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Rupanugas are not gopas

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also Srila Rupa goswami has shown us his eternal rasa

when he wrote in the bhakti rasamrta sindhu that he prays

that his attraction for Bhagavan is exactly <font color="blue"> like that of a young boy for a young girl</font color> .




Please give the exact quotation.



“ <font color="red"> like that of a young boy for a young girl</font color> .”

What is the meaning?

As a young boy is <font color="blue"> spontaneously attracted </font color> to a young girl,

so in the same way is the spontaneous attraction of Sri Rupa Gosvami.

Sri <font color="blue"> Rupa Gosvami</font color> cannot be a gopa, because he is a <font color="blue"> special type of gopi</font color> ,

She is one of the leaders of the group of nitya sakhis, <font color="red"> belonging to the prana sakhis</font color> .


More explanation about the position of Rupa Gosvami who is none other than Rupa Manjari, from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Jaiva Dharma (Mukhya-rasa Madhurya prema)


Sakhis who have the rati which is called tat tad bhava icchatmika do not desire to meet Krsna independently, but are <font color="blue"> keen to relish Srimati Radhika s sweet mood when She meets with Krsna</font color> .

There are five types of sakhis, known respectively as


nitya sakhi

prana sakhi

priya sakhi

priyanarma sakhi.

The sakhis who have equal sneha for Sri Radha and Krsna are known as sama sneha,

whereas those who display more sneha towards one or other of Them are called visama sneha.

Sakhis -- as Vrinda and Dhanistha

are visama sneha , having more afection for Krsna.

Nitya sakhis -- as Kasturi Manjari and Mani Manjari

are also visama sneha but they have more afection for Srimati Radhika.

Prana sakhis -- are the chief sakhis in the group of nitya sakhis

<font color="green"> The most prominent prana sakhi is Sri Rupa Manjari.</font color>


Amongst the raganuga sadhakas only those who specifically follow the internal mood of Sri Rupa Manjari are rupanugas.


Rupanuga sadhakas are those who with

the external body follow the process of bhajana as shown by Srila Rupa Gosvami, and simultaneously with their internally conceived spiritual body follow the moods of Sri Rupa Manjari as she eternally serves Sri Radha Krnsa in Vraja.


Rupanugavara Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami prays in his Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali


tavaivasmi tavaivasmi na jivami tvaya vina

iti vijnaya devi tvam naya mam caranantike


He Devi Sri Radhike! I am yours! I am yours! I cannot live without You.

Knowing this, please give me a place at Your lotus feet.

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you can search for the quote in bhakti rasamrta

sindhu, i remember on raganuga.com someone posted

both the sanskrit and english.


the point is made though, why doesn't he say he prays for

his love to be like a young girl,instead he prays that

it becomes like a young boy.


also in the Brhat Bhagavatamrtam, Sanatana goswami

has written the essence of all the knowledge of the Bhagavata purana, in it he describes the ascension

of the jiva from the beginning of devotional service,

going step by step ascending to the highest

position attainable for the jiva, it ends with the jiva entering Vraja as a gopa,Krisha runs up to him

and faints in ecstacy !


the rasa shastra has hidden meanings, the literal

interpretations are written as such to keep

the confidential reality hidden from casual



so all rasa shastra is like that, it says one thing,

but has in truth a different meaning.


this is why the unqualified person is warned against

trying to study these works prematurely, they will see

only what is written ,the truth will not be seen,and they will misunderstand the true inner siddhanta.


what is the real mood of rupa manjari, she would

rather have affection like that of a young boy for a young girl, this is the confidential understanding.


without guidance from authorized sources

the external words may have a purifying effect on the

listener, but the inner truth will not be understood.


Those unqualified persons will not understand that Radha

and Krishna are one and the same, as Srila Prabhupada

warns in his intro to the Caitanya Caritamrta

'never make the mistake of thinking Radha and Krishna

as being two different people, they are one and the same'


Sri Caitanyas pastimes are the entrance into

Radha Krishna lila, to understand the true nature

of Vraja lila one must first understand the position

and teaching of Gauranga Mahaprabhu,in the Caitanya Caritamrta it says, He is the one supreme lord, Radha and Krishna have seperated eternally for

lila, they have become one again in the form of Sri Caitanya.


Sri Radha is the dominant mood of Sri Caitanya, this

is essential to understand, without understanding this basic truth, the predominant mood of the supreme person,

then all attempts to understand Vraja lila,will

be incomplete.


All rasa shastra has hidden meanings, the literal words

are not what they were written for, taking them literally

and thinking oneself at the highest level without understanding the inner reality is warned against,

repeatedly by the past acharyas.


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so, simply taking the literal words of rasa shastra

and then imagining oneslef to be a manjari,may be proscribed for some, although it certainly is not

superior to all, in fact it is for those who desire

position instead of desiring to please, they can engage

in the raganuga sadhana,and be gradually purified

of the desire to be in the highest position,

and ultimately the result will be a higher

realization, true Radha dasyam ,pleasing

Radha in the way she desires, not in the way

that gives one the highest position.

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"tarko pratisthat srutayo vibhina: One should simply receive perfect knowledge descending from a realized authority.". Additionally, our ideas must be clearly supported by sastric evidence; and this process is established in the writings of our acaryas.

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tarko pratisthat srutayo vibhina:

One should simply receive perfect knowledge

descending from a realized authority.".

Additionally, our ideas must be

clearly supported by sastric evidence;

and this process is established in

the writings of our acaryas.


Sri Rupa Gosvami cannot be a gopa, because he is a special type of gopi ,

She is one of the leaders of the group of nitya sakhis, belonging to the prana sakhis .


More explanation about the position of Rupa Gosvami who is none other than Rupa Manjari, from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Jaiva Dharma (Mukhya-rasa Madhurya prema)


Sakhis who have the rati which is called tat tad bhava icchatmika do not desire to meet Krsna independently, but are keen to relish Srimati Radhika s sweet mood when She meets with Krsna .

There are five types of sakhis, known respectively as


nitya sakhi

prana sakhi

priya sakhi

priyanarma sakhi.

The sakhis who have equal sneha for Sri Radha and Krsna are known as sama sneha,

whereas those who display more sneha towards one or other of Them are called visama sneha.

Sakhis -- as Vrinda and Dhanistha

are visama sneha , having more afection for Krsna.

Nitya sakhis -- as Kasturi Manjari and Mani Manjari

are also visama sneha but they have more afection for Srimati Radhika.

Prana sakhis -- are the chief sakhis in the group of nitya sakhis

The most prominent prana sakhi is Sri Rupa Manjari.


Amongst the raganuga sadhakas only those who specifically follow the internal mood of Sri Rupa Manjari are rupanugas.


Rupanuga sadhakas are those who with

the external body follow the process of bhajana as shown by Srila Rupa Gosvami, and simultaneously with their internally conceived spiritual body follow the moods of Sri Rupa Manjari as she eternally serves Sri Radha Krnsa in Vraja.



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Tripurari svami has given a poem about Subala-sakha serving in the forest bowers (kunjas), though <font color="blue"> he did not give a sastric reference for that poem</font color> .

A cowherd boy would not sing this song.


In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that only by following in the footsteps of the gopis can one serve in the kunjas of Vraja (radha-krsna-kunjaseva).

Both Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Raya Ramananda have clearly told this:

sakhi vina ei lilaya anyera nahi gati

sakhi-bhave ye tanre kare anugati

radha-krsna-kunjaseva-sadhya sei paya

sei sadhya paite ara nahika upaya

" <font color="blue"> Without the help of the gopis, one cannot enter into these pastimes</font color> .

Only he who worships the Lord <font color="blue"> in the ecstasy of the gopis</font color> , following in their footsteps, <font color="red"> can engage in the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna </font color> in the bushes (kunjas) of Vrndavana. Only then can one understand the conjugal love between Radha and Krsna. There is no other procedure for understanding."


tarko pratisthat srutayo vibhina:

One should <font color="blue"> simply receive perfect knowledge

descending from a realized authority</font color> .".

Additionally, our ideas must be

clearly supported by sastric evidence;

and this process is established in

the writings of our acaryas.


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Please lets not dig this topic up again.

This was resolved on VNN a couple years ago.

Here is the quotation reference:


Srimati Jadurani has said 'Pujyapada Tripurari Maharaja has given a poem about Subala-sakha serving in the forest bowers (kunjas), though he did not give a sastric reference for that poem. A cowherd boy would not sing this song.'


Note: This is a verse from Rupa Goswami's Ujjvala-nilamani chapter two, verse 14. In this chapter the extent to which Krsna's friends are involved in madhurya-rasa is explained. Subala's friendly love for Krsna is very much involved in this, to the extent that Rupa Goswami has called it "sakhi-bhava" in his Radha-Krsna Gonnodesa dipika.


Dayal Govinda dasa


P.S The rest of the article is online at http://www.swami.org/sanga/archives/pages/volume_two/m81.html

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anadi writes: Tripurari svami has given a poem about Subala-sakha serving in the forest bowers (kunjas), though he did not give a sastric reference for that poem .

A cowherd boy would not sing this song.


stone: You're right that a cowherd boy would most likely not sing such a song, and Tripurari Maharaj has never said so, as far as I know. In fact, I have heard from him that it is Rupa-manjari who sings this song glorifying lucky Subal. And if Rupa-manjari can appreciate the gopas' love, why would not her followers?


We need to be very clear about what our motives are for posting such things in a public forum. To the extent that we are moved by a desire for distinction and adoration, or to assert our superiority over others in any way, our goal of attaining service of Radha and Krishna in said bowers will be frustrated.

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Prabhupada is madhurya rasa in Gaura lila and sakhya in Krisna lila. Ramananda Ray is Arjuna, work like Visakha. Ramananda is Arjuna, He is not Visakha, He work in mood Visakha.

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The priyanarma-sakhås are superior in every way to the three

other types of sakhås. They are engaged in extremely confidential

services and are possessed of a very special bhåva ( sakhi bhåva) . (What kind?)

In other words they perform confidential services for the

preyasis or lovers of Sri Krsna,( HOW?) they assist Krsna in meeting with

the preyasis and they desire to give pleasure to them. These

include Subala, Arjuna, Gandharva, Vasanta, Ujjvala and Madhumangala.

Of these, Subala and Ujjvala are the best.


The above four types of sakhås are of three types:

(1) nityapriyå or nitya-siddha,

(2) suracara—those who were previously devatås and who attained to the position of Krsna s friends through the performance of sådhana, and

(3) sådhana-siddha.

Although the suracaras also attained perfection through sådhana,

they are classified separately in order to distinguish them

from the general sådhana-siddhas.


Priyanarma-sakhås have sakhy bhava , but not manjari Bhava (bhava ullasa) as thier stayibhava.

They may have the sakhi bhava

but not the nitya sakhi (manjari) bhava

where the prominent leader is Rupa Manjari,

because in lila they take the side of Krsna

not the side of Srimati Radhika.


There are five types of sakhis, known respectively as


nitya sakhi

prana sakhi

priya sakhi

priyanarma sakhi.

The sakhis who have equal sneha for Sri Radha and Krsna are known as sama sneha,

whereas those who display more sneha towards one or other of Them are called visama sneha.

Sakhis -- as Vrinda and Dhanistha

are visama sneha , having more afection for Krsna, taking His side.

Nitya sakhis -- as Kasturi Manjari and Mani Manjari

are also visama sneha but they have more afection for Srimati Radhika, taking her side .

Prana sakhis -- are the chief sakhis in the group of nitya sakhis

The most prominent prana sakhi is Sri Rupa Manjari.


So Rupa anugas are not following the mood of the gopas not even (prianarma) but the mood of the nitya sakhis (manjaris) whose prominent leader is Rupa manjari.



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My param gurudeva

Srila Rupanugavara

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada


Today is the appearance day of jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati

Thakura, and therefore we should discuss his glories.


namah om visnupadaya <font color="red"> krsna-presthaya bhutale</font color> ,

srimate bhaktisiddhanta-sarasvatiti-namine

<font color="blue"> sri-varsabhanavi-devi-dayitaya </font color> krpabdhaye

krsna-sambandha-vijnana-dayine prabhave namah


["I offer pranama unto om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Gosvami Thakura Prabhupada, who is <font color="red"> very dear to Krsna</font color> , who is <font color="green"> most</font color>

<font color="blue"> beloved to Sri Varsabhanavi-devi Radhika</font color> , who is an ocean of mercy, and

who is kindly bestowing realization <font color="red"> (sambandha-vijnana) </font color> of our eternal

relationship with Sri Radha and Krsna".]


In this pranama mantra it is said: bhaktisiddhanta sarasvati. Srila

Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given birth to the murtiman-vigraha of

bhakti-siddhanta, the personification of the doctrines of bhakti.

In Bhaktisiddanta Sarasvati Thakura there is all the knowledge that Krsna

gave to Brahma, Brahma gave to Narada, Narada gave to Vyasa, and thus,

by disciplic succession, came through the Rupanuga Vaisnavas down to

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja.

All the siddhantas, philosophical truths, of the Vedas, Upanisads, and

all other scriptures is embodied in Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Gosvami Thakura. If any person came to argue philosophy with him, that

person was at once defeated and was bound to accept all his teachings.


There are two Sarasvatis. The power of Brahma is Sarasvati, but that

Sarasvati is not the real Sarasvati of Goloka Vrndavana.

This Siddhanta Sarasvati

is the real embodiment of para-vidya,

transcendental knowledge,

and because of this transcendental knowledge his name was

Srila Bhakisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada.

Why is he called Prabhupada?

He is Prabhupada because he preached the

glorification of his Prabhu throughout the world.


Who is his Prabhu? Radha-Krsna Conjugal, or


Gaura-Gadadhara, and



Spoken by Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja



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Namah om visnupadaya krsna-presthaya bhutale.

He is very near and dear to Krsna ,

but who is he in reality? In the second sloka

of his pranama mantra it is stated:

<font color="blue"> sri varsabhanavi-devi-dayitaya</font color> .

He is really the eternal maidservant of Srimati Radhika.

<font color="blue"> He is extremely dear to Radhika in his form

as Nayana-manjari</font color> .

As <font color="red"> Mahaprabhu's associate in audarya lila </font color> he is Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, and

<font color="red"> as the associate of Radha-Krsna Conjugal in madhurya lila</font color> he is Nayana-manjari.

What is the meaning of the name Nayana-manjari?

As a person's eyes are very dear to him, Nayana-manjari, who is the personification of the eyes of Srimati

Radhika, is so near and dear to Her. She is always serving Srimati Radhika. Thus, Srila Sarasvati Thakura has two forms.

One form is as Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associate, not only in this world but also in Goloka Svetadvipa.

And, in Vrndavana also, as Nayana-manjari, she serves

Srimati Radhika. Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami's Sri Vilapa-kusamanjali describes how the manjaris serve Radha-Krsna Conjugal, and

Nayana-manjari serves Them in those same ways.


Spoken by Srila BV Narayana M.


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Srila Sarasvati Thakura is krpabdhaye, an endless ocean of mercy.

He wasthe first acarya in the four sampradayas to arrange that all the people in the world, all those who have forgotten Krsna, would realize all the truths of bhakti, and they would be helped to become pure devotees.

If Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura had not sent his disciples here and there, none of you, in any country, would have met pure devotees.

Now, by the mercy of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati

Gosvami, through Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja and my Gurudeva, krsna-kirtana is everywhere in the world. Everyone knows Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krsna only by their mercy.

Srila Prabhupada had the wish,

and then he sent his arms here and there.

Who are his arms?

His disciples his devotees.

They are therefore like arms,

and they are preaching



<font color="red"> You are very fortunate to come in their line, </font color>

but you should try to be very strong.

Sometimes, <font color="blue"> if you are not in good association, </font color>

<font color="red"> you become weak, </font color>

and it may be that when I return to India you will become weak.

Don't be so.

Always realize that our entire guru-parampara, Radha-Krsna,

Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, and

Guru are always with you,

and they will help you.

Never give up chanting and remembering Krsna.


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Srila Sarasvati Thakura is not called an ocean of mercy only

because he gave us harinama.

He gave so much more.

He brought Goloka Vrndavana.

He brought the <font color="red"> love and affection of the gopis </font color> throughout the whole world.

If he has not brought all these gifts, we would never have heard of them.

He is therefore an ocean of mercy.


Although engaged in chanting and remembering, many devotees are also

engaged in sense gratification, and they cannot give up lust. This is

Maya. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura sent

his qualified devotees everywhere – to make those weak devotees strong.

He wanted those qualified devotees to encourage them and say, "You

should remember Krsna." It is for this reason that he has sent his arms.

I am also coming; He has ordered me to do so. His disciple, Srila Bhakti

Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, has ordered me, and my Srila Swami

Maharaja has ordered me. So you should never be weak.


spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


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Then, the next stage of knowledge is called adhoksaja, the realization

of Vaikuntha, that place where there is no material time – only the

eternal present. There is no birth and death, and no suffering and

sorrow there. There is nothing bad there. In that abode there is

unlimited opulence, and everyone there prays to Narayana.


There is something higher than this, however, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Sarasvati Thakura has taught that this most superior truth is called

aprakrta. Aprakrta is that realm where Vraja-lila is performed. Krsna is

sometimes like a baby there, and there He is controlled by His father

and mother, by His beloved gopis, and by His friends. No one can ever

imagine such very, very sweet pastimes. We should try to attain this

aprakrta knowledge. We should try to serve this Krsna who is with

so many gopis, with His father and mother, with His sakhas, and with all

His cows and very sweet cow-herding pastimes. This is the aim and object

of our life – service to this Krsna. This is aprakrta-jnana.


Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


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Krsna sambandha-vijnana dayine prabhave namah.

In this world we have a relationship with

our father and mother and our immediate family.

We think, "She is my mother, he is my father, and he is my brother." But we are not satisfied with that.

We want to be a husband or wife, girlfriend

or boyfriend,

<font color="red"> but still we are not satisfied</font color> .


From where have these relationships come?

They come from Goloka Vrndavana.

There is actually only one <font color="red"> relationship</font color> , and that is <font color="red"> with Krsna</font color> .

<font color="blue"> Krsna is not a father there in Vrndavana</font color> .

He is like a friend, a baby, or a beloved.

In the constitutional form of our soul there is a relationship with Krsna.

We have now forgotten this due to Maya,

but we have a relationship.

All the relationships of these bodies are false and

temporary. They remain only for some days,

but <font color="blue"> the relationship in our

constitutional form is eternal</font color> .

Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

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We want love.

We first loved our mother, then our father,

then our brothers, then other relatives, and then our neighbors.

But we were never satisfied.

Then we collected wives or husbands, and when we were

not satisfied we got divorced and changed the old ones for new ones.

But still we were not satisfied.

You cannot be satisfied.

No one can ever be satisfied in material relationships. When you meet with Krsna and serve Him, then you will be satisfied.

This is a transcendental relationship, and <font color="red"> this relationship is given by guru</font color> .

Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura)

gave this,

and this relationship will be forever.

It was for this end

that he gave the mantra

klim krsnaya govindaya .



Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

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namah om visnupadaya krsna-presthaya bhutale,

srimate bhaktisiddhanta-sarasvatiti-namine

sri-varsabhanavi-devi-dayitaya krpabdhaye

krsna-sambandha-vijnana-dayine prabhave namah


madhuryojjvala premadya sri rupanuga bahaktida

sri gaura karuna sakti vigrahaya namostute


Madhuryojjvala premadya sri rupanuga bahaktida.

He (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada) explained all these truths.

He actually came <font color="blue"> only to give</font color> this relationship &#8211;

<font color="blue"> madhuryojjvala-prema, gopi-prema</font color> , which Srila Rupa Gosvami has written

about in his books and which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to this world only to give.

He came only to give the realization that Krsna is our

beloved. He came to give this and nothing else.

Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) has written in his articles:

"I came only to give this, but my whole time

was spent in cutting jungles."

Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja also did this in Western countries.

He came to this world to give love and affection for Krsna, but to whom could he give it?

He was preaching to

unqualified people, and therefore he wanted to make a platform for this love,

by cutting the jungles of atheist and mayavada misconceptons.

He thus fertilized the field by plowing and cutting jungles, and most of his time went in this. He could not fully preach as he wanted, but <font color="red"> he

stored so many deep truths about gopi-prema in his books</font color> .


spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

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Srila Prabhupada (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) also did this. In

Radha kunda, in his last days, he said that if anyone is only cutting

the arguments of mayavadis and so on, and not accepting the mood of the

gopis as taught by Rupa Gosvami, <font color="red"> not worshiping Radha-Krsna Conjugal</font color> ,

not following the line of Rupa Gosvami, then even their chanting will

not be sufficient to help them. After some time they will become weak

and give up all their devotional practices. They will become

nirvisesavadis and mayavadis, as so many are now becoming.


Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


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madhuryojjvala premadya sri rupanuga bahaktida

sri gaura karuna sakti vigrahaya namostute


Sri rupanuga bhaktida.

Srila Prabhupada descended to this world, and

all our disciplic acaryas also came,

only for preaching this rupanuga Vaisnavism. But they had no time to fully preach as they wanted.

From the beginning, therefore, I was very alert to avoid cutting jungles –

because our guru varga had already cut them down.

I considered that I must do something affirmative.

I therefore accepted this and preached it from the beginning.

Now, however, coming to the Western countries, I

began to think,

"To whom shall I tell these most deep truths of bhakti?"

Now I also have to cut down some jungles.

When I am in Vrndavana or Navadvipa, however, I mainly speak

about the high class of sweet

pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha and Krsna.


spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


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Guest guest

***So Rupa anugas are not following the mood of the gopas not even (prianarma) but the mood of the nitya sakhis (manjaris) whose prominent leader is Rupa manjari.


Rupa Gosvami most Gaura lila. Rupa Gosvami Raghunatha Gosvami it is gaura lila. Srila Prabhupada it answered this question Jadurani dd. If you do not believe can ask in it. That to obtain siksa it is necessary to ask about this in diksa guru. Any can say about itself that it successor SP, but necessary at least to know to what he learns for this. SP bhagavata acarya, 3 holy sastra write about this.

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Pranama mantras von Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada

namah om visnupadaya krsna-presthaya bhutale,

srimate bhaktisiddhanta-sarasvatiti-namine

sri-varsabhanavi-devi-dayitaya krpabdhaye

krsna-sambandha-vijnana-dayine prabhave namah


madhurya ujvala prema-dya sri madhurya ujvala prema-dya da

sri gaura karuna shakti vigrahaya namo-stu-te


namaste gaura vani Sri murtaye dina tarine

rupa anuga 'viruda apa siddhanta vanta harine


In this way Srila Prabhupada(Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) was like an ocean of madhuryojjvala-prema.

He wanted to distribute it, and he distributed it.

If he did not, then from where have we collected these truths?

All glories to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. All glories to all his associates.

All glories to Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. All glories to all of you, devotees.



Spoken by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Prabhupada



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***In this way Srila Prabhupada(Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) was like an ocean of madhuryojjvala-prema.


Yes it is sambandha Krisna lila. Guru it is no body guru it is all spiritual matters. You do not understand as He distributed this.


It is envy. they do not understand Srila Prabhupada avatara. Envy.


Should you find at least madhyama guru. Madhyama-madhyama. However I do not think that you it interests spiritual life, most

likely personal happiness. You actually even do not attempt to understand, you already

-"know". Who so noticeably trained you.


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sri gaura karuna shakti vigrahaya namo-stu-te


It is KRIPA Lord Caitanya. karuna shakti.


He is kripa Lodr Caitanya and smbandha Krisna lila. I am writw it is for you not one time.

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