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santeria/orisha worship and hinduism

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in study of the nigerian/african "orisha worship" religion, they have deity "elleggua" worshiped like shiva in ritual and in the aspects of what he represents is almost the same as ganesha and some aspects like krishna also. i was wondering if i am correct in the assumption that nigerian religion is orignally from hinduism? are there any studys reguarding this?

i study hinduism and have compleatly converted to hinduism. i belive in the ideals of hinduism and have had profound changes in my whole life ever since; mental, material, physical and spiritual. i have followed these teachings as closely as possible.

i agree with the concept of non-violance.

in orisha worship they have many ideas that i dissagree with, such as black magic, animal sacrafice, offering tobacco and liquor as offerings.

i would love some insights on this.

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