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Why wars ?

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Well, the fact is simple. The world has been dominated by the males in the society from the time of the ancients to basically until like today. The truth : Males tend to be very aggressive. Males tend to be aggressive through their biology. It is a pity that we have allowed this gender to be incharge of the key aspects of the world's governments. Males who don't tend to be aggressive are by my opinion are a honorable few. Even in jails , you see more men than women in average (in usa). it is also true that men show more aggressive behavior in jails. This is the curse of testosterone, sorry guys. However, the people who tend to get over the fact of their bodies are the knowers of the truth. It is a pitiful that many people never realize it. ANyway, why wars?, well i think its because males control most of the politics and leadership positions today and they tend to be aggressive due to their very genetic make up itself. Most males : /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/mad.gif meanies.

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Very true. Even worse than testosterone:

adrenalin from consuming tortured, slaughtered animals

There's a new book out titled something like:

"Grown men don't cry; men cry Bullets"

"Where words fail, music speaks" - Hans Christian Andersen

So many great songs are being recorded lately totally blasting America's domestic & foreign policies.

Any song MTV has recently banned... you know it must be good.

Silence is the handmaiden of Tyranny" - Thomas Jefferson

Ignorantia Afectada

THIS PHONY so-called CHRISTIAN could not even accept Saddam's debate challenge.

Hot air sampradaya.

Any Mayor, Governor or President who eats one meal without making sure all his subjects are also eating that day won't get human birth again for thousands of lifetimes, millions of years.

Our present president select's cowardly credentials?

"Come on, let's go fight; I'll hold your coat."

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War is a natural event brought about by the human species failing to speak the TRUE.


Just as earthquakes are caused by natural calamities of earth, hurricanes are a disturbance of air mass, tsunamis are a disturbance of water, and volcanoes are a disturbance of fire, war is a disturbance of sound vibration, lies and deceit.


All war can end if we only speak TRUE, if all that is heard is TRUE, thus harinama and the effect of calling His Name, nothing is more full of TRUE.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I think you are unduly bashing men.


Violence and agression is also practiced by women, it just comes out in different subtle forms.


Prabhupada said before that this whole industrialization and commerce is basically because the women want it. They drive the men to provide facilities for aggradizement and social status.


A woman will rarely directly confront an enemy with physical violence, but they will seek to poison their food or even love them to death. Deception is their weapon.


Obviously, women generally can't manifest direct aggression like men because of physical limitations. And thank God.


The lustier desires for sex and facility in women combined with strength would produce frightening creatures.


The woman today are capable of killing their own flesh in the form of developing infants - what to speak of the battle in war.


Guess Guest

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You factor in all the babies killed every day from abortion by women - a desperate proceedure that threatens event their own life - and all the killing and wars by men and you get a realistic perspective.


But women are best at rewriting history, not stating it.


Guess Guest.

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Song of Peace

We are the living graves of murdered beasts,

Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.

We never pause to wonder at our feasts,

If animals, like men, can possibly have rights.

We pray on Sundays that we may have light,

To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.

We�re sick of war,we do not want to fight-

The thought of it now fills our hearts with dread,

And yet - we gorge ourselves upon the dead.


Like carrion crows, we live and feed on meat,

Regardless of the suffering and pain

We cause by doing so, if thus we treat

Defenceless animals for sport or gain,

How can we hope in this world to attain

The PEACE we say we are so anxious for.

We pray for it, o’er hecatombs of slain,

To God, while outraging the moral law

Thus cruelty begets its offspring – WAR


--George Bernard Shaw


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The self appointed evil king in the movie Shrek was holding a tournament to slay an evil dragon and rescue a princess for him to marry to obtain his pedigree.


He speaks to the public:


"I am holding a tournament in which many of you may die. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to accept."

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Women are basically having abortions because they want to be free of all the financial problems they will have if they have kids. They have no notion of killing people or being very aggressive to babies.


Can i ask you how many mothers are aggressive to their young ones here in america?

your answer would be:

probably 1 in a million.

because, Your baby is part of you so you can never be aggressive to such a "cute" thing that you have.

then you might ask why people have abortions? its because of the feminization movement in america ofcourse. The feminization movement of 1970s freed women alright, but it also created a society where having sex is okay, but having babies is not because of all the financial problems they create.


It is just sick in my view, i mean if you are going to have sex you probably should accept the natural result---> babies.


If not well, you shouldn't have sex at all.


In my opinion killing babies is cruel, but i think people are just trying to run away from the consequences of their actions thats all.


But men being aggressive is totally different.

So many problems in the world were caused by men wanting power. For example, the problems with monarchs all over our history.

Men also tend to be more inclined to show off their strength in general.

This is not speculation though, this is not something i thought off either, I researched in websites like Society of Neuroscience and brain.com which are maintained by scholars in the field of nueroscience.


Anyway, one who is not tainted with the ignorance of the world might argue, HEY! We are all souls, we are not affected by anything that is affected with.


I agree with the people who are not tainted by ignorance of this world. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


It sounds much better that way /images/graemlins/grin.gif


-enlightened /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/crazy.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Brave heart was a great flick & true story, yet do we find anyone like that today?

Last President (so far I've heard) who fought on a battlefield while BEING PRESIDENT was James Monroe.

Since then, many Presidents have ordered others off to war while they themselves remain in safe, quiet confines.

Cowards, not cowherds.

SP preached against both abortion & animal slaughter.

Bhismadev said 5 living beings must specially be protected:

aged, brahmanas, children, cows, women

namo brahmanya devAya, go brahmana hitAya ca

jagat-hitAya kRSNAya, govindAya namo namaH

jagat-hitAya = general universal nonviolence


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Sounds very scholarly my friend. /images/graemlins/smile.gif . However, I do have statistics, You can see that most of the hate crimes all over the world happen due to the male dominated society. Many Jails all over the world have more males than females in them. Also, more males in various places are very aggressive compared to females, you see that from the time of their birth to the end of their life. You see the aggressiveness usually in a teenager. Most boys at this age seem crazy and very aggressive /images/graemlins/mad.gif


Anyway, lets put all those statistics aside because there is no knowing of how peaceful the woman dominated society would be. Look at the amazons from the ancient macedonian society, they were female dominated society and yet they failed to establish harmony.


so...what we need is a harmony of domination or co-domination or no-domination. Lets leave the domination to Krishna /images/graemlins/grin.gif but thats a "religious" statement. The truth is we need a harmony of two sexes. thank you.



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I agree that the domination of one sex over another is bad. But what I was trying to say is that the question how the world would have been had it been female dominated, is hypothetical. We know that the world has been male dominated. We also know that there is so much of hate in the world. But we do not have any statistical data to claim that there will be more peace in the female dominated world. I am not saying that it is impossible. May be that the female dominated world will be more peaceful or may be it will not be. We just don't know.

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Please consider MahAbhArata:

Blindfolded (for over 100 yrs) ZrI GandharI continued to control her 90 yr old son Suryodhan when she ordered him to appear naked for benediction purposes that 17th battlenight.

Similarly, Kuntidevi kept her KarNa secret for 100 yrs.

Women's power is in shyness, not aping Mary Lou Redden.

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We've all heard that old story of the King and the Queen. The king was very proud about how he controlled so many kingdoms with his large military forces. By the sheer force of his will so many were under his thumb.


He himself though could be controlled by the queen with a simple movement of her eyebrows.



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