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MP3 lectures from Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja's tours

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Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah


Hare Krishna!


Nityananda prabhu offered to send anybody who is interested listed lectures in MP3 from Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja's 2002 tour, and now many other lectures from Srila Puri Maharaja's tours.


Interested person should only contribute a small donation for the CDs and the shipment.


You can contact Nityananda prabhu for the CDs through his e-mail bhakti108@email.si.


Lectures are sent from Zagreb, Croatia, Europe.


Here are listed lectures that are contained on 13 CDs:



BVP 2002 08.30. Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) Janmastami eve BVP 2002 08.31.Sri Sri RGmandir (Wien) SP app. Day BVP 2002 09.02.Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien)


BVP 2002 09.03.Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) about Ekadasi BVP 2002 09.05.Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) Haridas Thakur BVP 2002 09.06.Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien)SP & preaching BVP 2002 09.07.Sri Sri Radha Govinda mandir (Wien)


BVP 2002 09.08. Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) Diksa jagya BVP 2002 09.10. Gauramandala (Roma) About Institution BVP 2002 09.10. Opening speech of Safi festival (Napoli) BVP 2002 09.10.Interwiew Safi festival&Ratha yatra(Napoli BVP 2002 09.11. Gauramandala (Roma)


BVP 2002 09.12. Gauramandala (Roma) Importance of bajan BVP 2002 09.13. Gauramandala (Roma)


BVP 2002 09.13. Gauramandala (Roma) Lalita astami


BVP 2002 09.17. Gauramandala (Roma)


BVP 2002 09.18. Gauramandala (Roma)


BVP 2002 09.25. Srivasangan-Fi Haridas Thakur


BVP 2002 09.26. Srivasangan-Fi Ambarisha maharaj


BVP 2002 09.26. Srivasangan-Fi Sudama, Gopala (x-begin)


BVP 2002 09.27. Srivasangan sankirtan mandir (Firenze)



BVP 2002 09.27. Srivasangan-Fi namam (bad quality recording)


BVP 2002 09.29. Srivasangan sankirtan mandir (Firenze) BVP 2002 10.12. Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) Nama apharad BVP 2002 10.13. Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien) last in EU 2002 Janmastami kirtan Pandu Putra p. 2002.08.30. (Wien)


Vishnu m.2002 09.25.Srivasangan-Fi control mind senses Vishnu m. 2002 05.09. Sri Sri RG mandir (Wien)


Vishnu m. 2002 09.03. Sri Sri RGm (Wien) Govinda, Gopala




BVP 2001 01.11. Puri Sri Sri Radha Vrindavancandra India


BVP 2001 01.16. Puri about Daksa India


BVP 2001 01.18. Puri about Sudama India


BVP 2001 02.23. Mayapur India


BVP 2001 02.24. Mayapur India


BVP 2001 02.25. Mayapur India


BVP 2001 02.26. Mayapur India


BVP 2001 02.27. Mayapur India


BVP 2001 02.28. Mayapur about Sukadeva Goswami India


BVP 2001 08.18. Janche afternoon Who is Vaisnava Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.18. Janche morning Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.21. Frankolovo last before leaving Slovenia Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.22 SSRG mandir Wien Austria


BVP 2001 08.22 SSRG mandir Wien 2 Austria


BVP 2001 08.22. SSRG mandir Wien Gurudeva singing Austria


BVP 2001 diksa jagya Wien Austria


BVP 2001 Janmastami about Gita Austria


BVP 2002 01.18. Puri about Daksa India


BVP 2001 Gaura-purnima (bengali-english) India




BVP 1998 Balarama App.day Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.30. Rijeka Croatia


BVP 1999 07.01. Pula Croatia


BVP 1999 07.02. Pula Croatia


BVP 2000 06.06. Tivoli park Slovenia


BVP 2000 06.07. Ljubljana Slovenia


BVP 2000 06.08. Ljubljana morning Slovenia


BVP 2000 06.08. Nava Vrindavan control Maya Slovenia


BVP 2000 06.09. Nava Vrindavan Slovenia


BVP 2000 06.10. Nava Vrindavan Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.11.SSRG Wien Krishna astami Austria


BVP 2001 08.17. Janche eve. control Kama Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.17. Janche morning Slovenia


BVP 2001 08.18. Gopalprem darshan after class Janche Slovenia




BVP 1999 04.03 Teatro Colosseo Roma Italy


BVP 1999 04.07 Yoga center Amrita same lecture at center Haranath Italy


BVP 1999 04.07 program in Haranath centre same lecture at Yoga centre Amrita Italy


BVP 1999 04.11 Rimini-surrender should be total-Haridas Italy


BVP 1999 04.12 Srivasangan Fi Italy


BVP 1999 04.15 Srivasangan Iterview with La Nazione Italy


BVP 1999 04.15 Srivasangan reading CC 5chapter Mahaprabhu meets devotees in Puri Italy


BVP 1999 04.16 Citta di Castello Program Italy


BVP 1999 04.18 Srivasangan Initiations, Q&Answers Mana Mohan p.initiation Q&A Sankaracarya, Sai Baba... Italy


BVP 1999 04.20 University «Saduchessa» Italy


BVP 1999 04.24 New Nilacala story about Syamantaka mani bad recording quality (only italian translation) Italy


BVP 1999 04.25 Calgiari english version only Gurudeva only Italy


BVP 1999 04.25 Calgiari mix version Gurudeva with Golokananda p. Translation Italy




BVP 1999 04.26 Genova Ekadasi-Ambarisha story Italy


BVP 1999 04.27 Genova Public program sala C... Verde Italy


BVP 1999.04.27 Genova Types of Kirtan missing begining and end Italy


BVP 1999 04.28 Bologna about surrender Italy


BVP 1999 04.29 Gauramandala Sri Prahlada prayers Story about Nrsimhadeva app. & Sri Prahlada prayers Italy


BVP 1999 04.29 Roma before leaving Giovedi 8 aprile 99 prima della partenza Italy


BVP 1999.04.30 Sri Gauramandala before leaving Venerdi 30 aprile prima della partenza Italy


BVP 1999 05.15 Napoli Sri Prahlada story s... Integrale Italy


BVP 1999 05.16 Palma c. Hatinam initiations Aprameya, Dhara dara, Padmalocana,... Italy


BVP 1999 05.16 Palma c. Sri Prahlada's devotion Italy


BVP 1999 05.15 Palma c. Arriving lecture Intusiasm is necessary Italy


BVP 1999 05.17 Palma c. Sri Caitania Mahaprabhu came to distribuite Krishna Prema Italy


BVP 1999 05.17 Nocera Inferiore Public program Story about Alexander the great Italy


BVP 1999 05.18 Sri Gauramandala Kirtan for prema Story: Mirabai,Ajamila,Sisupala,Kirtan in Srivasangan Italy


BVP 1999 05.19 Monterotondo-Roma initaiations Mahananda,... Story about 3sanyasi who went to London Italy



BVP 1999 05.18 Sri Gauramandala Kirtan for prema Story: Mirabai,Ajamila,Sisupala,Kirtan in Srivasangan Italy


BVP 1999 05.19 Monterotondo-Roma initaiations Mahananda,... Story about 3sanyasi who went to London very important points Italy


BVP 1999 05.20 Belforte dei chienti evening class We can not know Lord with our endeavor only if we surrender Italy


BVP 1999 05.22 albettone Who can assist kirtan in Srivasangan Srivas's son die. Sri Prahlada story. Italy


BVP 1999 05.23 Albettone morning program Italy


BVP 1999 05.25 Gokula Mahavana (Moncalieri) Ekadasi Activity durig the day, Ramacandra story,discorse about Christianism purusotama month Italy


BVP 1999 05.26 Gokula Mahavana (Moncalieri) Discussion about 4sampradaya, Service to Sri Guru & Sri Krishna Italy


BVP 1999 05.27 Gokula Mahavana (Moncalieri)harinam init. no risk no gain. Mohan p. Initiation Italy


BVP 1999 05.27 Milano Ambarisha story +Kirtan Bhakti is service, 9 path of devotion Italy


BVP 1999 05.28 Bergamo Importance of Sadhu sanga Stories -Sri Narada, Bilvamangala, Mother Yasoda Italy


BVP 1999 06.01 Bristol Gaudya matha How to control 6 enemis Uk




BVP 1999 06.02 Bristol Who is Vaisnava & Guru? Story of Kulasekara, Prithu maharaj Darmaraja, Prahlada, Maharani,... UK


BVP 1999 06.02 Bristol evening program Maya bazar, Sac cit ananda,no1 full, UK


BVP 1999 06.03 Bristol Sri Mahaprabhu came in west in the form of Holy name Prema bhakti, with Sadhana bhakti to Raganuga bhakti,Cintamani stone UK


BVP 1999 06.03 Birmingham About Srila Prabhupada We are all indebtet to Srila Prabhupada-story UK


BVP 1999 06.03 Birmingham Program at Hotel Only through surrender Lord reveal Himself Story Bali, Pandava,Sudama UK


BVP 1999 06.04 Birmingham Morning program in apartment UK


BVP 1999 06.04 Birmingham Evening program UK


BVP 1999 06.05 Lecthmore Heath evening program Meaning of dandavat, namah UK


BVP 1999 06.06 Watford SB 11.2.14 Nava yogendra How to control maya, six enemys UK


BVP 1999 06.06 Lectchmore Heath By Guru's mercy we can understand Guru UK


BVP 1999 06.08 Den Haag story Haridas t., Jada bharata vegetarianism celestial food is vegetarian,(very strong preaching) Holland


BVP 1999 06.08 Den Haag 4 sampradaya Rsabhadeva Bhakti is service to the Lord Holland



BVP 1999 06.09 Den Haag meeting with HH Amiya Vilasa swami if you chant Krishna day and night you will see Krishna in 5days Holland


BVP 1999 06.10 Den Haag 4. sampradayas Everithink is holy in India very nice explaination,This world is like egg and we are small egs inside Holland


BVP 1999 06.11 Lekerker Story Raghunath & Sanatana goswami 3types of yoga.Only when we surrender we can make devotional service Holland


BVP 1999 06.12 Amsterdam evening program Frog & snake story story of Ambarisha, Prahlada, Sadhu is like tree, mantra ->summum bonum Holland


BVP 1999 06.13 Den Haag Who is Vaisnava?Who is Guru? + Kirtan Alexander the great. Holland


BVP 1999 06.15 Berlin Apperance of Mother Ganga Lecture on CC Germany


BVP 1999 06.16 Berlin morning program Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dicover holy places Lecture on CC Germany


BVP 1999 06.16 Berlin eve. Progam Dharmaraja story Sri Pariksit listen Bhagavata from Sri Sukadeva goswami. Germany


BVP 1999 06.17 Berlin Sarvabhavana p. Program about Srila Prabhupada Nityanada prabhu ecstatic story Germany



BVP 1999 06.17 Berlin reading CC 17chapter Sri Caitaniya Mahaprabhu travels to Vrindavan Germany


BVP 1999 06.23 Ljubljana Arriving lecture Divine love the only wealth Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.24 Ljubljana reading and comenting Caitanya Bhagavata Caitanya mahaprabhu make Narayani cry Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.24 Ljubljana Harinam initiations with explanation. Bhima ekadasi harinam initiations:Sriram, Srivas, Malini, Srinidhi Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.24 Ljubljana lecture on Divine name Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.25 Ljubljana lecture on Divine name One should avoid 10 ofences Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.25 Ljubljana Park Tivoli Meaning of word Krishna Different Krishna lila Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.26 Ljubljana Morning program Story- Mrgari, Ambarisha m., Radha Gopi, Mirabai meeting Jiva goswami,Song of Varjabasi Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.26 Novo mesto Dhruva, Haridas Affection to Vatsalya feeling, word Krishna all atractive, Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.27 Krsko benefit of Chanting Hare Krishna Bivalmangala story, Slovenia


BVP 1999 06.27 Zagreb program outside Holy name is nectar Croatia


BVP 1999 06.28 Zagreb Story about Pundarika Vidyanidhi meets Gadhadar pandit Croatia


BVP 1999 06.28 Zagreb About mantra Story-Dhruva,Pariksit, Croatia




BVP 1999 06.29 program at Govindanandini house near Zagreb kirtan Visnu maharaja Croatia


BVP 1999 07.01 Rijeka Narada story Haridas, Acarya can teach only if he practice, Croatia


BVP 1999 07.01 Pula Srivas son story, Bali, Prahlada Croatia


BVP 1998 05.22 Ostia reading Caitanya Bhagavat Italy


BVP 1998 05.28 Golokananda p.house Fi Arriving lecture Italy


BVP 1998 05.28 Golokananda p.house Fi Nityananda p. Deliver Jagai & Madai Why is necessary to preach? It is natural. Italy


BVP 1998 05.29 Golokananda p.house Fi Caitanya Bhagavat Haridas was cought by Nawab-22marketpalces He convert prostitute Italy


BVP 1998 05.30 Tavarnelle Srivas Sankirtan Mandir Ki Jay Maharaj giving name to the place Italy


BVP 1998 05.30 Camaiore Gauranga bhavana meaning of Vanca kalpataru... You are not thief, demigod,You are only devotee Italy


BVP 1998 06.01 Srivasangan Fi Caitanya bhagavat Last part of this lecture Italy


BVP 1998 05.03 ? Spreading Sankirtan at Srivas Angan Sankirtan Mandir Harinam initiation Srivas... Italy


BVP 1998 06.09 Rignano Flaminio Worship of Guru Jaghanat Subadhra Baladeva About fasting on various days Show of fasting Italy


BVP 1998 06.13 Srivasangan Caitanya Bhagavat Sri Nityananda is same as Sri Caitanya Italy


BVP 1998 06.14 Srivasangan morning lecture Italy


BVP 1998 07.08 Srivasangan end of lecture Italy




BVP 1998 07.09 Srivasangan Caitanya Bhagavat evening program Sri Caitanya & Nityananda p. Celebrate Vyasa puja in Srivasangan Italy


BVP 1998 07.09 Srivasangan Caitanya Bhagavat vyasa puja Nityananda p. Dissapirance day Begining of Caturmasya Italy


BVP 1998 07.10 Srivasangan Discipline, nitya mukta & nitya badha, Italy


BVP 1998 07.10 Srivasangan discussion after kirtan only 12 minutes Italy


BVP 1998 07.11 Genova Public program Intwrview,dicourse about mental problem Italy


BVP 1998 07.12 Genova house program (tape speed problem 5minutes on 45min) what is initiation?explanation of Krishna,sex relationship, Italy


BVP 1998 07.12 Moncalieri house program (Adhoksaja) hard work for six enemis, Italy


BVP 1998 07.13 Milano Madhavendra Puri, Haridas Q&A How to serve Sadhu Italy


BVP 1998 07.18 Albettone Caitanya Bhagavat Mahabrabhu teach that Krishna is orgin of everythink Italy


BVP 2000 06.10+11 Srivasangan arriving+ morning lecture Madavendra Puri Italy date it is not correct


BVP 2000 06.11 Srivasangan evening program Bali maharaja story, Parhlada, Italy date it is not correct



BVP 1999 04.25 Calgiari only Italian translation Italy


BVP 1999 06.04 unknown, only last part of lecture Italy


BVP 2000 06.13 Sansepolco Satyavrata house program Ragunath das goswami story Italy date it is not correct


BVP 2000 06.14 Proceno Sivananda house program Italy date it is not correct


BVP ???? ??.?? Sri Gauramandala Roma 8 Italy


BVP ???? ??.?? Sri Gauramandala Roma 1,panca tattva Italy


BVP ???? ??.?? Sri Gauramandala Roma 2,Saranagati songs Italy


BVP ???? ??.?? Sri Gauramandala Roma 6 Italy


BVP 2000 06.11 Nava Vrindavan lecture before leaving Slovenia




BVP 1999 04.25 Calgiari italian version Golokananda p. Translation only BVP 1999 from tape 06.04 UK last part of ?

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