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Dear Enlightned Many questions

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To reach to a state of such an understanding that is : "rest in <font color="blue"> your own consciousness </font color> , for you are infinite in your own true self." is a marvelous thing, but is it that simple? I sincerely ask you this question, if nothing other than the self exists and all we are doing is seeking the self, then why aren't we perfect in ourselves. Why do we live our life at all? why is there a difference between a lazy person and a person who has accomplished so much in his/her life? if you say there is no difference, then why do we even carry out any type of action. If i am you and you are me then why do i feel such a notion of individuality. If the individuality is unreal, then there is no difference between vivekananda and a lazy man on the street. If that is so, then why do anything? please answer my question (s).


There is very much inside.

Pleas be patient wtih me.


what is <font color="blue"> the consciousness</font color> ?

in replay to

<font color="blue"> rest in your own consciousness </font color>


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I keep seeing limitless light trying to say one thing and one thing only in these forums. I wanted to know more about the thing she/he was trying to express. I don't know what consciousness is but i guess limit less light basically talks about the very "true" self that "exists". I wanted to know more about such a self knowing which we can finish searching. I guess no one replied it except you.


Jai bolo mere krishna ki,


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When an object (vastu) is formed by the desire of Sri Krsna

a particular nature (sva-bhava), namely its eternal function,

is build into that structure.


The eternal function is called NITYA DHARMA


That object (vastu) is that which has existence by itself and can be

- vastav -eternally existing (spiritual)

- avastav -temporary existing (material)


What is the eternal function (nitya dharma) of the soul (jiva )?

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says:


jivera svarupa hoya krsnera nitya dasa

krsnera tatastha sakti bedhabeda prakasa


jivera svarupa -the internal form of the jiva is

krsna nitya dasa -an eternal servant of krsna and


In this verse we find the eternal function (nitya dharma) of the jiva (soul) namely

Jiva is the eternal servant of the Lord.


Beside the three inner senses,

false ego, mind and intelligence

there is a fourth one the consciousness (cittam)

which is the substance of the jiva.

The consciousness is the place of attachment.


The real attachment of the jiva is cit anu raga, being the eternal loving servant of Krsna (which includes His avataras)


But when jiva lands in the material world, his citta is covered by ahankara primarly,

and by the false identification induced by the false ego (ahankar)

he develops false attachments.

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