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Missouri Cherokee Tribes proclaim Jewish Heritage

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Be wary of any "lost tribes" teachings. Many Jews did dissapear after 70 CE. But this includes ALL the tribes, not just Northern Israelites. Historically and Biblically, the Northern & Southern (Israel & Judah)Tribes came back home from captivity, and settled in the land of "Judea", hence the reason why all the descendants of Israel from all 12 tribes, are collectively labeled "Jews". There will always be the stragglers, who never make it back home. But corporately, as a nation, there have not been any so-called "lost tribes" of Israel for quite some time now. We have been known as one single unit for over 2,000 years, with none corporately "lost". There are, however, unafilliated, or assimilated Jews, who have rejected their own culture and married into the Gentile nations. From these "lost" Jews, you may very well discover some ancestry connecting to Israel within your own Native culture. I am interested in these lost ones, myself. I am Jewish and French. Even on my French side, I uncovered a connection which goes back from France, to Greece, to Egypt, and to Israel, with some mixture of all these groups in-between. On one side, I am related to the Egyptian Pharoahs (Ramseses I and his descendants), and on the other, I'm related to King David and Saul of Israel! All through my French ancestry! So, you can see, that the Cherokee or other natives (I am part Iroqouis/Mohawk myself)very well may have some relation to cultures in the Middle or Far East. When researching my Egyptian lineage, I thought many of the names sounded very close or similar-sounding to the Native American tongue. But, there is no absolute proof of the connection, and until then, it is very socially dangerous to just "assume" your identity to a particular group. There are many Protestant Christian cults out there that would love to rape your mind, teaching heresy about the Jewish people and Nation. Beware of one recent one, called "Two-House Israelite", or "Ephraimite Movement". They are very destructive to the life and culture of the Jewish people. The church does not "replace" the Jews. They do not replace Israel. Rather, it is the Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, who have joined Israel through faith. If we have joined Israel, not replaced them, we ought to do as Israel does. This is Scriptural, found in the New Testament. In that sense, I guess a true "Christian" would actually resemble a Jew, more than anything else. But one does not need to "be Jewish" or "be Israelite" to participate in the family of Israel. You come as you are, and eventually you will learn to adopt the proper practices of being part of the family of Israel. The church by and large is a break AWAY from the original Jewish faith and practice of those who scribed the New Testament. Jesus was a devout Jew, and so were the 12. Jesus never once taught to seperate from the customs of Israel and form a new religion. That was pagan Rome's invention, not Jesus'. So be careful out there. If you are Cherokee, we welcome you to Israel AS a Cherokee. You do not need to change the color of your skin. We are "saved" by faith alone. You do not need to "be Jewish" to enter in. But, once you have entered in, it is incumbent upon you to respect and to learn to practice the local customs. "When joined to Israel, live as Israel". So, in the end, you very well may end up "appearing Jewish" to others around you! This naturally occurs when joining a people of faith. If I were to join the pagan religion of the ancient Egyptians, eventually, I would start looking, smelling and sounding like an Egyptian, rather than a French-Jew.

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it wasnt that mormom guy or that northrup lady's husband who first theorized that we are from the lost tribes, it was ben franklin. in colonial history records, and or pennsylvania archives records its noted when he first encountered native peoples here (not just cherokee), he believed them to be from the lost tribes. i havent found why he believed it yet. maybe someone has access to these books and can do a lookup?

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Masada has no bones, other than 5 sets of some gentiles who were buried in the pagan manner with pig bones. I to am not only a Jew but Cherokee blood as well for many generations. The account of Josephus is the only account which was commissioned by ROME and his account is suspect, given it parallels that of an earlier supposed event which most scholars say did not happen. There were so many caves & tunnels in Masada AND excavation and the majority of the archeological exploration has yet to be done. Therefore, it is completely logical that knowing the Romans were in route, they would have used prudence in escaping the continent even before all of the siege started. Not only that, but this group was known as Tscari which is very similar to tsalagi.

There is ample evidence in favor of Cherokee being descended from the Masada Jews.

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It should be noted that 'tsa-la-gi' is an artificial representation (based on the syllabary) of the spoken word 'jalagi', or 'ajalagi', which, in one dialect, WAS pronounced 'jaragi', with a trilled 'r', and that the Chikamaka Band of Cherokees have an audio glossary which will demonstrate this.







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iam proud to be adecendentoff the frist taslogi to cometo our shoresand be partoff the northen tribes off cherokeesiwould be proud to bneamember off the audarya fellowshipmy greatgreat greatmother was amemberoff the wolf claniam proudoff you being my sister and the brothersoff the northen cherokee tribes you can e mail me at tthunder brid844@aol . com

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I suggest all Tsa la gi truthseekers see the website of a rabbi in Israel named Lazer Brody, who the Tsa la giyi elders call Wa ya udo, because he has brought much honor to the Cherokee. He says the the Tsa la gi came to North America 800 years before Masada, and were originally seafaring experts from the lost tribe of Zevulon. Check it out at http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2005/08/the_trail_of_te_1.html

He wrote a 5-part series called "The Trail of Tears".


Osyio, Yonv Ga tsa nula (Fast Bear)

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