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animal forms and lower

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As I understand it we enter this material world at a heavenly level and gradualy drift downward as we become entangeled in maya.


Can some please explain though how the soul can get all the way down to the germ level.


What is the characteristic of someone who is destined for a life like that, or a plant etc.

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you err in thought there is no lack of krisna conciousness even for the dogs it is only the blind the see somthing other than krisnas light if you seek to be higher you lack the wisdom of krisna it is not to be higher but to realize you are already trancendentally situated in krisna conciousness it is just your ego and mind that keep you from the truth

sincerely this light

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I must have misunderstoond (normal!) because my understanding was that when we fall from grace we have to go through all of the over 8 million life forms before we reach human form. Then if we are demons or otherwise totally screw up we come back accordingly - ie. pig, dog etc.


It seems that I remember somewhere Prabhupada explained the reasons for different reincarnations like tree, pig etc.

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once we souls were with krishna in spiritual world.

then we desired to conrol the material world/energy like krishna does. krishna gave us freedom to do so 9he always does.) but without forgetting krishna it is not possible. so maya helps us to forget krishna.


so, we do karma that bind us, then we go down.

but we do not gradually continuously go down.

if we get satsanga and better intelligence and good karma as a result, then we can go up as well.


there are 840,000 kinds of life forms. we go in any of them acording to our karma, up or down, higher or lower.


once we finish a human life and we could not go to spiritual orld, then we have to undergo a certain number of non human lives that are determined by the karmas we did in human life. once we passsed thru these, we come back to human life.


thus human life is very precious.

only it gives chance to liberate.



this however, does not mean that some one is helping animals advance by killling them. no.

to kill them is to disturb a process set by krishna.

we should not kill unless it is absolutely necessry.


jai radhe!


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Sometimes someone will ask me a similar question about lower life forms and I can only give a vague answer. I need to get this straight. All help thus far and in the future is appreciated.


B.R. Sridhara Swami says the soul in bondage is similar to a drug addict. First he is a little curious about the drug and trys it. Then as he continues he becomes more and more involved with its effects up to addiction when he feels he must have his drug(misconception) and has developed a deep attachment for it.


To me this suggests a gradual descent into matter.



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Here is described a process of descending into the animal forms from human. But how does one get all the way to germ life if animals are not subjected to karma reactions as animals?





The conditioned life of a living being is caused by his revolting against the Lord. There are men called deva, or godly living beings, and there are men called asuras, or demons, who are against the authority of the Supreme Lord. In the Bhagavad-gétä (Sixteenth Chapter) a vivid description of the asuras is given in which it is said that the asuras are put into lower and lower states of ignorance life after life and so sink to the lower animal forms and have no information of the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead. These asuras are gradually rectified to God consciousness by the mercy of the Lord's liberated servitors in different countries according to the supreme will. SB1.2.16 purport

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The reason as to why one gets placed so low is still out there. Any reasonable speculations?







When the living entity wants to enjoy the modes of material nature in their totality, he prefers, out of many bodily forms, to accept that body which has nine gates, two hands and two legs. Thus he prefers to become a human being or a demigod.



This is a very nice explanation of how the spiritual being, the part and parcel of Krsna, God, accepts a material body by virtue of his own desires. Accepting two hands, two legs, and so on, the living entity fully enjoys the modes of material nature. Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad-gétä (7.27):


dvandva-mohena bhärata

sarva-bhütäni sammohaà

sarge yänti parantapa


O scion of Bharata [Arjuna], O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate.


Originally the living entity is a spiritual being, but when he actually desires to enjoy this material world, he comes down. From this verse we can understand that the living entity first accepts a body that is human in form, but gradually, due to his degraded activities, he falls into lower forms of life into the animal, plant and aquatic forms. By the gradual process of evolution, the living entity again attains the body of a human being and is given another chance to get out of the process of transmigration. If he again misses his chance in the human form to understand his position, he is again placed in the cycle of birth and death in various types of bodies.


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I forget what it is called but you have to begin preparation in your previous lives (or current) and this is carried over to the next life.


There was a woman in India in the 20's or 30's that when she was very young (about 3 or 4 years old) begin telling about her family in another town. She had details that no one should have known.


Well, they found that all her details were correct and also found out that in her previous life she had been doing this preparation to remember.


I can not remember the book now but perhaps someone here knows more about her and the name of the book.

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you are the living antity i am the limitless light its very zen dont you think ive read through your posts and find you a most intriuging person just thought ide throw you a line looking forward to future discussions with you and the other wonderfull people in this forum i am concerned about not getting any replies from the swami is this normal not to get replys from him please explain since youve been hear for a couple years i figure you would know.

Thank you and may all your days be filled with bliss and peace

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