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Why I am here?

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Why I am here?


This is common to all Hindu sites, not specifically meant for avatara.net, avatara.com , avatara org , avatara.biz or avatra.commercial..


I am here with a purpose.; the purpose being reformation and rejuvenation of the philosophy that is Hinduism, nay, Sanatana. For, Babas may come and go but that which is Sanatana goes on. I am not uncommon, a very common being, may be, as some you said, with the head of a goat or swine.


I consider myself as most fortunate, because I was born as a ‘Hindu ‘. Into a Hinduism where freedom of expression ruled supreme; where they say that you read the bible and the koran too. Knowledge ruled supreme here, whether it came from Abdullah, Abraham or Anand. And knowledge, jnanam, is logical. If my knowledge(or anybody else’s knowledge) is not true, it has to be fought on logical grounds. The Upanishads are full of logic, the sastras are nothing but logical conclusions. A logic which you will not find either in Christianity or Islam.


Yeah, I am a Hindu, and very proud to say so. Not because my father was a Namboodiri; but because I have been a Christian and a Buddhist on my own will ( I could not embrace Islam for the fear of my only lingam being cut into pieces) .


“Why you are a Hindu?” Khushwant Singh , an agnostic journalist of high esteem, queried to EMS Namodiripad, the first elected chief minister of a Marxist domain. He simply replied ” because I was born one”.


I am not a Hindu because I was born one. I am a Hindu because I understood Hinduism. And to me, a philosophy that could never have been questioned, were manipulated, concocted or doctored by the ruling vested interests of the time and made parts of it questionable.


I am speaking from a land where both Kapilas(the avatram & un avataram ones)co-existed; where the Charvaka and Charaka contributed their mite. A land where a Sankara from the far flung South came bare foot and conquered the entire North by his words; a much splendid performance than a Rama going all the way to the farthest South and beheading a Lankan with the help of vaal naras, the koupeenadharies.


I am here to say that the Holy Cow is not the Hindutva, she is as holy or unholy as you and me. Every thing written is by humans and is fallible and subject to dissection. There is nothing wrong in reviewing the vedas or sastras. If our forefathers had committed some wrong, it is for us, their grandchildren , to set it right; with due respect to them.


Voices have been raised here and elsewhere. That I should go to some Muslim or Christian sites. But I would like to wash my dirty linen in my own home, not in public.


And finally, it is the prerogative of the administrators or moderators of the site to vet and sensor. The scissors rightfully belongs to them.


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Real spirituality is opening your heart for a 100% surrending to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vishnu!


To serve Lord Vishnu is the eternal constitution of all eternal children of God as you and I eternally are!


So it is better to already start to perform bhakti yoga right now and not wait until anyhting happens into your life that will result in suffering.




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