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The Infinite Ignorance

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I will no longer be posting in this forum as you are as a group mean spirited and very ignorant.I can no longer waste my time discussing the ultimate truths with the blind and lame.I am both saddened and discusted with your lack of understanding and your quik response of calling me a demon for teaching what ive learned from the upanishads and several hundred other illumined works ,the sad thing about your projecting the thoughtform of demon onto me is that you have created negative karma for yourselves and if your teachers taught you to call people demons and to shun people for the slightest mention of vedanta then i am truly sorry,for you follow an incomplete guru and are destined to dwell in ignorance for eternity.I still wish you immediate release from this delusion you call worship but im afraid that is your decision and not myne.I would like to say that im very sorry i have been a target of your ignorance and will be glad to be leaving this forum forever.I will spread the truth in places were darkness does not rule as it does here in this forum for when i read through here i see no awakened beings but only slaves to ignorance and worshippers of form.So with that i bid you adiu good day and good raddance I know know why people call your organization a cult from two weeks contanct with you i have seen the wickedness of your tunnel vision the hate you hold inside tward those that dont agree with you it is of no credit to the gurus of past and future that you dwell in such stupidity calling people demons and such.I would go furhter to say that if anyone in this forum reads this and feels a little sad that i have been treated this way .I would appreciate any apology and or posotive comments or suggestions for truly i am not a demon no matter what some of you think and i have no negative intentions.I came here with an open mind to discuss krisna conciousness and was attacked from the get go well this will be my last post so some of you will be glad that a demon is leaving your forum and i say to you i truly hope you are happy and i mean thazt i dont want people to be unhappy .So if my leaving is making you glad maybe you should anylize what it was about me that was so demoniacal and if you cannot figure out what it was then maybe you should qestion the completeness of your wisdom.

May all who freqent this forum find the absolute within all and be freed of duality Ommm

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well, well, well.


In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna instructs us

in a way that you should take to heart.


Perform your duty for him, and do not

do it for the fruits of your labor.


being so detached from the results situates

you in the proper mind set.


Leave the results to God, what you preach and the resulting comments by those who disagree with you

should, if you were taking the message of the gita

to heart, they should not affect you, you would see

the divine hand behind the resulting comments

to your thoughts.


If you are attached to the results,seing your writings

and the resulting comments as being due to

your superiority and others inferiority then you

are not seeing with the eyes of wisdom.


krishna warns against this , he claims to give you

your abilities, they are under his control

'" from me comes knowledge,rememberance,and forgetfullnes"


And he tells us that those who see him within the hearts of all, as Paramatma, the inner controller, then that person

is not attached to the results of his work,knowing

that everything is in the hands of God, he alone

among men,finds peace of mind.

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It is funny to see how enviousness in the heart projects unprofessionalism in all aspects of the personality with the respective behaviour.


A Vaishnava is a person that wants to surrender to Lord Vishnu and Srimati Lakshmi-devi with the ability to be humil and open-minded to accept criticism expressed to him if they are appropriate and does not act as a dead snake/naga who pretends to be dead for their victims so they are confused and than the snake can bite them.


This is how you react now; by trying to invoke peace and behaving as you would be deeply hurted in your heart although you exactly know that I am right in everything I say but your envious heart does NOT want to hear this.


Wake up, Putana, the time for you has ended in this universe, no chances any longer to influence others.

You will now have to surrender to the cosmic law without being able to postpone this judgement.




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Man, you Krsna bhaktas are hilarious. I would love to meet some of you in this material world..or who knows...with Krsna and His other buddies.



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