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These old hindi movies have like the "Navabs" going to this prostitutes place.... there are no sexual scenes but the point is, the prostitute dances and entertains people singing a song about Radha and Krishna.


So, the names of Mahatmas and even Gods are used to publicize mundane things that we see today.



It is quite prominent in Asia. People name restaurants such as "Venkateshwara restaurant" etc and they serve meat.


it happens every where...


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in the winter - the front yard is green now and I do have trees that I had to plant and now use tons of water to keep alive (I am on a well). I also have a couple of flower gardens that I planted for Krishna and they are do very well. But other than that just tumbleweeds and sagebrush.


It pretty much looks the same in all four directions.

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Today I took me 25 minutes to reach home from work and its only 2 blocks away but I met everyone on the way and of course took darshan of the deities, my evening treat.

All the time I pass the temple I think of you LE, and look at the camera, just in case.......

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One day we should do it from Govinda's. Oh,the scoop about Anthony Hopkins, he came late for prasadam and he went into the temple for the last aratik and he stayed until the end. After that he walked to the alley to his car and some of the girls met him and he was very nice to them and appreciated the "Hare Krsna kids".

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Your place looks like it would have very clean ether in the Brahma-muhurta. No streetlights lights shining into the windows, no buzz of a near by city and all the confused subtle energies which swirl around any city/town. The stars are not obscured by the glare of hundreds of thousands of artificial lights.


Have you taken some strict vow? Such distant isolation can be extremely helpful for focus but maybe little bit lonely too.

One of the best times in my life I spent two weeks all by myself at my Grandfathers ranch in the mountains of Southern California. It was thirty miles from the nearest town to his driveway (using the term loosely) and seventeen miles down this crookedey (A new word only recently invented. Definition: Crook'ed'ey - Crooked beyond all presently known means of describing crooked) bumped up "driveway" to his cabin.

The quiet and the lack of civilized distraction allowed me some of the most fruitful sadhana (as far as attention goes) I ever experienced.

After about the fourth maybe fifth day when I was reading First Canto Bhagavatam it was no longer like a mechanical activity. It was as if the words on the page were pouring off the page through the filter of the eye and directly into my center of consciousness. (No I wasn't smoking weed to any cynics who may be reading this.)

I got a real idea of why the sages split for the hills and the advantages isolation can bring.

I was but a high school boy at the time and sadly I have never as as strongly recreated the describe atmosphere.

I suppose I should try to.

I hope these types of benefits and beyond are your daily life out there in the Northern-Nevada-Desert-Desh.

Gaura Haribol! Gaura Haribol! Nitia Gaura Haribol!




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just cheap land! It is very very nice here at Brahma-muhurta. Maybe I have been here too long but it really isn't as isolated as it appears. There is a tiny little community about 2 1/2 miles up the highway with a couple of tiny market/gas stations, a couple of churches, a little firestation and cop shop. During the summer people come out here to camp etc at the lake up the road so there is quite a bit of traffic then expecially on holidays. About a year ago someone put a house up on the parcel next to me and some other houses have gone up nearby also. So like every place else people are starting to spread out here.

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