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i find that typically those of socalled extreme faith (rajaistic faith) have little to no logic or experiance; not a bad thing just baseless and easly destroyed and easly falling into non belief only to be born again and again. start facing the facts , that truths are quite simple. devotion to god does not require one to bebate historical myths, true or not. krishna

states quite obviously that ones duty is to educate one self among other things. when education is based off of hypothetical history one obviously gets lost. just love god; too easy. forget about who is the absoulute authority. just love me.

shiva , vishnu or what ever other god you think of are all one. if i could find the time and was misguided i could easly be a guru or swami or what ever. oh i forgot i was born in the age of kali and every thing is just plain wrong. oops again i am not born a brahman just last born of a dead empire of evil minded kings. thank god for the (rishi) mad monk rasputin!!

but then how many devotees of the lord have participted in the original soma ritual? not many in the age of kali. the teachings have been lost, the rishis of old are keeping their mouths shut, so please gleen this simple teaching "do your duty and love the lord" and know that one day or night of the soul you will see the true lord; not a lame, poor, extremely lacking, mistranslated, untranslateable book described mythological idol. god will eventualy show his face to you in the breath ,in the DNA code or as a microscopic symbiotic being that is floating acrossed the retna of the eye seen as bright light glares in ones eye. but never fail to know that you are one, a instrament of the lord. so i laugh as i think that god's body that he placed me in requires a rest. for to be physically tired would make one perform one duty poorly and cause unnessary karma. for i am not a great yogi that can just be..........

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"start facing the facts , that truths are quite simple. "


yes for some, and no for others.

simple for whom?


god, unfortunatley, does not make every one of same iq, of intelligence.


i have seen people who have difficulty understanding seemingly simpel truths.


einsteins energy-matter equation is amazingly simple in form, but it required genious of him to reveal it in current times. maxwell's four equations are simple to those who know Vector Analysis, calculus, and have sufficient knowledge of electricity and magnetism. to others they are very difficult to understand.


love god, yes.

the question is how one can love some one he does not know enought truth about?


so, the vedic literature tells about krishna and rama, etc.

koran says about allah. you love allah and you be one in the party of bin laden.

if you love krishna then you will be an HK.

if you love god described in bible,

then you willspend your money and time converting the whole world to ., and your "fathers" in churches will molest children.


one realizes truth (simpel or no simple) when he has strong desire to know it and verify it that it is truth and not an illusion or delusion. this is a very sceintific method.


the other way is by faith in a good guru.

just acccept what he says and live by it to realize that it is really truth.


or have faith in scriptures, sadhus, etc. and live by their message to see experience the truth in them.



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