you would have endured the ritualistic “scratching”. As an older child you would have gone on journeys to seek spiritual guidance. You would have run races with the other young men; endured wrestling that would have created strength and other tests of skill that any young warrior would have had to undergo. But in addition, there were tests and ceremonies that taught those things a novice Priest must learn. They were thought of as horrible and cruel by the white man, but his treatment of our People was much more horrible and cruel.


While the Creator’s Chosen has not undergone his ritual training, he will have endured many trials and hardships in his life. He will have suffered the emotional pain of not knowing his ancestors. He will have suffered in countless ways that would have brought a lesser man to his knees and even to the door of spiritual death. He will have experienced hate and will understand that hate destroys the vessel that holds it. He will know that hatred and anger can cause one to lose clarity of mind and vision. He will learn to master these and harness them so that they do not overcome his future. And he will be able to teach the young men who know hate. He will have endured more than the average man, and he will be the one who will be a great Priest and leader for our people. One who will be granted the greatest task of providing the People with the One of the Prophecy, the child brought up in the old ways, the one who will gather as many of the people as possible in fulfillment of the Prophecy.


Another thing a novice Priest must learn is personal responsibility. When one makes a mistake, one must correct it. A Priest cannot blame any other for anything that befalls him, good or bad. He must take personal responsibility for his actions and where they lead. To do this, he must look back upon his life and acknowledge those decisions he may have made that were wrong and led him away from the harmony of all things. He will accept full responsibility and will travel the White Path to a great spiritual healing and advancement. His path is set before him by his Creator, he must ensure he travels well upon it.


The Priest will have understood the need for revenge, but he will put it aside and move forward along the White Path. A great leader must be clear of mind to choose wisely the Path for himself and his people.


The Creator gave First Man and First Woman the great laws of wisdom, light, peace, truth, harmony, vision and the gift of becoming one with him by building their own fire within their spirits. These principles were established then and given once again to the Kutani over 4,000 years ago by the Creator. This was done for those who would be born so they would have a pure White Path to follow while walking this life’s Sacred Journey. But as it is with all men, even those of our Ancestors have allowed that fire of wisdom to go out over and over. Many different times the true light of the fire of wisdom became mixed with man’s ideas and each time the fire would go out in the world. But the Creator ensured that his People would always have his wisdom and truths and always brought forth his Kutani for the People when they had turned from the White Path. It was restored for mankind to be able to find again when the first Kutani was touched by the Creator. It was restored a second time when the Kutani left the place of the Olmecs. And it will be restored within the next thirty years. Ayv Duyugodvnega “I speak the truth”.


The true light of the original pathway must be rebuilt. The foundation of our ancient ceremonies will be brought back. Those that have been lost will be rebuilt and remade. The Creator has given His Chosen One the greatest task one can undertake. He will be responsible for gathering the dispersed seed of the Kutani from the four corners of our world. He will be responsible for seeking all the elders who are left and gathering all he is able of the ancient beliefs and sifting through those to weed out all things that may have corrupted these. Those that cannot be found, he will seek out the Creator and will be given those. Only the Chosen One, the Raven can do this. I have tried and have been told that I am not Raven and only Raven is given this knowledge. He will pave the way and make the way easier for his grandson. For his grandson will fulfill the last of the ancient prophecy. Many times the spirits of the honored dead will visit the Raven and give him instructions, comfort and solutions to what he needs to know. They may come to him in dreams, in visions and even as living people.


There will be opposition to what he brings to light. Many Cherokee will turn their face from him and accuse him of being untruthful. Many, who fear losing their power, will attempt to thwart all he does. But he will not turn from what he is set to do.


There will be those who will listen me and then to him and they will join him in his task. There will be young men who have no idea of where to turn and he will turn them to the right path. He will teach others as I have taught him. And there are those in parts of our world who still stay with the ancient truths and will joyfully unite with him so they are able once more to follow the Sacred Ancient Path. Many precious Cherokee histories are being preserved in these “Elders” hiding places. They hold stories of antiquity, sacred ceremonies, rituals and even formulas; they will hold some of our laws, our codes of honor. They will follow him to the Three Elder Fires Above, to our Creator and the old ways. Our people will no longer be Cherokee, but the Anikituhwagi. They will not be called Kitowah and take on the political trappings of the white man as the Kitowah have. Once again our beliefs, our religious way, our life-way will be one harmonious life with all above and around us and will be truly called “Eloh”.


The so-called Kitowah have spread the story of an ancient ark. There is no ark for the Cherokee. Their teachings have always been stored in writing and passed from father to son of the Kutani line. The wampum belts also passed and have been destroyed by the white man. Parts may be buried in forgotten places. But no one has a part of the belt from the prophecy, for what was left to the last Raven was destroyed when he turned his face from the Creator and took the ways of others.


There also will be those who will claim they are “Fire Priests and Priestesses”, those who will claim to be Kutani. Even these will be found having some of the ancient truths. But you have been given the names of those who are Kutani and rightful teachers and Priests. (There are NO Priestesses—a woman cannot hold that place. She can be a Raven, a medicine woman, but she cannot hold the sacred position of the Priest. Her son would take that place, and if there is no son, then the Hawk or another will serve in the Raven’s stead until a Priest is once again born). They will cry loudly claiming they hold the truth, and all the while they are held fast by their own self-honor, greed and deception. Too often they use their “spirituality” in harmful and inappropriate ways. Some of these will be white men posing as “spiritual guides”. Some will have turned to witchcraft and money.


Though I know it will cost much, our people must attempt to gather those artifacts that have symbolic meanings for our people. Things that are in museums belong to the people and not for others to gawk at. There will be those who speak of the teachings of the Sacred Stones, but they do not understand what it means. But these things are right beneath our noses. The Chosen One will show these things to the People once again. The Sacred Book of Secrets is referred to: this is the book, copied and recopied and passed from father to son of the Kutani; and this book will pass to the last Raven, the Chosen One.


There are legends speaking and whispering the truth mixed with untruth—of the priesthood power that was given to the People and how it has fallen several times. There are whispers of a time when a great peace and a great oneness will come to us all. This is coming in time. For now we can only do as the Creator asks us to do. We must choose to set our feet and the feet of our people back onto a path of purification and perfection and most of all we must unite our people as one. This will be a slow and arduous task, but it can be done.


There will be those among us who cry that only the pure blood should be the true Cherokee. But this is not so. No Cherokee is “pure blood” for at one time or another our people have had other tribes join with ours. We have intermarried with those from other tribes and other races. Even one who has even a small drop of our blood is Cherokee and should be welcomed by all Cherokee.


What will not and should never be welcome are other cultural beliefs. A Cherokee may look white, but he shall leave his white beliefs with the white man. A Cherokee may look black, but he shall leave his black beliefs with his black brother. We are Cherokee, no matter color of skin, but of blood. We must be Cherokee with our own culture. Only our culture should be pure and undiluted.


You will know the Chosen One when he comes, for he will know the laws of the Kutani and he will know the Ancient Credo of which I give you and it will have been written in his book over one hundred years past in the language of our people.



We walk the path set by the Creator

We are His Servants and Serve His People.

From the beginning of time

We Four have stood together

To bring Spiritual Harmony, Truth, and Honor.

We draw Our People together,


Four Families,


Seven Clans;

One Nation,

All Ani-Kituhwagi



Even now there are white men who wish to tear into the ancient mounds of our ancestors in order to build their houses and malls. This should not be done. But it is happening. A great wrong is being committed. As always, our People stand by and allow these things to happen. My heart and eyes weep for there is none to stand for us, to lead us as in the past.


Even now as I speak, there are white men and Cherokee preaching that all people including the Cherokee should steer clear of witchcraft, sorcery, superstition, fortune-telling and priest-craft. They warn of belief in reincarnation. They say beliefs of these kinds are contrary to the truth as given in Their Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation.


These are untruths. Lies spread by the white man in order to prevent the Cherokee’s and other Native Americans’ reclamation of their ancient ways and heritage. The white man came with lies and still lies. He cannot speak with a straight tongue. He does not know the truth. And we must turn our faces from his lies and seek our own truths. We must look at our history with the white man and face that with his arrival came National internal strife for all Native American tribes that resulted in greed-based self destruction of our spiritual beliefs, our family cohesiveness, our religious ceremonies, our emotional well-being, our governmental rights, and the destruction and devastation of individual potential.


I only hope and pray to Our Creator that the time is soon for our Chosen One to take his place as foretold and bring about the return of our People to the East.

Since I gave this speech, I set out to find and reunite the families and began with the Raven. To him I will pass our Sacred Writings and Ancient Ceremonies.

"Ayv aginetsa!"- I have spoken!

"Dadv!" - It is so!


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Haribol, red hawk, thank you much for sharing your wealth here. My teacher, Srila Prabhupada, has oftened warned of irreligion disguised as religion. Lord Jesus Christ warned us all of those who may call themselves His Own, yet they fail to do the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father.


And I agree fully with your points of culture, indigeneous culture, which springs from the craetor, not some man made religion used to control His Offspring.


I previously made comment about King Solomon, and his position as progenitor of many peoples. He, too, has been greatly co-opted by those who wish to destroy the culture he has laid down in favor of the religion of materialism that is rejected by the great king as nothing but vanity.


Anyway, thanks for the time you give us to tell your story. Hare Krsna, which means all glory is due to the Supreme lord of all peoples. Your servant, mahaksadasa

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Born in Virginia. I've been all over speaking and trying to teach all Native Americans to return to their beliefs and culture. Now that I'm 94 I don't travel far from home. Last time I was out speaking to a large crowd was about 12 years ago. Since then, I travel only to speak to small groups who may be interested in our beliefs and history.

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Haribol, red hawk. Again, thanks for taking the time to speak to us. Please accept this writing, dedicated to the indigeneous people of the world, as a gift for your gift.




Outriggah-by mahaksadasa, c. 1994


They loaded up di coconut, bundled up di child

and boarded Outriggah

Thousands of miles of open sea

Refuge di only reality

To lay on di Rock to be set free


The Creator, existing in the hearts of all beings, does not select favorites. The perfection of Creation rests in diversity. His selection of Israel as a nation worthy for refuge was due to Israel's choice to always depend on Him. The Creator did not become exhausted by leading the Tribe of Moses to the Zion, He, as always, reciprocates the Love His Own freely appreciate and dutifully serve with rapt attention.


When Babylon exerts itself as Power Ego, bonding fellow beings to the chains of oppression, some call out the Name of the Supreme Lord. The extended family boards the outrigger and heads for the open sea. Navigating with wave shapes, wind directions and celestial configurations, these ancient Israelites of the Pacific were led on a one way trip North, an open and unknown option of spiritual guidance opposed to the oppression, inhumanity, severe drought, war, and famine stricken Marquesas. Many bonafide historians note the possibility that settling of Hawai'i was a one boat excursion. Breadfruit, coconut, ti, sweet potatoes, livestock, and God's chosen people were led to this special destination when it was ready for human occupation. He led them to the Rock, and they stacked His stones and chiselled his Rock to give Him Tribute.



Waves dey come and sure dey go

Rock outriggah to and fro

Alone, long journey, we have to know

Why His Love affect us so


Many waves of the surging Pacific, a storm watch, tapa sails, equatorial sun and mystic quiet nights! Alone, the family, with meditations, thinks of how to survive exile, what awaits the sea nomads, many weeks pass to confirm in themselves that the Freedom that awaits them all is the provision of the Creator. His creation through His agent, Pele, had sufficiently cooled to allow human occupancy. The forest had penetrated the cataclysmic lava flows, the coral was crushed sufficiently to provide soft sand just to please His fishermen. He chose a few families then, as He indiscriminately selects us all to eternally enter the shelter of His Refuge. "Come cross di ocean and rest upon My Rock, plant di coconut and welcome to Kipu'ka." The deed was signed between ancient voyagers and He Who led them. Indigenous rights were signed by grantees with heiaus and witnessed by Kahuna.



Not in return for di people I save

Not in return for pretending to be brave

Not in return for being Babylon's slave

He simply hears di sound of di Song He gave.


The gift of Refuge, the sea, the volcano, the aina, is the hereditary rights to those who were so led, for those who serve the Creator and protect the creation. This pact cannot be broken by illegal occupation, for it rests in a Spiritual Bond. Sing, dance, and prepare feast to celebrate and honor this pact between God and humanity.



Dis form, it always changes

It's Biology

Life, we know, goes on eternally

We are full of youth, untold by di skin

Youth is felt in praise of Creator's Love again

Load di coconut, breadfruit, and ti

Jump on outriggah, head for open sea

Kipu'ka awaits with firm reality

Lay on dis Rock, and be set free




hare krsna, your servant, mahaksadasa


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"Lies spread by the white man in order to prevent the Cherokee’s and other Native Americans’ reclamation of their ancient ways and heritage. The white man came with lies and still lies. He cannot speak with a straight tongue. He does not know the truth."


the same things are happening all over the world, including India. when British first came to India they were shocked that the native culture was so much more advanced than theirs - they have been trying to discredit it ever since...


it is the primitive semitic belief in partial and vengeful god that has led to more bloodshed and suffering all over the world than perhaps any other single cause

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  • 3 weeks later...

With deepest respect…


Even after my most sincere efforts to share on this amazing forum, I shall not be offended if my small contributions are cast aside.


My interest and revulsion over the injustices poured upon the beloved Native Americans does not qualify me for an opinion. But I offer such sentiments as evidence of sincerity. A dear Apache friend loaned me “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”. It’s reports are simply crushing. I was a member of the Native American Club at Lucent for about 2 years. And I have been studying Cherokee culture and history for about eight years.


Again, these are evidences only of sincere interest.


Like a some others on this forum, I worship Yahweh, but through the Hebrew Messiah, Yahshua of Nazareth. It is my attempt to capture the essence of an old religion just before it became “Christianity”. The original Apostles did not have time convert people at the point of a sword, nor would Christ condone such. My sincerest apologies for the guilt that comes by mere association. I strive to distance myself from such.


Some clarification of terms seems like a good idea, to remove needless misunderstanding and hostility.


- All Jews are Hebrew, but not all Hebrews are Jews.

- The land of “Israel” today is really just “The Jews”, comprised primarily of the tribes Judah, Benjamin, and parts of Levi.

- All the other Hebrews, 10 tribes worth (called “Israel” in The Hebrew Scriptures), have been scattered to the 4 winds. The Hebrew Scriptures teach that they are literally everywhere, mingled and hidden.

- Sadly, some make a big deal out of the possibility that they are descendants of Israelites, even to manufacturing hare-brained theologies about divine birthrights.


Years ago, a friend suggested that I research the history of the word “IOWA”, thinking that The Almighty’s Name was somehow placed there. I dug sincerely, and concluded that the word “Iowa” had nothing at all to do with the Divine Name. The Name of the Iowa Indian tribe was documented to have come from a word “Ayukhba”, meaning (perhaps) “sleepy ones”. I spent considerable time and money, even pestering a far away library, before closing this door of research. Yes, it would have been very interesting to find my expectation confirmed, but the cost of fantasy and myth is much too high a price to pay. Better to stick to the facts.


I offer that as evidence of reserve and discipline, when I seek to find if Yahweh has left markers of his revelations elsewhere.


I have since turned my attention to The Cherokee, who worshipped a Spirit being called “Yowa”, as documented in a book purchased on the Reservation in NC. Long ago, James Adair witnessed his Cherokee hosts worshipping a Spirit called “Yo-He-Wah”. While the similarity between these various forms should be evident, observant members of this forum might recognize, perhaps, that Adair was likely hearing them spell that Name in Hebrew [Yodh-Heh-Waw-Heh].


Driven by a spirit of respect and reverence only, I wanted to learn more.


My sources were identified by a kindly Cheorkee storyteller whom I approached at a Pow-Wow in Illinois. He pointed me to writings of Thomas Mails, and William Bartram, while I was already knowledgeable of James Adair’s early writing.


Thomas Mails’ Book relies, further, on interviews with Elderly Cherokee published by John Howard Payne in the early 1800’s. Based on Thomas Mails summary of Payne’s papers, multiple independent witnesses describe an ancient Cherokee religion that bears a striking resemblance to the religious festivals of Leviticus 23 in the Old Testament. These interviews further speak of migratory action coming from the east, across a great body of water.


The possibility of contrivance must always be accounted for. So one might argue, I suppose, that the Hebrew flavor of those descriptions was taught by white Christian Missionaries. What makes this unlikely is that most Christians have been hostile to Hebrew traditions, and would likely spend more time teaching Cherokee about Christianity. The corroboration of independent informants lends weight to this as well.


Personal friends faulted me for spending so much time on this. So, I had stopped the research for a while, with the following careful conclusions:


- If the White man from Europe had shown sufficient reverence for the Hebrew Roots of his Christian Faith, he would have immediately recognized The Cherokee as a people to be respected.

- That notwithstanding, respect is to be accorded to all men, as our blood is one, which The Christian Scriptures attest, and all men everywhere understand intuitively.


- DNA evidence will have to have the final say, here. It may simply be that migratory Hebrews merely INFLUENCED the ancient Cherokee to have these practices.


- One might rise up and declare, “But the DNA evidence is in! The connection to the Jews has been disproved!” – to which I say, “Not so fast.”


The issue, for my quest, is not whether Native Americans are “Jews”, or some other regrettable distortion of the inquiry. The question I seek to answer is narrowly defined by one question:


Do my Cherokee Neighbors, specifically, have Hebrew ancestry?


I am aware of the book cited on this forum, by Michael H. Crawford . Yet on page 5, the lineage tree offered by this author is not sufficiently detailed to define the ancestry of the Cherokee in particular. And, with respect, I do not think any of the great Nations likes to be lumped and classified as has been done in that lineage tree. The only classifications allowed are:


Southern Amerind

Central Amerind

Northern Amerind

N.W. Amerind


That’s it. No detail on what I specifically seek.


Yes, the Cherokee do appear to be a unique people, therefore I require unique handling of their DNA evidence. It might be offensive for me, a white man, to make such an assertion. Perhaps it sounds like an arrogant modern claiming, “Oooh, they are so much like me! They must fit my theories!”. But this is not so. So many fine elements of Cherokee behaviour and culture have been recorded elsewhere that I dare not elaborate. Needless to say, they treated their women better than the white man, and their devotional life was exemplary.


Once I find something conclusive on these beloved people, DNA or otherwise, I shall consider the matter closed.


I do not have any authentic greetings with which to extend to you all as I sign-off. Just an earnest desire to be at Peace with all men, as much as be possible.


- Michael A. Banak


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My Dear Mr. Banak,


While I certainly enjoyed reading your message; I could not agree with it in entirity. I was born a Cherokee, a "medicine man" ADAWEHI, as my father was, his father and his father. At a young age I was taught the "Old Ways" that were even then no longer being observed and were being twisted by missionary influence. Much has been lost to my people; but not to me.


I have lived 94 years following the ways of my father and grandfather. I rejected the Christianity they tried to force upon us. I am overjoyed that young people are looking to seek the truth; but I am appalled that they seek it out in books written by white men who did not understand all they saw or spoke of.


I have seen our Three Elder Fires twisted into representation of the Christian trinity. I have heard the name of our Creator, Uhalotega twisted into this Yowah. HA! Does not a language become corrupt when an outsider cannot speak the words properly and attempt to write them in their own language? This is what happened to the language of the Cherokee.


They say the middle and lower dialect of the Cherokee is lost. I say I have spoken it since I was born. My father spoke it. And we have written it since before the white man. All true Adawehi had a written language. We kept our history safe. We kept our ceremonies safe and our way of life.


Moony--and these others come into the lives of the Cherokee after the white missionary have twisted it. Black culture had seeped into our stories. Read the "Bre'r Rabbit". This is not the real way that story was told.


I am not condemning any race. But for those authors who would take corruptions of our tradition, our stories, our culture and twist them or put into them the "melting pot" of their own, this I condemn.


Even the Cherokee are fault in this. They listen not to their elders. They took no time to record and keep the things sacred safe for their descendants. Only those who were ancient Adawehi, only we have kept these things sacred and safe.


I have been approached many times for those things I have. Papers written by ancestors about the things that occurred even before the white man. These things I will not pass to any government entity, to any museum to be stared upon, to any historian to read and then write upon and make his name with. No, I do with them what my father did and his. I pass them down to someone.


I am not fortunate to have a child left alive to pass these things to, for I have outlived my only daughter. But I had a friend who was also Adawehi. To his grandson I will pass these things, for his family were once the greatest Adawehi of the Cherokee.


If you are wondering what an Adawehi was, it was a priest. We were not medicine men, those were among the clans. We were the priests, medicine men, spiritual teachers.


Like your research of the name Iowa. There is no religious meaning, though it sounds similar to Yowah. This is what happened. They took our names and made them sound what they wished them to be.


"Ayv aginetsa!"- I have spoken!

"Dadv!" - It is so!


I thank you for your opinion.


Yours truly,

Red Hawk, Tawodi Gigage

Charles Harnage

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  • 2 weeks later...

The North American Indians are Israelites of the tribe of Gad according to the King James Version of the Holy Bible, 1611 Edition.


The Twelve Tribes of the Nation of Israel according to the King James Version of the Holy Bible are those whose fathers are of Negro, Indian & Hispanic descent:


JUDAH - American Blacks

BENJAMIN - West Indians

LEVI - Haitians

EPHRAIM - Puerto Ricans


SIMEON - Dominicans

GAD - North American Indians

REUBEN - Seminole Indians

ZEBULUN - Central American Indians

ASHER - South American Indians (from Colombia to Uruguay)

NAPHTALI - Argentinians and Chileans

ISSACHAR - Mexicans


Read the following scriptures:




Note: The Apocrypha are books of the Bible that were originally included in the King James Version of the Bible, but removed by the Roman-Canon society. You can find the Apocrypha in a King James 1611 Edition of the Holy Bible, or in a single hardcover volume published by Cambridge University.


40: Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.


The ten tribes of the ancient northern Israelite kingdom, contrary to the white man's lies, are not lost. They are known today as the Native people of North, South & Central America, and the West Indies.



41: But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,


So now, the ten tribes would go into a place that was previously uninhabited by man. Places such as Africa, Asia, Europe, etc. already had people living in them at this time. The only place on the entire Earth that had absolutely no inhabitants whatsoever were the continents known today as North America & South America, and also Central America & The West Indies.


So the Israelites that would settle in these lands would become the native or indigenous people of these lands.



42: That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.


So they traveled to this previously uninhabited land to practice the laws, statutes, and commandments of God (Judges 5:11).


43: And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.

44: For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.

45: For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.


So it took them a year to get to present day North/South/Central America/the West Indies. Arsareth means "New Found Land".

46: Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come,


So this land called Arsareth (North/South/Central America/West Indies) is where the true descendants of the 10 Tribes of the Northern Israelite kingdom reside to this day.


Gad is one of the ten tribes that migrated over here. They are known to the world today as North American Indians.


"Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last." - Genesis 49:19


The troop that overcame Gad (the North American Indians) was the United States calvary. Where it says "but he shall overcome at the last", it's referring to when Jesus Christ comes back, Gad will receive victory with the other Israelite tribes over their enemies.


"And of Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head." - Deuteronomy 33:20


Where it says "Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad", it means that God blessed the North American Indians with the land of North America and enlarged them; North America is a large inheritance.


Where it says "he dwelleth as a lion", it's referring to the fact that Gad (the North American Indians) like to hunt.


The last part of this verse clearly identifies who the tribe of Gad is: where it says "and teareth the arm with the crown of the head", it's specifically referring to the Blood Brother ritual of the North American Indians, where they take the crown of feathers that they wear on their heads, tear their arms, and put them together.


Shalam to all of my North American Indian brothers and sisters from the tribe of Gad that may be reading this, and all Israel scattered throughout the four corners of the Earth.


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  • 1 month later...

My family and I have been drawn to Jusiasm for four years now and after researching the Native American-Jewish connection I believe that is because there is Jewish blood there. Black Dutch has been a title used to help hide the Jewish ancestry during persecution.

My 2 cents worth

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  • 1 month later...

Source: The Asian Age India

Published: February 8, 2005 Author: Amulya Ganguli


The Holocaust Card

The Asian Age India | Amulya Ganguli


It might not be readily admitted, especially in the West, but the sorrow and sympathy for Jews on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Auschwitz death camp could not but have been tempered by the more recent history of the Chosen People.


Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm says that he hasn't found it easy to abide by his mother's advice that he "must never do anything … that might suggest that you are ashamed of being a Jew." Hobsbawm acknowledges that although he has "tried to observe it ever since … the strain of doing so is sometimes almost intolerable in the light of the behaviour of the government of Israel." His reference obviously was to the conduct of the Israeli government towards the Palestinians.


To be fair, the "intolerable" nature of this behaviour has been noted not only by the Israelis themselves but by some of the very people who are deputed by Tel Aviv to "deal" with the Palestinians — the armed forces. Not long ago, a group of Israeli pilots wrote to their government to say, "We, veteran pilots and active pilots … are opposed to carrying out illegal and immoral attacks of the type carried out by Israel in the (occupied) territories… We, who have been educated to love the state of Israel, refuse to take part in Air Force attacks in civilian population centres. We refuse to continue harming innocent civilians."


There have been other conscientious objectors, too, like a group of Army recruits who refused to "expel, destroy, blockade, assassinate, starve and humiliate an entire people." It is obvious, however, that these are no more than isolated voices. There is little doubt that a vast majority of the Israelis, including those of the Left, endorse the government's policy of harming innocent Palestinians and humiliating an entire people.


Tel Aviv, of course, justifies its stand on the grounds of terrorist attacks by the Palestinians, but ignores one of the root causes of the terrorist outrages, viz., not only the occupation of the Palestinian land for nearly four decades, but also its (mis)appropriation by the building of vast settlements to house the Jewish population. What Israel is pursuing, therefore, is an old-fashioned policy of colonialism along with a dose of apartheid borrowed from the white supremacists of South Africa by invading someone else's territory and, then, to add insult to injury, excluding the natives from the land because of their race.


It is in this kind of an attitude that it is possible to discern a link between the present-day Jews and their earlier tormentors, the Nazis. Just as the latter believed in their innate superiority over the Jews because of their Aryan lineage, the Jews, too, believe that they are the Chosen People to whom God has given the Biblical land of Palestine. This belief has always made the Jews intolerant of the other inhabitants, even if they were the original occupiers.


In his A History of the Jews, Paul Johnson says that "there are recurrent hints in the Bible that the Israelites had a feeling of guilt about taking the Cannanites' land," but that did not prevent them from "dispossessing or turning them (the Cannanites) into helots." The parallel with the Palestinians is obvious. What is less obvious is the mental somersault which made the Jews forget their tragic history of centuries of oppression not only in Nazi Germany but virtually throughout their stay in Europe and yet become virulent oppressors themselves the moment they secured a stable foothold in West Asia, courtesy the Big Powers.


In doing so, they even borrowed the Nazi habit of regarding the people they have displaced as untermenschen as is evident from Menachem Begin's description of Palestinians as "beasts walking on two legs." The resemblance with the Nazis was noted by none other than Winston Churchill, who told the House of Commons in 1944, "If our dreams for Zionism are to end in the smoke of assassins' pistols and our labours for its future to produce only a new set of gangsters worthy of Nazi Germany, many like myself will have to reconsider the position we have maintained so consistently in the past."


The British minister for Syria and Lebanon at the time, Louis Spears, also found no difference between the rabid nationalism of the Zionists and that of the Nazis. The US President Harry S. Truman shared this view. "The Jews, I find, are very, very selfish," he said. "… when they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog."


Today, the "new set of gangsters worthy of Nazi Germany," who took over a "land without people" on behalf of a "people without land," are armed with the nuclear bomb. Nor are they shy about using it against the untermenschen. As the Jerusalem Post wrote, "We must kill as many of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders as possible… And we must kill Yasser Arafat."


The prescription echoes what Hitler told the British foreign secretary, Lord Halifax (who was earlier Lord Irwin, the Viceroy of India), "Shoot Gandhi, and if that does not suffice to reduce them to submission, shoot a dozen leading members of the Congress; and if that does not suffice, shoot 200 and so on until order is established."


Lest this be considered too fanciful, listen to what Barbara Amiel, a director of the Jerusalem Post wrote, "I am increasingly of the terrifying view that this conflict in the Middle East is not amenable to a peaceful solution and can only be solved by the total victory of one side. This means that the Arabs annihilating the Israelis or the Israelis being forced to use every means, not excluding nuclear power, to defend themselves." The threat of a nuclear confrontation may be closer than what the world cares to admit because of the clear hints from both Israel and its mentors in Washington that neither would allow Iran to develop a nuclear capability.


It's probably only a toss-up now as to who will do the dirty job — the US or Israel, which "might well decide to act first and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards," as Dick Cheney has warned. If West Asia goes up in flames as a result, the Holocaust card, which Israel has played up now to hide its brutal occupation of Palestine, will lose its value. As Edward Said asked, "How long can … the Holocaust be used … to exempt Israel from arguments and sanctions against it for its behaviour towards the Palestinians?"



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest



India has plenty of skeletons in their closet regarding not only "occupation" but genocide in the millions, over centuries, of the 'shudras' and untouchable dark-skinned peoples in the south.


If only Israel has 1 billion Jewish Israelis, they could be as "Righteous" as Kulapavana.

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India has plenty of skeletons in their closet regarding not only "occupation" but genocide in the millions, over centuries, of the 'shudras'




Surely, the genocide was from muslim invaders and later the british. I don't think that they made any distinctions, however, in killing people. The british could not find any such "skeletons in their closet" you are talking about which they could have taken advantage of; maybe you need to educate everyone of this.


and untouchable dark-skinned peoples in the south.




For your information all the five jagad-guru acharyas shankaracharya, madhvacharya, ramanujacharya, nimbarka and vishnu swami were from the "dark-skinned peoples" of south. South india was (and probably still is) a greater centre of Vedic religion all throughout the recent history (past thousand years) of india. The head pujaaris for the great tirthas like Badrinath come from "dark-skinned" south india who maintain the highest Vedic standards. The dravidian theory (dark-skin/fair-skin) was planted by the british raj to divide but mostly failed in this respect.






Devotees here will only pity you for your current situation.
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  • 2 weeks later...
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For years I thought the opposite because I didn't want to believe anything the Mormons had to say. But there is compelling evidence that decendants of the lost 10 tribes have been discovered in many parts of the world.


One correction though - they didn't get lost during the 40 years of wandering after they lefy Egypt. They were scattered after being taken into capitivity by the Assyrians.


In southern Africa, the Lemba tribe made these same claims for years without being believed until DNA tests proved them to be fro the tribe of Levi of which Moses and Aaron are members of.


And in the 1980s, Israel airlifted (with the help of the United States) thousands of Ethiopians from Ethiopia to Israel to ecsape starvation.


Ancient Hebrew writings have been found on most continents and also support the modern day existence of the lost tribes.

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