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Did Usama really bomb the WTC?

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Two kinds of air wars have been waged in Afghanistan. One, with planes and bombs, has been conducted exclusively by the Americans, against which the Afghans and supporters of Usama bin Ladin have had no protection; the other by means of the airwaves. Thanks to al-Jazeera television’s refusal, so far, to be intimidated by American threats, Usama bin Ladin has been able to get his point of view across to the world.


by Wazeem Shehzad


While American propaganda has dominated the airwaves in much of the western world, it has demonstrably failed to win over the Muslims, who see clearly that this war is directed against them and Islam, whatever the politicians say to the contrary. It could be argued that America does not care about Muslim sentiment: true, but Muslim sentiment cannot be ignored completely either, because Muslims’ anger has implications for American policy in the region. The September 11 attacks were a stark reminder of this.


Usama has responded at intervals to the US propaganda war by sending video-messages to al-Jazeera. His messages have had far greater impact than American propaganda, which has been punctured by Usama’s pinpricks.


Since the US launched its war on Afghanistan, four videos have appeared. The first was released by Usama himself and broadcast by al-Jazeera on October 7: in it he outlined the Muslims’ grievances. These include the barbarous Israeli attacks on Palestinians, the death by starvation of more than 1.5 million people in Iraq, and the continued occupation and desecration of the Arabian Peninsula by American troops.


Before the US assault on Afghanistan, American officials had said that they would produce conclusive proof of Usama’s involvement in the attacks on September 11. On September 27 US secretary of state Colin Powell was forced to admit that the US did not even have circumstantial evidence against Usama. This, however, did not deter British prime minister Tony Blair from declaring Usama’s "guilt" on October 4, when he presented a 24-page ‘proof’ to the British House of Commons. The tone of the document was simply that "we think that Usama is guilty, so he is." Leading British legal experts immediately demolished Blair’s "evidence".


On December 13 the Americans broadcast a video which they claimed contained Usama’s "confession" of guilt. This was the smoking gun that was supposed to silence all doubters. According to the Americans, the video was obtained early in November from a house abandoned by Usama in Jalalabad; US president George Bush was reported to have seen it in the first week of November. If we accept this version, it must have been recorded before that date, yet in the video it appears to be the month of Ramadhan: Usama is shown greeting a guest from Saudi Arabia and there are several other people present as well, yet, contrary to tradition, no tea, coffee or snacks are served. These come at the end of the meeting.


Other clues also suggest that the video was recorded in Ramadhan, which started on November 17. The British Independent newspaper claimed on December 14 that it was recorded on November 9; CNN placed it even earlier. Both dates are problematic. If the video was made in an earlier Ramadhan (say in the year 2000), then the voice must have been dubbed onto an old video. There are computer programmes that can mimic any voice; one such video, showing George Bush denouncing Muslims, was released in December.


Let us assume the November 9 date to be correct. This coincides with the fall of Mazaar-e Shareef when the Taliban’s withdrawal from Jalalabad was imminent (November 13). There is no mention of either event in the video, nor of the heavy US bombing of Afghanistan. How could Usama be welcoming a guest from Saudi Arabia when there were bombs falling all round? It has been suggested that the video was made for recruitment purposes. Its poor quality discredits this theory. All the videos released by Usama before were of broadcast quality.


Quite aside from the fact that Afghanistan has already been destroyed, and al-Qaeda, Usama’s supposedly monolithic organisation, is on the run, Usama’s alleged confession has no value. It is the contents of the video that are of interest. During the conversation, the visitor shaikh quotes another person as asking: "how is Shaikh Bin Ladin?" This is an absolute giveaway. No Arab would refer to Usama as Shaikh Bin Ladin; it is like referring to king Fahd as "Bin Abdul Aziz." Obviously someone, dubbing the video at the Pentagon, CIA headquarters or Hollywood, forgot this little detail or never knew it.


Then there is the question of the Usama tape broadcast by al-Jazeera on December 26. First, it disproved the US claim that Usama was dead in some cave; the Afghan mercenaries sent to scour caves in the Tora Bora mountains decided they would rather celebrate Eid with their families: on December 16, the day of Eid, they announced that there were no more al-Qaeda people left in the caves and that Usama could not be found. The brave Americans decided not to send in the marines to do the job. After so much hype about Usama being trapped, he apparently disappeared into thin air. The red-faced Americans decided to make a fuss about Mullah Omar, the deposed leader of the Taliban, instead.


Another interesting feature of this latest video (December 26) is that Usama looks much thinner. In the December 13 video he looks bulky, as if he had put on considerable weight. This could hardly be the case if the two videos were made on the dates claimed. What is probably closer to the truth is that the December 13 video is really a much older video, with voice dubbed on in order to "prove" that Usama had confessed to the September 11 attacks.


Interestingly, in the December 26 tape, Usama again denies his involvement, although CNN and other western media outlets ignored this fact. Translation of the December 13 tape was also clearly doctored; for instance, Usama refers to the September 11 events as "the" blessed attacks, while the Americans’ translation says "our" blessed attacks. Such crude trickery may hoodwink Americans, but it does little to convince Muslims.


We may yet see more video-games being played if Usama is alive and the Americans do not bomb al-Jazeera’s offices in Qatar, as they did in Kabul on November 13. Everybody who can should keep an eye on al-Jazeera.


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what sort of a prejudiced opinion is that?

I'm shocked at this coming from a self-professed devotee.

This is the opinion of a man who speaks Arabic and thus understood the interview first hand!

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"Guest"It could be argued that America does not care about Muslim sentiment: true, but Muslim sentiment cannot be ignored completely either, because Muslims’ anger has implications for American policy in the region. The September 11 attacks were a stark reminder of this.


So it was an attack from the Muslims. Do you have someone other than Bin Laden and his crew in mind? Do tell.


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You never heard me profess to be a devotee. Be shocked if you like. I have no full trust in the Western media why would I believe al-Jezeera or Usama Bin Laden? he says he didn't do it? But the admission is the attack came from the Muslim world. So if not Bin Laden then who?

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It is a sad thing we never see things the way they really are: For the only reality in this world is only one thing. We are all human, we have the same type of hearts, we have the same lobes in the brain (frontal, temporal, parietal, occupital), we are the same from head to toe, even if we differ in color. Still, the people fight because of their views, it is sad how they have developed various glorious ideas about the supreme reality, yet they never realize that those great ideas of liberation should liberate them and not put them in more wars and fightings. They fight due to differences in what they believe. We HUMANS have fought over beliefs such as : ALLAH only exists (jihad) or Jesus only exists(Crusades) or something else alone exists. We have fought over things saying "THIS IS MY PIECE OF LAND" or "THIS IS MY SHARE, NOT YOURS", but we never see that we belong to only one world, in only one universe. Alas, we kill ourselves thinking we are the greatest. Alas, we fight due to the simple discrimination that arises due to delusion in our little puny , yet beautiful hearts. We are like children even after we grow older in physical aspects. Alas, we fight thinking that we are souls or the part of the almighty. Some say some are demoniac mayavadis, others say they are delusional bhakthas. Some say "they are polytheistic", the others say, "we are monotheistic but they never see it" and they all fight over it. some say, we are "black brothers", and others say "Beat the Hell out of those niggers", alas, we live in this cruel world, where people fight over things so small. We are so devoid of happiness, we are devoid of peace. The saddest part is this, we either realize our faults when we grow old like after 90 or something, or we never realize it at all. Alas, why did i have to realize it when i am only 16. It is not fair for i have opened my eyes and i have seen the ignorance we live in. It is horrible, horrible i tell ya, horrible!.



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You shouldn't use the term "Muslim" so broadly as "Muslim" refers to millions and millions of people, many of whom are not even Arab. Generalising about any group of people could lead to devastating effects- a clash of civilizations, perhaps?

Secondly, there are many theories backed with evidence as to who may have organised the WTC bombings. They can be easily found on the Internet.

I just think that we should pressure our world governments to do a more serious and open investigation of who actually bombed the WTC, instead of immediately pinning it on Usama.

Since when in the land of freedom is someone declared guilty before being proved so in a court of law?

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It could be argued that America does not care about Muslim sentiment: true, but Muslim sentiment cannot be ignored completely either, because Muslims’ anger has implications for American policy in the region. The September 11 attacks were a stark reminder of this.



I responded to the author. In the above quote he says that the September 11 attacks are due to Muslim anger.he also says it wasn't Usama.So on that basis I ask which Muslim then was it if not Usama?


We are warned to avoid making the Muslim countries angry. We have dealt way too softly with radical Islamic terrorism for decades. Plane hijackings and bombings of American embassies etc. The fact is those countries have now awakened and angered a sleeping Giant that has been intoxicated on sense gratification for too long. Do you really think that the United States and their allies are going to sit around forever and tolerate 9/11's and chemical and biological attacks?


I am amazed that India doesn't seem to recognize the threat of chemical and biological weapons. Kashmir is nothing to what these terrorists can accomplish in Bharata with these weapons. And make no mistake India is on the list.


From 9/11 on any country that harbors and aids in anyway these terrorist will be considered terrorist themselves.


It may just be that we are on the threshold of WWIII. I sure hope not. But we can feel the tension is there. I feel the karmic debt may be there and coming due.


All we can do is remember Krsna and help others to do so. More than that we are powerless.


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Amerikans schools deliberately keep students relatively ignorant of world history & common sense.

Phenomenal as opposed to noumenal.

WTC 9/11/01 was internationally conspired as was Santiago 9/11/73.

The poorest Saudis from Saudi's poorest province who had little or nothing to lose were recruited to be trained fly those planes.

Our US Air Force intentionally hesitated to respond.

Some Mossad were involved too.

All the evidence is crystal clear.

Onlt y the brainless blind cannot see.

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We will never know who is ignorant until we see what is really going on our selves, which is basically impossible because of our finite powers. Yet, the truth still remains, it is unnecessary to fight and blow each other to pieces. It is even more unnecessary for the media to cover the war in which people basically blow up to pieces. This world looks so beautiful to look at, but it is covered with the darkest sheath of ignorance. The american media is the problem. Is there propaganda in the world? - probably. then, is it from the american side or the middle eastern side?- we will never know

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to say that propaganda comes from all sides. The question to me is one of degrees.


For sure we can't trust anyone who cannot control their senses. As you alluded to that includes ourselves.


In the material world everyone has an ulterior motive,geared towards exploitation in some way.That we can be sure of.

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Shock and Awful Behavior.

Shock and Awe was lifted (swiped) from Mein Kampf (Stom and Drang)

They shocked and awed New York City.

Now they are trying to shock and awe Baghdad. Same MO

UK-USA = Unite to Kill Us All

Cannons of Christianity - Phil Ochs

Only the Dead have seen an End to War - Plato

During times of universal deceit, telling truth becomes a revolutionary act - 1984 George Orwell

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We're already in WWIII. The consecuenses of what this government is doing will be terrible for the planet. Think in long term, he may conquer Iraq but the Muslims won't forget the invaders.


Bush is such hypocrite that he is doing nothing to stop Pakistan and all the terrorism in there. Pakistan and India have nukes.North Korea has nukes. Big mess.


Demons against demons nothing else.

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stop talking rubbish.


You can't compare what happened in WTC 09/11/01 to what happened in Santiago 09/11/73.


We know USA helped in the coup against Allende but nobody was crushing airplanes in buildings killing thousands of people. I know what I'm talking about because I was in Santiago at the time and saw the airplanes bombing the Presidential Palace. The people in there was giving plenty of time to get out and most of them did it. I lived in Allende's regime and in Pinochet's regime and that gave me the wisdom to learn about Srila Prabhupada.


Please don't waste your precious life in this non-sense material politics because it won't help you at the moment of death. Instead of remembering Krsna you may remember Bush, Saddam, Allende,jews,etc. Be careful.


Your well wisher.

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Well, I cannot discount taruns proposals, after all, the internationalist manifesto, the one written by bushes NSC back in 1995, clearly stated that a 9-11 type event was required to turn the will of the amerikkkan people to favor loss of constitution et all.


And, benladin is more closely associated with bush than with saddam, and his family was protected after 9-11.


Too many loose ends, like where were the terrorists trained, in libya? No, minnesota and florida. Where were the operatives? And who were they helping? And who has heard from the FBI whistleblower? And what about the anthrax attack.


Got news for youse, get ready for another domestic attack, because it is also required for the molding of public opinion.


Tarun is radical, but right is often unbelievable.


Trust em? I cannot, because I have been burned by military bigwigs who could care less about perjuring themselves to federal judges. The lies against me were relatively harmless compared to 9-11, but one lie leads to others, and this earth cannot survive lies, she cracks in two over lies.


You think santiago is disgusting, well whattabout pol pot and kampuchea, where the khymer rouge was allowed to murder 3,000,000 while doing covert studies for the US black ops boys. pol pot was anti north-vietnamese, so anything he wants is our desire, even the murder of his own folks. saddam is anti-muslim fanatic, so he is still our friend, so we help him destroy his own, just like amerikkkans were "on-site" while saddam gassed the kurds.


Next up, total supression of war corespondence, arnett is just the first, dan rather and tom brokaw are next.


are we havin fun yet, later, mad mahax

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Id like to control this urge, because pro and anti are on the same coin. But I burst into tears in public today when I saw the little iraqi girl on the newspaper.


and the sign on my lawn which only says "honor the fallen from all sides" had a shotgun blast on it this am.


haribol, ys, mahak

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Bush on several issues.

Actually I'm far to the right of Rush Limbaugh.

Attila the Hun is peanuts, popcorn & crackerjacks in comparison.

Still, some amongst many more facts remain unanswered:

1) Our US Air Force, 9/11 morning, was alerted yet called back. Why? Who did the calling back?

2) Cheney called off any further 9/11 investigation in Oct2001. Why?

3) These & others of their ilk heavily invested in American & United driving up their stock prices till 3-4 days before 9/11 at which time they sold/divested. Why?

This is only 3 highly unusual yet coincidental points.

There r dozens more.

Krishna says what? How many gates lead to Hell?

Yes, 3. kAma, krodha, lobha

9/11 exemplifies ati-lobha, so much greed u r willing to kill your own citizens in order to blame someone else.

What is the very 1st principle/axiom in Politics?

Ask Sri Rsabhadev in 5th Canto: abodha-jataH

1st Canto 1.10 manda-sumando matayo manda-bhAgya hy upadritaH

perfect setting, perfect timing, perfect audience, perfect ignorance

Our gov't has done similar thing b4.

Adolph stated something similar:

1st: Present yourself as so so patriotic.

Next: Do something so far out, to shock everyone

Then: no one will believe u did it

Finally: blame someone else - usual suspects

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Tarun is being real here as well. It is not a conservative/liberal silly battlegrounf, it is truth and deceit.


Read the patriot act sometimes and tell me how great americans put this all together. In fact, I am apalled at conservatives like brother BB for their unwillingness to discuss these issues. Where are those who felt bad for the Weavers or the Branch Davidians. Is the second amendment the only thing about the constitution ya like, if so, I call yall frauds.


The press, individual expression, increased police tactics against the innocent, all gone. They wanted a pearl harbor event, even said it in writing in their agenda to control the world by military dominance, so they did it. No Iraqis were involved in 9-11, and even if our covert community did not actually plan and take part, they had it all tracked, all the players moved under the knowledge of our coverts.


But I ask tarun something here. Many were surprised at how WTC towers fell all the way down. It wont be studied, it was the jet fuel, fool. Ok, I accept that, but why did it look so much like the Kingdome (Seattle, mar 26, 2000) and other large building implosions. Go over the film in slo-mo and see id you can notice a series of blasts under the plane damage. And where is the plane at the pentagon?


These are questions, and a free society would welcome such inquiry, but if one asks these and provides incriminating info, there is no US freedom that will protect such a ridiculous person.


mad mahax

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our 5th grade teacher told us to "read between the lines"

At that time I could not understand.

I looked between the printed lines yet saw nothing but space.

Laughable though true.

1) "Patriotism is the last resort for scoundrels" - Mark Twain.

Modern day USA harbors the least educated society of all time.

By least educated we mean most easily fooled.

2) "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public" - _______


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...



come on...a comeplete 180. no one noticed..

it smells fishy and terrible things have happend.

i am cncerned about what our country is coming to. more importantly, this guy, bush, wants more money, and our economy is sooo bad!god only knows what will happen next

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I read here how people was shocked hearing that america govt. did WTC.But WTC was nothing to what they are doing at secret military camps.They are making brain controlling chips and several other father of WMDs.American media knows about this military camps somewhere.But who knows what is coming! Btw,my opinion about WTC is ...leave WTC i think total america politicians and CIA is working towards world domination plan.So kaliyuga is not over soon!Beware!

Ignore these things and say "hare krishna" /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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