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Ravi Shankar's Daughter Grammy Winner

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NEW YORK, Feb. 23 — A nostalgic Simon-and-Garfunkel reunion and Bruce Springsteen’s New York state of mind held the crowd in thrall at the 45th annual Grammy Awards. But it was pop-jazz singer Norah Jones, an unknown this time last year, who dazzled Grammy voters. The 23-year-old daughter of legendary sitar player Ravi Shankar swept eight awards including album of the year for “Come Away With Me,” catapulting her past Springsteen and his three awards for the Sept. 11-inspired “The Rising.”



I did not watch the show and I do not listen to radio so I have no idea what her music is like - does anyone know?




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I have the album (actually disk) Chants of India with Ravi Shankar, his wife, other daughter and George Harrison. Very nice.


I have never heard of this daughter though. But then I do not keep up with radio, new music etc anymore. Don't know nothin' 'bout no M&M, Mars Bars etc etc! Still remember the words to the old Jimi Hendrix songs though! Electric Ladyland!

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Excerpt from Reuters Entertainment:<blockquote>" [...] Jones is the daughter of Indian music master Ravi Shankar, 82, and former music promoter-turned nurse Sue Jones who were not married and split up before she was born. When she stood on stage to accept the first of her gold gramophone statuettes Sunday night, she thanked her mother but did not mention Shankar. [...]"</blockquote>


Aw still luvs er anyway. Waada voice!


With Real Player, y'all can hear her winning song, Don't Know Why I Didn't Come, here. So sweet. SHAZAM ... at the bottom of that page you can even download MP3 files. Is it Christmas or what!?!?!


Just noticed that she will be on Letterman Tuesday evening.



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I realize that Ravi Shankar was considered by Sriman George Harrison to be a "music guru" and that they had considerable association with one another. However, I have heard on many occassions that Shankar was not at all favorably inclined towards the devotees or Srila Prabhupada, and this was back in the days when Srila Prabhupada was physically manifest, (as opposed to later years when Iskcon's PR slided down the scale a few notches due to scandals and falldowns and whatnot.) Perhaps things have changed and Ravi has since become favorable. But, I have yet to hear of this. I know Ravi is a great sitar player and I suppose for that he deserves some praise. But still... Anyone have any updates on his status as a devotee, or if he's even slightly favorable towards the devotees after all these years?

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I've read Ravi Shankar's memoirs and he did mention Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. Can't recall the exact words but it must have been favourable, for I am normally quite sensitive to negative statements about Prabhupada. Can't recall his exact words but I'm sure Ravi bears no ill will towards the Hare Krishna Movement.


The book can be found in the university where I study and I can easily look it up.

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I heard one story that Prabhupada had invited him for darshan, sent a car for him even, and that Shanker shunned that invitation.




I just remember disliking him after I heard that for a long time. Maybe just a rumor.

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I took a look at Ravi Shankar's autobiography Raga Mala today and in it there is a brief mention of Srila Prabhupada in a single paragraph:


Many followed him, like the Hare Krishna Movement led by Swami Bhaktivedanta. The Swami was a very good, simple fellow from Calcutta but such an ardent follower of the Krishna cult. From out of nothing he built almost an empire of the Krishna people, known as ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), and it is a great credit to him. Westerners became devoted and have built beautiful clean temples everywhere. They sing bhajans and have fantastic food. Some people feel they hustle too much, but there is so much that is positive about them.


The "him" that Ravi refers to in the line "Many followed him" is the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

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