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Jewish Groups Decry PETA's Holocaust Ads

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Jewish Groups Decry PETA's Holocaust Ads


By MICHELLE MORGANTE, Associated Press Writer


SAN DIEGO - An animal-rights campaign comparing the suffering of livestock to that of Holocaust victims is drawing sharp criticism from a leading Jewish group for "trivializing" the mass murder of Jews.


"The Holocaust on Your Plate" campaign by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, debuted this week in California and will make a national tour.


The display is a set of eight 6-foot-by-10-foot panels showing photographs of Holocaust victims — emaciated men, crowds of people being forced onto trains, children behind barbed wire, heaps of human bodies — set next to similar images of cattle, pigs and chickens.


The Anti-Defamation League denounced the project and PETA's appeal for support from the Jewish community as "outrageous, offensive and taking chutzpah to new heights."


Abraham H. Foxman, a Holocaust survivor and ADL national director, said linking the deliberate, systematic murder of millions of Jews to the issue of animal rights was "abhorrent."


PETA member Matt Prescott, the creator of the campaign, said he is Jewish and his family lost several members in Nazi concentration camps. He said the campaign was funded by a Jewish philanthropist who wishes to remain anonymous.


He said criticism of the project was expected.


"The fact is all animals feel pain, fear and loneliness," he said Friday. "We're asking people to recognize that what Jews and others went through in the Holocaust is what animals go through every day in factory farms."

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PETA always manages to make somebody mad at them. Like their letter to Arafat asking him not to use anymore donkeys as carriers for bombs against the Jews. A donkey recently blew up close to a bus full of Israeli servicemen.


But even with all their crazy stunts they do manage to keep the issue of animal cruelty in peoples minds.


I read once that the word holocaust was orignally used to describe the horror of the slaughter of so many animals by the jews at the altar in their attempt to be free from sins.


If true it would be an ironic twist.

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The PETA ad does not trivialize the holocaust at all. Actually, the picture of the human suffering reminds one of the horror. The images are just as disturbing today as they were in the world war.


The picture of the animal suffering shows that these tortures and death are still being perpetrated in this world.


The images together try to teach us that we are all in our hearts eternal spirit souls trapped in this world and should be treated on that equal level. No one wants to see their friends or relatives treated in such a manner.


Sometimes people do not like the painful feeling of their consciousness being raised which is what such images can do. They would rather bury their heads in the sand.



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I agree Theist. PETA does some pretty goofy stuff sometimes, but it does keep it out front. I was a little disappointed though a few months back when I went to a PETA site and a pop up ad came forward to the veggie burger at Burger King. I wasn't sure how to feel exactly, but I think it was a bit like being bought off by the devil. I suppose the money from the ad could be used to further undermine the meat industry. I don't know.

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"I was a little disappointed though a few months back when I went to a PETA site and a pop up ad came forward to the veggie burger at Burger King."


That reminds of several years ago I opened my newly arrived issue of Vegetarian Times to find an ad for leather shoes.


I email them immediately and explained my outrage.


I got an apology email back and a promise that such a thing would not happen again - that it was an accident.


Well, lo and behold, the following month I opened my magazine to find an ad picturing a cooked dead fish body on a plate. This ad was for spices or something.


Obviously, the money from the ads was more important than the content.


My subscription was immediately cancelled.

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PETA had been pushing for BK and other such hell pits to add veggie burgers to their menu. If popular they will surely continue it. If someone goes in to buy a burger and buys a veggie burger instead that is success. So PETA advertises it in hopes it will become permanet. I see what they are trying to do. It's not that BK is advertising on PETA's site. I'm sure it's PETA themselves. I have mixed feelings. But it may be a usefull approach in the long run.


Myself I hate to even walk past these places.


Vegetarian Times has no excuse. Fish ads? Yuck.


Jaya Gopala

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Meat Board Commercial




LETTERS, Feb 22 (VNN) — I sat in amazement last night while watching the latest meat board commercial on television, which mimics a Hare Krishna chanting party by having a large procession of butchers chanting slogans glorifying meat eating through the city streets, using the implements of their trade as musical instruments.


As a 25 year devotee and long term member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, I strongly object to the appropriation of the congregational chanting of the Holy Name - something devotees hold most sacred, to promote something which is the antithesis of our spiritual teachings.


By the way, though shalt not kill would seem to indicate that animal slaughter is contrary to Christian doctrine as well. The common misconception that animals have no soul and that this commandment applies only to human beings is not supported anywhere in their own scripture.


Stoka Krishna das


(Stephen Weir)

Unit 3 Block D

29 Quirk Rd

Manly Vale 2093

NSW Australia

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I remember a while back I saw a BK commericial portraying Buddhists Monks eating in a Bk restaurant. The commercial was suddenly pulled never to be seen again and I am sure it was because of such letters etc similiar to the one written here about the Meat Board Commercial.


More devotees need to protest such things as they see them happen otherwise it is taken as a sign of approval and will only continue to fester and grow.


I have noticed that when religion is involved these people will back down quicker in fear of a discrimination lawsuit.

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Not PETA's trivialization of the holocaust, but rather their trivialization of animal slaughter. In their minds killing a cow is like sweeping dirt off the floor. That is how far from God these people are; they cannot perceive Supersoul anywhere. With no perception, next life, they will be the swept dirt, the amoebas of the world, clambering blindly for life as they do now.

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In my opinion the brutality and extent of animal killing nowadays far surpasses any ethnic "holocaust" on humans from the past. It is quite possible that we will witness much worse human-on-human atrocities in the future, as a reaction for such large scale brutal killing of animals. People who have no sympathy for animal suffering do not much sympathy for other people as well.

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