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Gurukulas,What is being done?

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My dear vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.



In reading the many discussions and arguments about gurukula alumni, the lawsuit, and bankrupcy issues I have become very concerned.



I attended gurukula starting at age 5. I know and felt first hand the abusses that occured. I felt sickened by ISKCON's callous and unfeeling way in which it delt with these charges. We were just kids!! You were supposed to take care of us and teach us right and wrong and develope us spiritually! Instead we lived in a nightmare,and believe me kids are more perceptive than they're given credit for; we felt things were wrong. Of course one could ask why didn't anyone say anything sooner? Well, like I stated before, we were just kids. When it comes down to it and adults word will always win out over an eight year olds.



Now the lawsuit filled against ISKCON and bankrupcy issues. Forgive me if I offend anyone, but I think it's ridiculous! What happened is in the past, and terrible as it may be, no one can change that fact. No amount of money will ease the memory only time may do that. I'm not saying that there should be no compensation but millions of dollars is a little extreme. So what should be done??




I love Srila Prabhupada and HIS movement and, what happened in the gurukulas was NOT the way Prabhupada wanted things done!! I can't change the past but I can help change the future. ISKCON needs a school system! We must learn from the tragedy of the past and CHANGE, IMPROVE!! Things must be done right! What I want to know is, is ISKCON doing anything about it? Are there any plans to open proper gurukulas? Are any arrangements being made for our future generations? Our children must not be allowed to fall by the wayside! The children are so so important. They are totally dependant on us.



Despite some of the bad things that happened to me in gurukula I also have many wonderful memories and I am not willing to deny my children(when and if I have any) the opportunity to grow up in a Krsna conscious environment. Even if it means starting my own gurukula!



So once again, is ISKCON doing anything about fixing the gurukula system? Will my children have a safe Krsna conscious school to go to?

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or comments on this matter.

Your servant,

Narayani d.d.

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There are diverse educational opportunities for devotee children here, ranging from traditional asrama (teenage girls only) to Vaishnava day schools to a government funded secularistic charter school staffed by devotees. There is also "organized" as well as traditional homeschooling.


In addition to the above, we have a professionally staffed child protection agency.


General New Raman Reti Info:



Vaishnava Academy for Girls



Child Protection Office



New Raman Reti Day School



Alachua Learning Center (Charter School)



Older Boys Day School



The Children of Krishna foundation is also located here. It is specifically directed to assisting gurukula alumni:




Hope this helps. Haribol.

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Thanks for the reply. I am aware of those opportunities. My question was more towards opening new gurukulas all over the world. I know it would be rather difficult for many devotees to afford to send their children to New Raman Reti, especially if they are located outside the US. ISKCON needs more than just Florida and India for it's educational services. Once again, is ISKCON doing anything about education?



Your servant,

Narayani d.d.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

It makes me feel optimistic when I meet gurukulis who experienced the worst of it turn around and reflect a positive attitude towards the future of the gurukula system. I'm not a gurukuli, but I hope to one day open up a safe gurukula that will provide the opportunity for children to learn to be good devotees, and which will also be a realistic option for all devotees around the world. I agree that it's not possible for most to send their kids to florida or india, so hopefully with the next generation's coming of age (the children of Prabhupada disciples and other youth in their mid-twenties) we will see a resurgence and a dramatic improvement in gurukulas globally.

Hare Krsna.

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Interesting post, and one that concerns many of us with young children.

There are several devotees I know of who have trained or are starting teacher training courses where I live .

I am starting my postgrad teacher training in September and hope to, later on , serve in gurukula.

One problem ,however, is for grhastha devotee teachers to be able to support their family on the wages paid which here are very minimal and so most of the academically qualified devotees teach outside (it is really expensive to live in this area!)

My son is fortunate to go to a devotee run preschool in the temple grounds and his teacher is fantastic!

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I've thought about this abit and wonder about the cost of a devotee school system. Lets suppose that Iskcon was able to create a large concentration of devotees and created a school with 2000 students K-12. Now just take an average tuition of $3000 per year, and that would mean devotees would be spending $6 million per year. After a single decade it would be $60 million. Thats enough to build a temple in every state for over $1 million. South Dakota could have a million dollar temple.


Unless school vouchers come along, it might be better just to establish temples in really good communities with good public schools.

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