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The Death of America

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The Death of America


By: W. David Jenkins III - 04/01/03


America died the other day. It walked right into hellfire - willingly if you believe the polls - and committed suicide on a Friday afternoon in March.


All that this once proud country stood for has been tossed aside in exchange for a cheap political move paid for with the blood of innocent civilians and the blood of our own brave daughters and sons. Paid for with all the virtues and sacred foundations laid down by our founding fathers.


The America we once knew is now dead.


I've spent a lot of time pacing back and forth both looking at the TV and looking away from the TV. I've tried so hard for the last week to try to write down what I'm feeling. It's been so easy to beat up on Bush because he's such an easy target. But how does one articulate the death of your country and the hands of such recklessness?


The view outside my window looks somehow -different.


The other morning I watched my 4-year-old son ride his new bike up and down the sidewalk. I felt a pang of jealousy as I listened to his laughter. I envied the innocence of a child who knew nothing of the horror being broadcast on my television that very minute. I felt a deep sense of loss, for the America that he will grow up in will not be as kind as the America where I grew up.


I talked to my teenaged daughter later the same day. She was excited about a writers' forum she had joined and was letting me know what a great time she was having. We also talked about the invasion and how she felt it strange that America would do something so violent against the wishes of the rest of the world. She said that it just felt so wrong. "It makes me so angry" she said, "and I don't even understand it all."


I thought about the parents of those brave children sent to Iraq by Bush and how they must worry about the lives of their brave soldiers. I thought about the parents of the scared children of Iraq and how they must worry about their future and the lives of these innocent little ones among the fury of this invasion. And I thought about the many parents like myself, who worry about the well-being of our own children due to the recklessness of these short-sighted, sanctimonious politicians.


The America I once knew seems like a distant memory.


I am amazed at the ignorance of the supporters of this invasion of a country that posed no immediate threat to us. Has it dawned on anybody that this is an invasion waged by businessmen? Not soldiers or generals or anybody who has any military experience - as they are the ones who advised against this invasion - but men who are conducting a bloody corporate take-over against a brutal, yet still sovereign nation. And the leader of these "wanna be warriors" is a failed businessman!


Would someone explain to me just how this makes America "safe?"


As I write this, C-Span is hosting The Washington Journal, its daily morning call-in show. One of the things I keep noticing is that most of the people who call in supporting the invasion keep citing what happened on 9/11 as their base of rationale.


"I cant believe that those protesters forgot about the World Trade Center!"


"This war is to make sure we dont have another 9/11."


"9/11 proved that Saddam is a threat."


And on and on and on. There are people who have bought the "9/11 rationale" as a talking point in order to justify America becoming a rogue nation. This does a great disservice to the lives lost on that tragic day.


Unfortunately, the Bush administration has been only too happy to perpetuate this falsehood as long as it serves their purpose. They celebrate the ease at which those with a Fox News mentality are so easily manipulated - even at the expense of the memory of the innocent victims of 9/11. There is no depth of depravity that Bush Inc. is not willing to sink to as long as the means justify their ends. They are grave-spitters.


And those who use the tragedy of 9/11 as the excuse for supporting Bush and his war are grave-spitters.


They are nothing more than victims of knee-jerk patriotism who either refuse to see - or are incapable of seeing - just how complicated and reckless Bushs war policy truly is.


And what's worse is that they don't care that they don't know. As weak as Bush's reasons are to go to war with - I mean invade - Iraq, think of how much weaker they would be without his prostituting 9/11? And with a lack of understanding by the general public as to the events leading up to 9/11 and a lack of any in-depth independent investigation into the day that changed America, it's no wonder that so many people are under the misconception that Iraq had something to do with it all. With the spineless American media's refusal to "connect the dots" of 9/11, as massive as they are, it's no wonder more people don't realize that if it weren't for the obvious negligence (at best) of Bush Inc. on that horrible day in September there would most likely still be two twin towers in lower Manhattan.


The despicable use of the horror that was September 11, 2001, as a means to somehow "justify" America becoming an aggressor nation has not gone unnoticed by many of the surviving families of those victims. They are out there marching with the rest of us in protest of the memories of their loved ones being used to destroy America and all that it once meant. The proud city, so devastated by the events of that tragic day, continues to protest in great numbers against Bush Inc.'s nose-thumbing at America's once great principles. So have many other cities - globally. Yet the three great American monkeys - See No Protest - Hear No Protest - Speak No Protest - continue on in spite of world opinion.


"Who cares what the world thinks? Nuke them too!"


I actually saw this statement and others like it on a bulletin board. I've heard people say it. I'm sure you have too. It's because of this mentality that many cannot distinguish "anti-war" from "pro-Saddam." This low level of reasoning skill cannot perceive the un-repairable damage being done to this country by Bush's invasion. Their "logic" tells them to hate France or to hate the protesters. Their level of "reasoning skills" tells them that nuking our enemies, real or perceived, would actually be an okay thing to do. Patriotic even. It's because of this type of thinking, this complete lack of knowledge, that Bush has been able, so far, to get away with hurting America. Government and media induced "patri-idiotism" has replaced George Washington's America with George W. Bush's America.


As this is being written, Belgium is being strong-armed by U.S. officials to "amend" a law signed in 1993 allowing Bush to be prosecuted as a war criminal based upon the action and outcome of his invasion. The law allows Belgian courts to hear war crimes cases no matter where they were committed, regardless of the defendant's nationality. An amendment in 1999 added provisions for trials of genocide and crimes against humanity.


George W. Bush, under these provisions, fits the bill so to speak. Even the Clinton haters have to admit that charges like these were never even considered against their nemesis! No wonder Bush opted out of the International Criminal Court last year. Just another action of a spoiled child wanting his own way at any expense - except his. The founding fathers must be spinning in their graves.


An American president is being referred to as a "war criminal!"


Yet, there are still those who feel that just because Bush said the world community and the U.N. are "irrelevant" - due to their lack of support for the undermining of Americas principles - then it must be true and charges like these mean nothing. I truly weep for the ignorance that has surfaced in so many so-called "patriots." I truly weep for these people who feel that in blasting the U.N. (especially France) they are doing justice to the principles of the flag they fly so proudly. How sad.


In fact, we find that Article 1 of Purpose and Principles of the United Nations states:


1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;


Let's hear that phrase again, shall we?


"...., and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace...."


France and the rest of the world are simply doing their duty as members of a world community to "suppress the acts" of an aggressive country. That would be us. Bush's version of America. The version of America that you and I are stuck with until these vermin are finally gone.


America is now a rogue state.


We are no longer a country which commands respect and admiration but a country to be looked upon with suspicion and loathing. The world community which we are a part of - despite what Bush says - now looks upon us in a different way. Bush is lowering us to the same level of contempt as those he wages "war" on in the world's eyes. Yet there are those who demand that we all "get behind this president." I couldn't disagree more.


Now is the time for all - including the wet noodles posing as Democrats in Congress - who want this country back, to get in front of this president! Stop bringing up the rear and whining about the promises Bush never meant to keep in the first place. Get in front of these rogues - not behind them and their lies.


His claim of invading Iraq to keep America safe is a lie. His "proof" for going to war is a lie. His claim two years ago that he was a "uniter not a divider" is a lie. His presidency is a lie. His claim that the U.N. is "irrelevant" is a lie. His claim of future victory is a lie. His claim of doing what's best for America is a lie. The coupling of 9/11 with an illegal invasion of Iraq is a lie.


Those who believe Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle want what's best for America are living and breathing a lie.


But the America that so many died for, that so many loved and respected worldwide, that you and I had hoped our children would grow up in is now dead - due to the bloodlust of the warrior businessmen of Bush Inc.


And that's no lie.


E-mail David at: WDavidJenkinsIII@aol.com

David's web site: http://wdjiii.tripod.com/wdjiii3/id1.html

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theist: This point might make sense if we still had a draft system, but now everyone in the Armed services has enlisted.


Babhru: Even though our armed services consist entirely of volunteers, it would make a strong point if the Bush family were willing to make the same sacrifice they ask of other families. It would be a rhetorical move, I think. That's all.

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Sure, it's curious. It's also intersting to note that those on the left include many who have served honorably and valiantly on active duty, unlike many heroes of the right. Clonton isn't the only draft dodger around, folks. How about Quayle and W? And Gingrich? When did Cheyney serve on active duty? I could extend the list until we puke.


Yeah, I know you'll say that Quayle and W signed up. In fact, they pulled strings to get into the Guard even though there were no openings, and that was a form of evading the draft, of evading active duty in combat. I did so by enlisting in the regular Navy and taking my chances. It worked out fairly well for me; my friend Radhapati did the same thing, ended up a corpsman with the Marines in Vietnam, and got his guts shot out dragging a wounded Marine from a firefight. But W didn't even actually fulfill his Guard obligation. I have never been either a Republican or a Democrat, never identified with either party since I was old enough to vote. They're both BS. I think we already discussed the film "The Panama Deception."


Because this a material cause, both sides of the issue will blow useless hot air and spin every story mercilessly. The only solution, as mahak says, is Truth, and the ultimate Truth in this age is harinama sankirtana. The rest, left or right, is bullpucky. Sorry if I offend.

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Did you guys hear? Chelsea Clinton all of 22 years of age has landed a job with McKinsey & Co. earning $120,000 per year. Not bad. What is that 3 or 4 times the average salary of a regular American. But of course she EARNED it. Its not because Artillery Hillary who voted for the war is a United States Senator. Perhaps Chelsea should give up this sweetheart deal and sign up for the war in Iraq. After all this would be a great symbol that the Clintons are prepared to put their children in harms way. After all whats good for the Bushes is good for the Clintons.

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When it comes to politics these days almost every one lies. So, we should never be sad of something as this "lie". However, United States of America still represents the freedom for people, but if you say it is dead because it is going to war, well let me tell you something. It was dead the time it annihilated the native american tribe population. It was dead when it first attacked cuba, and it is dead every single time it went to war because it killed many people in those wars. So, if you say america was a great nation trying to do various beautiful things in the world and it is going bad now, you are wrong. It was bad and it is bad now. However, if you say america was always good and it is still good now, then you are right because it represented Freedom for people before and it still does in the hearts of many.


I came to america about 5 years ago, i was like in 7th grade then. I didn't like it very much the first year because the people were very ignorant, but I also realized this wonderful truth, that they are all human. We are all human and there is no difference in India, America or Britain. Some people are good and some are bad, deal with it.

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Babhru, sorry your point is still too weak. People like to raise the issue that the Kings of yore lead the charge. Maybe. It is at least a strong romantic vision.


Even if that was always the case, what king would have sent his daughters to the battlefield? And what say did the common swordsman have in when to fight or not?


Besides one of the basic principles of this democracy is that the military is to be run by a separate civilian power.



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theist: Babhru, sorry your point is still too weak. People like to raise the issue that the Kings of yore lead the charge. Maybe. It is at least a strong romantic vision.


Babhru: It was made facetiously.


My real point is that these aren't respectable men. They're not real leaders.


We're involved, so let's do it right and get out. After all, nothing we do will ever convince the ideologues there that this isn't a war against Islam, especially with the way the civilian deaths are starting to pile up.

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But the head shi'a cleric was on Tv today saying that Saddam s thugs were the ones who forced the incidents at the checkpoints. They held family members under the threat of death and forced this man to drive a car full of woman and children to drive through a checkpoint without stopping knowing they would be shot. Coming from us that wouldn't go far but from the cleric it might.


But you are probably right as today Saddams men took over this ancient mosque were Muhammud's son-in-law is I think buried and are shooting out of it. The coalition won't return fire but one wonders why no outrage from the Muslim hoards over that violation.


Bad press coverage? Innate racism? Who knows.

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I would like to know why in this land of milk and honey the girls and minorities have to go in the military because "the army offered them the best deal"?. This was said by the father of the Lynch girl before they knew she was still alive. Why are there 37,000 so-called green card troops serving in the United States military, many of them already dead, fighting for a country that they can't call theirs?


Most of the recruits join the service for education benefits, job security and citizenship.


President Bush issued an order permitting green card holders who are in active duty to inmediately apply for citizenship, waiving the usual three-year waiting time.

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No one forced them to join. This was their choice to enlist. This is not like Iraq where you are dragged out of your house and threatened with your life if you do not join the military and die.



I would like to know why in this land of milk and honey the girls and minorities have to go in the military because "the army offered them the best deal"?. This was said by the father of the Lynch girl before they knew she was still alive. Why are there 37,000 so-called green card troops serving in the United States military, many of them already dead, fighting for a country that they can't call theirs?



This also was their choice. Everyone going into the military knows that if needed they will have to protect their country. They are trained to protect regardless of whether or not they have to utilize the training. Some are fortunate enough to serve their terms without any conflicts where they are needed.



Most of the recruits join the service for education benefits, job security and citizenship.




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theist: But the head shi'a cleric was on Tv today saying that Saddam s thugs were the ones who forced the incidents at the checkpoints. They held family members under the threat of death and forced this man to drive a car full of woman and children to drive through a checkpoint without stopping knowing they would be shot. Coming from us that wouldn't go far but from the cleric it might.


stone: First, wouldn't you expect a shi'a cleric to blame Saddam? The shi'a majority has been persecuted by the nominally-sunni minority for a long time. Second, I'm also including collateral damage from bombing in the cities. I know something about this, as I saw a lot of it in my work during the Vietnam conflict. Even these bombs today sometimes miss their mark. No matter how vociferously we explain our efforts to minimize injury to innocent civilians, each death and injury galvanizes Arab sentiment against the bug bully US. We'll be convinced of our victory, but much of the world won't buy it.

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theist: today Saddams men took over this ancient mosque were Muhammud's son-in-law is I think buried and are shooting out of it. The coalition won't return fire but one wonders why no outrage from the Muslim hoards over that violation.


stone: I think you mean hordes, not hoards. This is an intersting word choice; do we have American hordes, or Republican hordes, or is it only "they" who are hordes? The question you're really asking, I think, is why we never hear any outrage from Muslims around the world. It's a good question. The answer may be all of what you suggested, and/or more. On this point we have the high ground, so far. I'm glad I don't have to make any of these decisions and that I'm not on the line. (Remember? I joined the Navy to avoid becoming cannon fodder.)

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Freedom? Our freedom was back on the farm.


If you don't help the corporate suits rape the public you won't be blessed with the bones they throw you. So it will be hard for you to survive.


Are you free just to just say no? Where will you go? What will you do? Can you survive in nature without the artificial support of the rich? Do you have survival skills our ancestors did? Can you live without tv and movies?


Even the so-called freedom we know is rapidly disappearing. Most people find it hard to maintain a house - along with other bills - and spend time with the kids. What to speak of spending money on those various freedoms you think are so great.


The capitalists suits are soaking up everyone's energy and giving less in return all the time. Everyone knows the poor have very few options or freedom. Well, how many poor you think are created in America and around the world everyday by the hypocritic policies of the rich and their political partners in crime?


Government and business can do practically anything without any accountability. You and I? Well, there's a double standard there, now isn't there?


You are being watched by satellites, small planes over the cities, many unmarked vehicles and spys walking the streets, wire-tapping, and even the people you know.


All this goes on unnoticed by people in general, but it is real. Freedom? You disagree with business or the government and you'll find out how much freedom you have. "You'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes." -quote from The Matrix



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if they don't buy it. They are determined to hate us for a myriad of different reasons. I am beyond giving a _hit frankly.


Have you every seen that show Cops on TV? Not too classy but it gives an interesting view of life. Common is the scene where the cops are called to a domesticate disturbance. The husband is drunk inside the house and beating the wife. The cops have to go in to stop him and haul him out into the street. Naturally he fights and creates a scene and the whole neighborhood comes out. they see the cops on top of the fool and placing handcuffs on him. the neighbors are yelling "leave him alonemind your businessget you ass out of our neighborhood etc." That's how I see the Arabs. Where have they been while Saddam has been running his torturous regime all these years? Where is their outrage on behalf of his victims?


Maybe we will have all the jihadists and other fanatics come out and fight. The tension is there and after they have been killed the world may have a little peace. For a while anyway until the karma builds back up.


I have to get this off my chest. The people that spend so much time criticizing the US in the face of Saddam's abuses really piss me off. Sorry,but at least that was the censored version.

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